Monday, November 7, 2016

Monday, Where do I begin?

    Friday evening and we are off to Mom's church bazaar, it was not as well attended as last year. I overheard gossip about how beautiful her things were.  Her three cakes that they allowed her to bring in all sold for more than anything else combined.  We had fun came home and gossiped about it for a while.

     Hub's insisted on getting his flue and pneumonia shots and then proceeded to get very sick.  Like high fever delirious sick.  He did not go to church on Sunday and he never misses church.  Today he is between sick and lazy.  So I don't know what to expect.

     I went to the photo shoot on Saturday and yes we were short two pairs of black velvet pants, but we just had kids trade and stand in the back.  I slept late, before the shoot and then came home for a nap which of course drove Hub's crazy as I am not allowed to rest.  I must be up and functioning at all times.  We took mom out to dinner and she complained the whole way but loved what I ordered for her. I noticed that she did not have her tooth.  This is her new one that she got when we were in D.C. as she had lost her other one. Well we dropped her off at the house and went out to do a little shopping when we got home, she was crying and had torn her room apart.  No tooth.  I tore her room apart no tooth.  Sis came over yesterday and tore her room apart no tooth.  She is beside herself and so depressed.

     As the dentist goes to my church I ordered her a new one yesterday.  So now I will watch her like a hawk.  Well at least I will watch her tooth.

     It is always something around here.  I have many pairs of pants to do today so I had better get busy.

Just wanted you to know that I can save money. I did a sudo Sluggy as my sis and I call it.  I went to Albertsons because they had whole chickens on sale for 78. cents a lb  not the old .69 but I will take .78 as the new low.  Anyway I had two coupon for $2.00 off criso oil and any kind of crisco margarine.  I love the sticks but refuse to buy them at the cost.  Well if you bought so many of the oil you got back $5.00.  I am not sure exactly how it works as I am not nearly as bright as the  Slugster.  I found more oils with the $2.00 off coupon so of course I looked for all of those.  See I can learn from the best.

     To make this a shorter story as mom wants her breakfast,  I paid $26.02
2 large chickens reg about 9.00
5 oil 48 oz. reg 4.99
5 packages of crisco sticks reg 4.49
1/2 gallon of milk reg price 1.89

I am learning.  Now if I could just keep an eye on mom's tooth.

Have a great and productive day!



  1. Super bargains!
    I love reading your blog. There is something about solidarity I think! We lose "ear rings" (What Mom calls her hearing aids) and inhalers here.

    1. I can't wait for mom to get hearing aids when she does I am outa here......

  2. I get exhausted reading what you do every day! You are amazing and deal really well with your situation.

    1. Well thank you I am exhausted also, glad you can't see what goes on in my head:)

  3. I didn't know I was a verb in your house....lolz Get a homing device in that next tooth!

    1. Really I have thought about it. We microchip dogs. Why not a tooth. I am beyond frustrated.


  4. Can the tooth be attached permanently with wires or glue? Are they cheaper by the dozen?

    1. I am checking, but she is such a baby will not stand any discomfort.

    2. I hate to sound mean, but give her two choices--affix it permanently or do without the tooth!

  5. Good luck finding the tooth!!! Crazy...
    And hope your hubs feels better and you get a chance to sit and relax for a bit.

    1. My Hub's does nothing but sit and relax unless I am threatening him.
