Friday, September 15, 2023

Friday, Day off, NOT!

 Thought I would post J's bio at her studio.  Most of the time she scares me.  Scared by my own daughter?  Why yes, yes, I am.

I ended up with Kelsa today so not much done but having fun.  She is down for a nap, so I plan on sewing. I slept really late this morning and I so needed to sleep as the last two night were dismal.

Last night about 8:30 the missionaries stopped by with a couple of easy mending projects.  I had eaten Lucky charms for dinner, and they had a bowl.  Then one of them needed feminine hygiene, and yes, I had some even thought I have not used it in 15 years.  But I do have daughters that stop by regularly. (I should add sister missionaries)

They are only allowed to go to the store once a week, although I would think this would count as an emergency, but I ran and got a box of things and dropped them off at their apartment this morning, because that is what a mom's do.

Signe' wanted me to keep the kids Saturday night so her and Nate could sleep-in, but I have to play for choir, so that was out. Those two have awful schedules. I don't think either one of them get enough sleep. Shift work is always hard on people.  Now all the football games have started at the colleges and Nate is overtime all over the place.

I have a baby shower in the morning and then I think I will spend the rest of the day at Lil sis's pool. She will be closing it up in a few weeks and it is supposed to be 93 tomorrow.

What are your plans for the weekend?



  1. Your daughter is awesome! I was very boring, I worked in accounts payable department at the hospital when I started law school. Her college and low school job sounds much more fun… lol. I think she looks like you. Cindy in the South

    1. She really looks like her dad, but she has my wicked personality and black heart.

  2. Law… I need to proof read but I swear the “o” looked like an “a” to my ole eyes… lol. Cindy in the South

  3. Kim, you are correct in saying we are alike! Would you believe Lucky Charms is one of my go to dinners?!?! Have a wonderful weekend. Enjoy that pool!!!

  4. Ah this weekend, actually I am looking forward to it. Tomorrow, I am zooming into a symposium about WWII, not sure how it will all work out but I have high hopes. Worse case I can listen on my phone while I clean the condo ;). Your daughter’s bio should be subtitled…superwoman, holy cow, what a bio! And I agree with Cindy, she does look like you ;). Have a good weekend, Hilogene in Az.

  5. Your daughter gives EPIC side-eye! I bet she's an absolute pistol, in the courtroom and out.

  6. Pool weather will end. Enjoy as many days as you can. Sewing is an all-weather joy. Cute daughter. I keep feminine hygiene products and it has been 35 years since I needed any. No, these are not that old. I could not be a missionary if I could not get bananas two or three times a week.

  7. Your daughter looks like you!
    They are 'allowed' to go to the store once a week - disturbs me! "Allowed"? Why in the world can an adult not go when they have a need? Guess I don't understand that.
    Nice of you to help her out.
    Enjoy that pool - have a great one.

    1. I don't understand it either and I would ignore and go when I want. But that is me.

  8. I want to take a ballet class with your daughter, and then tap for fun afterwards.

  9. That’s ridiculous that missionaries are ordered to only go to a store once a week. How stupid.

    1. Full disclosure: I am not a Mormon, never will be, never would want to be. That said, your comment is very rude and insulting. Talk to a sister missionary, and ask why the rules are in place. I'm sure they'd be more than happy to tell you. Your beliefs are not the only valid beliefs.

    2. It’s not rude or insulting. It is in fact stupid to not allow shopping. Mormon or not. God is cool with two trips to the grocer. If that’s your thing.

    3. Further proof of your ignorance. Your perception of God is not the only valid perception. Some, in fact, don't believe in any God. Again, ask a sister missionary, or any Mormon, for that matter, why the guidelines for missionaries are in place. And stop calling them stupid.

    4. Sorry, Kim, but your anonymous troll really triggered me. Hey, Anonymous, speaking from the point of view of a Secular Humanist, whose dear friend is a Mormon, chew on this: Mormons CHOOSE to go on a Mission, and in the length of their mission, they agree to represent their church, and follow a strict set of rules related to appearance and behavior. These vary my mission. The men and women who choose to go on a mission know full well, prior to choosing to go on a Mission that their time is not their own for the duration of their mission. A good deal of the guidelines are put in for safety, some for time management, others to reflect the teachings of the church. Store visits represent the first two. And you are an intolerant troll. If you think it's stupid, don't go on a Mission. And don't join the Mormon church either. Again, I wouldn't. But don't insult them, least of all where I can see it. You don't have the market on belief.

    5. "Vary BY mission" not "my mission."

    6. You can be name calling all you wish and talk about god and secular and this and that. Do that all day.

      Bottom line: one shopping trip a week? When you need things?? Dumb.

    7. Bottom Line: Nobody's forcing them, or you, for that matter, to go on a Mission. They are well aware of the rules and why they exist long before they ever go. Calling it dumb is intolerant, and insulting to their faith.

    8. ALSO, Anonymous, the author of this blog has made it quite clear that she is a member of the LDS church. So, aside from showing your intolerance by deeming a practice in her faith that a select few in that faith follow by calling it "stupid," you are also being very unkind. Is your God cool with that?

    9. Hey thanks for the stand up MEG. I too think it is a pretty *****rule, and I would probably ignore it. But then I pushback on many things that I think are just a little too controlling, probably why I never get any leadership callings. But that is okay.

  10. Picking Hubby up at hospital, taking him to see his dad as his dad had cancerous tumor removed from bowel last week? Week before? I've lost track of everything. AND then coming home to a produce over flowing definitely needing cleaned home.

    Son 2 who is single has always kept a variety of feminine products under his sink. He used to have me send Midol and Pamprin when he was in Iraq.

  11. We went to the second hand bookstore and spent a few hours there, which we both love. My ex really liked Lucky Charms. If I do eat cereal it is usually in the evening like you did. 😊

  12. Me, well it is getting caught up on all the little tasks going on holiday seem to interfere with. Slowly catching up (probably should not have said that as I likely jinxed myself).

    God bless.
