Monday, June 12, 2017

Monday, brotherly love....not

     The show was  huge success and I am so happy about that.  I so wanted the new owner to have full possession of the studios reputation for putting on a great performance.  I tried hard to stay in the background and let her do her thing.  She did it very well and I am proud and happy.  Anyone can be replaced and I feel that the parents realize that now and I can slowly back out.

     It was a crazy week last week with all the rehearsals, my house is a wreck, the shop is a wreck, my life however is something wonderful!  I don't have to worry about going anywhere in the evening.  Yeah!  My best work hours will not be interrupted.  I feel free and the real feelings have not even surfaced.

     My bum brother has been at mom almost constantly for the past two months.  He does not have her cell # so has to go through me.  His texts, messages and what ever he can get me to read or listen too are all different lies and stories, each on is believable and each one is different.  I just do not answer any phone call from a Nevada prefix.  He calls about1 or 2 times a day.  So on Friday morning I get this crazy text about how he is in California, and his friend (Dave) is helping him.  Yeah let's see how long that will last. But he needs...... some convoluted story.  I do not read this message until after dress rehearsal as I am on phone silence back stage.

     I also received three back to back phone calls from a 702 prefix.  He also left messages on my voicemail, something he has not done for several weeks.  Well he is desperate and in some kind of trouble or really strung out as each message became worse and worse.  He needed moms number,  He needed mom to call him.

     Mom's health has taken a serious turn for the worse since her last fall.  I was so afraid she would end up in the hospital during the weekend recital.  I ACTUALLY TOOK HER WITH TO DRESS REHEARSAL.  I did not want her home alone.  Brother could actually take mom down with worry, so I purposely am keeping them apart.  My sisters agree that this is the right thing.

     By the time I got home and was finally able to read the messages and listen, it was a very scary situation.  His threats were awful and I told Hub's and called Lil sis, then we went down to police station and reported the calls.  I was at the court house at 9 Friday morning to get a protection order.  Funny as these are hard to get in the state of Idaho.  But as the police officers all know me, they took it very seriously.   My petition was whisked into the judges chambers within minutes and granted.  I also know all the judges. I am not a ding bat and my brother rap sheet is a mile high.  Now will he come here as he threatened?  I doubt it.  But is pays to be prepared.  My sister will also have to do this.  She gets  home today.  Mom already had a permanent order on him.  He was even calling and threatening me while I sat in the court room.  I had a total of 72  texts, 37 calls, and 5 voice messages.  All which were snap photoed to the police.  Since Friday morning I have heard nothing.

     He will try a different tactic to get moms number so I am keeping a close eye and ear on her calls.  She can't drive so she can't sneak off and get money for him.  Isn't my life swell?

     Last week was kind of a blur as far as saving money was concerned:    I did not cook Thursday- Saturday, it was fast food and snacks.

1.  Ate fast food on Thursday, Friday and Saturday but it was cheap ( McD's) does that count?
2. Spent $69.00 on groceries,  used coupons and bought on sale.  47% savings
3. The meals I did cook were all out of freezer and pantry
4. Stocked up on things for our camp out this Father's day weekend as they were on sale.
5. Ordered a big order of velcro and zippers from Wawak and saved a ton of money.
6. Picking salad greens and lots of strawberries.  Mom has a bowl almost every day.
7. mom is too weak to do much laundry so I am back to my 3 loads a week, which is really nice.  She will wash one sock.
8. throwing the cats outside as much as possible and they have cut way back on food and using the little box.  I hate that litter box and the use of it is way down.  Good litter is expensive.

I'm free. Free at Last!

Have a great and productive day!



  1. I am so sorry for you and your family that you are having to put up with threats and harassment from the brother. You might want to turn your mom's phone on silent just in case he manages to get her number, so you can delete any call or message he leaves. I have been drug into an extended family drama I have no part of and it just pisses me off.

    1. Families are forever, got to love them. Well some of them.

  2. Remember, orders of protection have been levied on people who are just angry or crazy enough and go ahead and hurt someone. I would keep all doors locked even when I was home. And, lock all car doors at home and at church and stores. Maybe the police can have a close patrol on your house, just to watch out for him on the roads, too.

    I am thrilled your show turned out well and your mother was not ill. So, the cats can fend for themselves? Works for me. When I free-ranged the hens, they needed less food.

    If somehow he does get your mother's number, give all messages, voice and text to police, also. You can also fix her phone where only certain messages go through to her and she can only call certain numbers...just as though she were six years old.

    Good luck with this new freedom you have. Happy sewing!

    1. I believe my brothers threats are just threats, but I will do this just in case.

  3. Congrats on the show and being able to now take a break from it. Can you block your brother's number on your phone? I think I'd just have to get myself a new cell# rather than deal with 72 texts and all those voicemails. Too much stress.

    1. Even if I get a new phone # I have a business and I have a web site, he will always have access to me. So I just have to be vigilant.

  4. By the way, with all you had to do, a whole week of McD's would have been justified.

  5. No one can blame you for eating out and eating out of the freezer during your busy show times. I am thrilled (as you must be) that you can start backing out of these productions and that they will still be in good hands. You can block your brother's numbers on your phone so that you don't receive calls and/or texts. If you haven't done that already. Enjoy your well earned freedom!

    1. He will just call from another phone, he is devious that way. Thanks for the well wishes.

  6. I'm so glad the show was a success! I'm sorry about your brother. I hope he grows up soon.

    1. Thank you that won't happen he is 55 years old and just as evil as ever.
