Monday, January 8, 2024

Monday, So blasted tired.


Just could not sleep last night.  Nothing is worse than insomnia in my book.  I have so much to do, and I am just dragging.

Lil sis came over this morning and cut about 6 inches off my hair and it so needed it.  My year of mourning and not cutting my hair is over.

Kelsa is here and making messes as fast as she can.  I always say to her don't make a mess and she says ,"Okay."  Then comes to me and say, "Granma, I make mess."

Eldest called and I have to come up with 1200.00 to fix her car bumper.  Oh well it could have been worse.  I am going there on the 22 to watch boys for a few days, as she has a huge trial and Paulk is out of town.  I told her I would just bring her cash. Remember the family Mantra was no one died....

I am going to start out with hemming as many pairs of pants in this shop as I can. I think there are at least 15 pair and a few piles of other goodies.   Also have two bridesmaids to get done and a wedding dress before I can even start on a special project that is due out on Friday. Eeek!

Of course after Christmas I have a huge pile of little person clothes to alter, and you all know how i love those.

I am blessed by work.  Just keep telling myself that.



  1. Insomnia is the absolute worst. Hope you can sleep tonight.

    God bless.

  2. So, what did you do to her car? I don't remember this. Surely, you have car insurance. Or not?

    I understand the insomnia dilemma. I slept 2.5 hours last night. Insomnia is the worst.

    I always encouraged my children to tell me if they made a mess, so I could get it up before it spread. AND, I praised them for telling me about a mess.

    You will have to keep sewing to pay for Diet Cokes.

    1. Yes I do but if it is not much over deductible I will just pay to keep rates low.

  3. I had 2 nights last week that were bad for sleeping. Never did figure out why. I hate that. But you I get more done the day after not sleeping that when I get a good nights rest.
    Your work is a blessing - you can say yay or nay - nice way to pay for the unexpected

  4. I can sleep 8 to 10 hours and still be tired this time of year. I wish we could truly hibernate in the winter like some of the animals. continues regardless of the season. I hope you have a good week.

    1. I think you and I just need the sun to keep us going!

  5. Yes but at my age if it is not much over deductible I would rather pay than have my rates go up!

  6. I understand about the increased insurance rates vs. paying out of pocket, but it would depend on the increase to decide which way I would go.
    Get some rest, even if sleep will not come (or stay). Insomnia sucks.

  7. We are the family of dented redneck vehicles. We hit each other’s cars all the time (even when new) and never claim it on insurance bc rates will go up considering how often it happens. Also, we never fix the dents nor pay for it when it involves our catywampus kids. We also pass our vehicles around to each other since on the same insurance. Of course, considering all the times we have actually totaled cars involving a deer, and the near misses with deer, which happened once last week ( I swear it appeared and dove across the road before I could brake, literally inches from my car and I was less than a mile from work.) I guess we are lucky to all still be alive! You are right, no one died is a good motto. Cindy in the South

  8. We have one kid NO ONE will park near and someone will always move her car for her when she goes to leave. She just had another accident and we are willing to bet she will lose her lisence permenantly now... and SHOULD lose it, I don't know why they didn't take it away from her last year.

    I am lucky if I get 5 hrs sleep a day and most times it's not at one time.
    Charlotte is bothered by the high winds so it's worse right now. I'm up during the night so Hubby can sleep (LOL and he worked 3rd for over 30 yrs).
