Thursday, September 14, 2023

Thursday, First dance class!

 Grandma and Kelsa going to her first dance class, and I don't know who was more excited. She was 1/2 the size of most of the three-year-olds and one mother came up and asked point blank if she was three yet. Oh, great enemies right off the bat. Because we all know who is the cutest right?  RIGHT?

This is a religious dance studio, and they play Christian music. I am not apposed but it does get redundant. They ended her class by shouting Praise Jesus!  My daughter said the look on my face was priceless.  Not that I don't praise Jesus, I just do it more privately......

Both kids are here today so the house is a wreck, but it will clean up fast when they leave.

Did not get much sewing done yesterday, so will try today. 

I bit the inside of my front lip and now I can't seem to eat anything without biting it again.  So sore and swollen. Aggravating.



  1. You probably bit your lip fighting off the urge to punch that nosy woman! Next time, save your's worth more! LOL!

  2. Oh gees, those little girls are so cute! Thank you for that photos of them all, they are so tiny! I have turned biting my lip into a hobby…it is awful but I think of it as a diet aide ;). Hilogene in Az

  3. What was the point of confronting you? It is not like you brought a child too old and was getting away with something. My younger daughter started dance classes when she was 18 months old.
    Try to keep the lip against something cold. And quit biting it. I have done the same thing, and don't know how I do it.
    She is tiny. Can you watch her in class?

  4. So stinking tiny!!!! Oh goodness they are cute.

    1. And Funny. SHe had a little crown and I thought I needed one also.

  5. Cuteness overload!!
    I drew blood biting my lip, too. So annoying!! Then, because it’s swollen, i bite it several more times.

  6. Brings me back to my teaching days, but I refused to teach under 5, even though there was always that ONE mother who swore her 3 year old was ready, and our director would say "well, she can try,"--and always, it ended in that kid in tears. Even so, nobody's damn business what age my student is, except mine. Gah, how I despised some parents. And, the Evangelicals were the WORST. Also, I'm petite--always had to suffer through the "how old is she?" as if I wasn't even there. Fucksticks.

    1. My seven-year-old was in dance and I was the dance school secretary. The 18-month-old was there with me twice a week. The teacher asked me if I would put her in class and not charge me. She said she wondered what a child that age could do. My little one could not wear even the tiniest ballet slippers, so I had to gather the strings so that they looked sort of ridiculous. There were no tap shoes that small. So, I bought cheap little white shoes that had a buckle and had taps put on them at the shoe shop. One day the teacher said that she told them all to take their mark. When she came back, my child was the only one still on her mark with arms out. The rest were running about the room. She was the best-behaved child I had. She was always minding the person in charge. I never even hinted she could take classes. I am not that mother.

    2. Well, yes, I did invite, over the years, a few younger ones into an older classes, (pre-pointe) who belied their younger age. I always preferred that over an older one acting like a toddler, which also seemed to happen in pre-pointe. By and large, that was the both the worst/greatest class. There were those who were there because they wanted to do the work, wanted to come to class for 1.5 hours, 2/week, wanted to improve their technique and wanted to be challenged. Then there were the others who didn't understand what was expected of them at that stage, not willing to work, not willing to take critiques, and, frankly were really ready to quit dance altogether. I mostly ignored that group, and stopped bothering to correct technique for anything other than safety.

    3. Wow does this bring back memories. By the way Kelsa was by far the one that paid attention the most. She so wanted to go to class.

    4. Wanting to go to class is the biggest step, regardless of level. I take it you dealt with your fair share of pre-pointe/intro-pointe precious parents? ("Why aren't they en pointe, yet?" "I just bought her pointe shoes 6 months ago, why does she need to replace them already?" "Why aren't you teaching them a dance, she wants to dance, not learn random combinations." "'Carmen? 'You chose 'Carmen?'" My daughter wants to learn Ballet, not folk dance.") Need I continue?

  7. I laughed out loud about your daughter’s comment regarding the look on your face… lol. Cindy in the South

    1. Can you imagine someone doing that in Sacrament, I mean other than Brother Thorsen but we all know he has the Alzheimer's.

  8. Replies
    1. I know I just want to bite her, but people ask questions.

  9. She is so cute! I am like you. I praise Jesus but I prefer to do it quietly to myself.

  10. She is just adorable! I am mentally singing Elton John's "Tiny Dancer" while I look at the photos. Both you and she are so lucky to be a part of each other's lives on a regular basis.

    1. Sorry Anne again. I have got to get this posting comments issue figured out!

    2. Happy birthday wish I was there to celebrate. Parents get to go in at the the end and dance and I tried not to take center stage but it was so hard. You would have been proud of me.

  11. Not sure where to start. My mother always hated the religious activity schools (dance, gymnastics, she was alright with scout)that crop up. She said Jesus is for home and church because so many get it wrong. I think she really meant she wanted family influence over religion, but I can't ask.
    As for dance class at a young age, when she was young A2 went to dance for a few years and at some point decided she didn't really want to go because they "didn't do anything." I figured out it was because of a mixed class 3-5 year old's and with 1 teacher and 6 to 10 kids it was a bit of a mess. So I taught her about not quitting during the class and rethinking joining after the term was over. We then moved her to a different school, and she never became a star but that wasn't really the goal.
    Lastly sometimes parents are just rude and social misfits. Trying to make small talk, and getting themselves in trouble. By high school marching band I just started assuming people didn't have a respectful thought in their head, and what they said had nothing to do with me. Oh the stories I could tell.

    1. And K is too cute. I love them in their dance costumes at that age.

    2. Oh Amy, you and I need to sit together.

  12. The tiny ones ARE the cutest! This brought back so many memories of my granddaughter Layla going to dance when she was a tiny little slip of a girl. She tried T-Ball because her big brother was into baseball and very good at it. After just one game, she decided that standing in a field sweating was not her thing! Dance was, though and she won many competitions and scholarships, was on her highschool dance team as a freshman (only one) and then college as well. Now she teaches dance part-time at her old dance studio while she finishes her studies. This could be the beginning of a career for you granddaughter! I am just a little proud of my Layla who has never been OFF the dean's list.

  13. Awww, so cute in her dance outfit. I hope that Kelsa enjoyed the class.

    God bless.
