Friday, November 11, 2016

Friday, dressed in overalls

     Happy Veterans day, and grateful to all the Vets who protected this country and the world.  Grateful to the ones that still do.  A shout out for them.

     Yes true to my word I am not even going into the shop today unless someone needs to pick up or drop off.  I am outside!

     It was dark by the time I was done inside yesterday.  So I am not going to get pulled into work.  The shop has been slow and steady this week and I am actually catching up on work.  Which is nice.  Every once in a while I actually find myself out of work, but I am usually bombed immediately after I think I have nothing to do.

     Took mom to get her tooth yesterday.  Then she lost her glasses this morning and had me up at 6:30 looking for them.  She did not need to be up that early but she was and I am stumbling around trying to get myself focuses.  I ma not a MORNING person.  I also had to look for her glasses yesterday for 20 minutes.  This morning I was sure they were gone.  She just takes things off and flings them where ever.  Her room is an organized pigsty with every possible place filled with crap.

     ARGHHHHH!  Well Sis took her to Missoula this weekend and I need a few days to just be.

     Our daughter and grandson are coming this weekend so I am excited.  I just want to get outside and play in the dirt!

Have a great and productive day.



  1. Oh I so hope you actually get to dig in the dirt today!

    1. I did get out and created havoc all over the yard it was wonderful! I love to get outside and I need to do it more.

  2. Enjoy your weekend with the grandkids! Sounds fabulous.

    1. Will is so cut he crab crawls so fast the minute your head is turned. He has auburn red hair and looks just like his mommy.

  3. At this time of the year, you have to be up and out early to catch any sunshine!

    1. Yeah I was out by 11:00 and worked until 3:30 very sore yesterday but a nice kind of sore.

  4. Wow... I would love some days when I could just be!!!
