Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Wednesday, 2024 Goals, *splat*

 Sent this to my sisters, they deserved it. I have so much to do and I am not doing any of it quickly.

I have Kelsa tonight and have to take her to dance lessons this afternoon.  We have tea parties and play, and I get nothing done.  But I play very well.

I gained 5 pounds over the holidays. Shhhh, don't tell Sissie, she will lambast me. But the cookies and candies were great.

So happy to hear from so many of you, I do miss you and I am so very grateful for everyone that has stuck by me through this awful mess I call my life.  

I was so excited to see the SAM had started a new blog, I hope that Hilogene, SAM and I can all heal through our trauma and loss. Because it is trauma.

I had so many goals last year and not one of them was posted.  I was lucky to get by day to day. I just so remember all the things I had written down in a journal while we were on our cruise.  I got home and I don't even know what happened to the notebook.

Anyway: Here is to 2024!  A better year, because it just has to be.


1. read scriptures everyday

2. attend Temple once a month

3. start an exercise program and do 5 days a week. I really fell off last year, just not enough energy or will, and I am so weak it is scary. I am 2 days in and so sore.

4. Pay an extra $1000 a month on home equity loan.

5. Pay cash for all travel

6. save all my $5.00 bills.  I have $1515.00 saved already for Hawaii trip.

7. save all my spare change.  This will take a hit with no more going to Mcd's almost every day.

8. Keep the saving charts I used to but got away from last year, when my brain refused to work

9. I was thinking of saving all my tips in a jar.  I do get tips several times a month but need to put this into action.

10. Learn to play pickle ball

11. Get out more.

That is enough and I think these will be easily done. But I will have to work hard.

Did you people have any goals for the year? If so what will be your hardest one to keep?

I think mine will be the exercise, as I have grandkids so much and they keep me at home. We will see.

I have to get to work now.....



  1. Start up an exercise routine at home with kids. Baking cookies is not exercise unless you are baking the hard way.

    1. I did exersice with Kelsa last night and she loved it.

  2. Very impressive to have already saved up that much for the Hawaiian trip! Also impressive payment on the home equity loan! Cindy in the South

  3. You are stronger than you believe and surrounded by love. Grieving is hard work but you must know that Joel will never be forgotten because he was so well loved. Laughter is healing, and tea parties with Kelsa makes everything better. You are doing fine. xo

  4. Items 3 and 10 can be combined - pickle ball is exercise (and lots of fun).

  5. Hi Kim, good work on a goals list. As I said yesterday I did mine and found the pressure too much (LOL), so I put the list away and decided I would attempt to do three things a day, eat properly, exercise and study the Bible. Have failed the daily exercise part but at least I go to the gym three times a week, and that may be all I can do. I am still doing renovation, tile is arriving today at the condo, and due to be installed next week. Window blinds get installed Friday. So maybe I will get my furniture out of storage in two weeks and have more than one chair to sit in ;). I plan to milk this renovation for all its worth, in terms of delaying exercise and other tasks…but by the end of January I think my excuses are done. I did plan three summer vacations so that should be a lovely break. Take care, and best wishes for a good year, hilogene in Az.

    1. Isn't it funny how we can just come up with these excuses!

  6. You are doing better than you give yourself credit for. Live, laugh, and love - that is a good formula for life. Take care.

  7. I'm all for letting Kelsa tea patties be a distraction. The days are long, but it's after 6 I struggle until bed time. I should get more done during those hours but currently blaming my indifference on Covid fatigue.

    1. You know I do too. Too much NEtflix hopefully when it isn't getting dark at 5 that will help

  8. I really like your list. I think like you I will have more trouble with the exercise portion of my list and the drinking more water.

    God bless.

  9. Impressive list! I think this year I just want to laugh a lot more

  10. I am working on better money and spending habits - also hoping to keep going to the gym twice a week and change my eating habits as well.

    1. All good things. and then there is actually doing them... *splat*

  11. One of my goals is to lose 25 lbs, so the health aspect will be hard for me.

    1. You can do it, you have done much harder things my dear.

  12. I think you could add being kind to yourself to your list ? My husband Tony died on March 25th 2023. Writing that results in weeping . I find people are eager to give advice on “ how to grieve “ , but are less tolerant of the exhaustion that bereavement brings . My brother in law asked me just before Christmas whether I was “ over things “ yet.

    We haven’t spoken since . So what you can when you can .
    Siobhan x

    1. Wow, I so agree. My sisters are like, I will give you a year... they are not seriuos but really?

  13. Due to having to take RMD from inherited IRA (thank you IRS) from Daddy, I am putting the entire amount on our mortgage. Won't pay it off but will cut several years off that debt. Not the first time Daddy put the roof over my head LOL.

    I am going to be canning more meat and freezing less of it. Maybe get rid on one of the refrigerators (we have 3 French doors frigs and YES I use all 3).

    We want to have 18 cords of wood on site. That would take care of us for 2 yrs. Hubby worried about us not having enough wood when he had his heart attack and hadn't finished cutting the wood for this year. I bought enough to get us through for a couple months. Amish next door finally got his own wood cut THIS WEEK. His wife just had their 11th child.

  14. That is very wise of you. Can hubby still get wood?
