Friday, January 5, 2024

Friday! What happened to yesterday?

 I was so busy yesterday, between clients, and Kelsa, I was always running behind.

The shop was so busy, and I have never been this busy in January before.  IT is crazy.  January has always been so slow and then by February I am panicking. Not this year.  And of course, because I am me, I want it slower.  Always what I don't have....

I have a wedding dress to finish today, and I just had a few custom pieces picked up.  I need to hem stacks of pants.

William has started Hockey, and he is on a team, and we have a tournament this weekend, so lots of ice rinks in my future. My daughter even bought me a sweatshirt that says Gramscicle.  That is a grandmother who sits at the hockey rink. Or better yet chases Kelsa all over the hockey rink.  We will see.

In between clients when Kelsa was being Kelsa, I did take down the Master bath and get the Christmas linens off the beds.  The house is still a mess, but getting more Christmas put away everyday helps.  I think the last of it will be done this weekend.

I was trying to get a blog post up and then when I got to the computer this morning here I had not even posted.  Then I remembered just how busy I was, and it got left in the shuffle. 

My girlfriend called me as she had locked herself out of her house.  It was 44 degrees out and she was out in shirt sleeves. I put Kelsa in her car seat and was just about to start driving and she had to go potty..... So out of the car seat and into the house.  I turned the heat up in the car full force to warm it up for my friend as I knew she would be shivering.  Back into car seat and over to house.  We tried to jimmy door with tools, no worky.  But she did have a dog door that I thought I could squeeze through.  After a struggle and scraped knuckles, I finally got it open and crawled through. Quite the experience. Another brother from our church showed up to help and then watched me crawl through the dog door.  The stories they must tell in men's group. Anyway, crisis averted, and the car was so warm Kelsa fell asleep as soon as she got home!!!!! I was able to get some things done before I ran out of steam.

So Kim is going to sew, and then spend the Friday and Saturday, watching 7 years olds figure out which end of the ice rink is theirs.



  1. That age group is so cute when they play, as I remember from when my boys were that age. You will enjoy watching them.
    You must be awfully tiny to crawl through a dog door. Hope the knuckles heal quickly.

    God bless.

  2. Maybe she can give you a key for next time. There was a point where I had to put my son through the window all the time to get back in. Now that Kelsa knows what dog doors are for, either she will be an escape artist or a burglar.

    1. I guess we could have sent her through if I didn't fit.

  3. Oh, that's a photo I'd like to see....your rear end sitting out of a doggy door. lol

  4. Lawd have mercy, you do have adventures… lol. Cindy in the South

  5. Did your friend take pictures? Curious minds want to know!

  6. I am exhausted just reading all that you achieve. I was laughing at you crawling through the dog door - sorry Kim. xx

  7. You totally get The Best Friend award for that, my friend! Hugs!

    1. Yeah just how many people will crawl through a dog door for you.

  8. I really enjoyed visualizing you crawling through the dog door. I'm sure you were fabulous!
