Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Tuesday, I feel trapped in the shop

     It has just been so busy here that it is almost impossible to get away.  I was at my machines from 11:00 until 4:00, then I tried to leave to go help my sister and bride came and I had to turn around.  Then I left again and another man came.  I  sometimes want to get out of here for and hour and I can't.  Whine, whine.  Ignore me I need the work.

     Today I am going to clean my desk and set up a budget system for the house.  The studio will go into the new owners name on the first and I need to get my act together.  This summer has been so chaotic that I have been blowing the money right and left.  I need to concentrate  and get my act together.  Not having the studio will really reduce my bookwork and bill paying.  Just the peace of mind will be nice.

     I am going to set down at the first of the month and pay everything for the house and stop running and paying when it is due.  Just too frustrating and then I am late because I just don't get to it or I forget.  I am never late on bills I will get a charge on however.  I have learned that lesson.  The hard way, over and over.  I was a slow learner.

     So I am off to get something done.

Have a great and productive day!
