Friday, May 5, 2017

Friday, Reality check...

     Hub's family is going through some real trials right now and it has caused me to have a reality check.  One of his first cousins who is my age was killed in a skiing accident in Utah.  He broke his neck and was found by other skiers.  So sad as he leaves behind a wife and 4 daughters.  The daughters are grown.  I remember attending their wedding.  I just feel so bad for the girls and my Aunt who lost her youngest son.  No one expects to outlive their children.

     One the same day Hub's sister who lives on a ranch in southern Idaho, had her grandson (who also lives on the ranch) get hit by a car.  He is going to be okay, but a 5 year old and a car don't match up very well and we are so lucky he is alive.  Those country roads with the deep ditches on either side are a great hiding place for animals to hop out on the road and obviously a little boy chasing a ball does not look when he pops out of the ditch.  The whole family is shook up right now.

     Mom and dad will not be attending the funeral although Hub's offered to go down and drive them into Salt Lake.  Hubs is really busy right now with the High School and his quartet group getting ready for June weddings.  He would be missing rehearsals and work and the High School has no replacement.  But he was willing and that is what counts to them. Hubs mom turned 89 yesterday and his dad will turn 89 next October, they will also be married 70 years this next April.  We will be planning a big old party.

     Just having these things happen when I am so busy makes me realize life in short and I really don't have any problems.  I am too busy right now, but this will pass.  I am grateful for the work, and my health (what I have), my family, my friends, my Father in Heaven and his son.  Just grateful for all my blessings, You among them!

     I am down to the wire today on dresses and costumes.  One more dress for tomorrow and many more costume things.  I have a list and I am ticking it off.  In the mean time I have 8 wedding dresses that are all due out before June and a pile of alterations that is beyond, beyond.  So next week will be crazy also.  However the proms will be over and I won't be working on those things.

     I am super stressed right now, but I keep telling myself, I can do hard things, and I am grateful, and I need to concentrate on my blessings.

Have a great and productive day.



  1. Oh my. You do have a lot on your plate. Continue focusing on the good and you'll be just fine.

    1. Yeah that is what I am doing, as throwing myself into despair won't help at all.

  2. Oh my dear friend.... hugs. Dear God - please give Your strength and comfort to Kim and her family. Amen.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about your family tragedies. I'll be sending good thoughts for a healthy & peaceful weekend.

    1. Thank you. Life is short and you just never know, but we are strong.

  4. So sorry for the family issues. Wishing you and your family peace.

    1. It is just so sad I think about my deceased cousins wife and daughters constantly. His funeral is on Monday. We are a strong family and we will get through this.
