Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Wednesday, Over 1/2 way

       I am over half way through the week and still moving forward.  I have another big rehearsal tonight and it is the last one before dress on Friday.  We do have tech run through on Thursday  night.  I know that tonights rehearsal will go much better than Mondays.  I really talked to my older students last night about trying to make sure things run smoothly for the new owners sake.  They need to help her.  They will, because they are just good kids.

     I am enjoying the shop right now even though there is a lot to do.  I feel like I am through the over whelming part of the year, but I am still busy.  I really enjoy sewing when it is not nerve racking hard.  I like the feeling of accomplishment I get from completing a job no matter how small.  It is like a victory.  Many little victories throughout the day.  Silly but it works for me.

     Mom and I got her cookie dough made yesterday, so I will set her up to bake them this afternoon and maybe we will frost them this evening when I get home.  I have to keep mom occupied.

     Well I am off to conquer the world.  At least my little corner of the world.

Have a a great and productive day!



  1. Caesar the day!!!!!! I count small victories all the time, because my life is filled with minutiae.

    1. Like when you eat a cookie, then another, and another. Small victories.

  2. Little victories are AWESOME!!! Have a great day!

  3. I don't know if I considered finishing a sewing project as a victory. But, it was exhilarating to finish a large or small item.

  4. Great way to look at it! Hooray for being victorious!

    1. Yeah I have to talk myself up this week, as it is easy to be down.

  5. Sounds like you've got things under control! And you're sounding very positive - have a great day/week!

    1. Welcome back, can't wait to hear and see all about your latest adventure.
