Friday, April 11, 2014

Friday, Happy Anniversary!

     Today is hub's and my 35 Wedding Anniversary!  35 years and I have not killed him!  It truly is a miracle.  Haven't made any plans yet, but I am sure we will think of something later.  I have many plans for today.  I need to finish up in the shop and then I am going to attack the house and laundry.  I have a photo shoot at the studio about 5 and then I am free for the weekend.  Well as free as I can be without a hundred things I want to do.

     Right after I get caught up in the shop today I am going to clean my desk and get  the totals for last month to post and then set up a budget for the month to pay bills.  My books and finances are such a mess right now.  Money needs to be paid back to accounts and balances posted. Blah!

     What I really want to do is get outside and roll around in the dirt, but I will save that for tomorrow.  This is really hard for me as I have no discipline.  When the sun shines I am dragged outside by fairies I swear....

So I feel a list coming on.  A list always draws me back to reality.

1. find phone  (found)
2. hem six pairs of pants  (actually it was 9 pairs)
3. take in waist on two pairs of pants ( It is now 12:30) 
4.take clean laundry upstairs
5. put away laundry and carry dirty down stairs
6. start laundry
7. clean master bedroom/change sheets
8 clean master bath (It is 2:30 and I have had lots of interruptions, I want a nap)
9. put new sheets on guest room upstairs
10. straighten and wipe down guest bath
11. Go through kitchen and dining area and put things away
12. straighten front room and take costume boxes down to shop hall
     (Okay it is 3:30, I fed and watered the chicks and cleaned out their coop and put down new bedding)
     ( I found some chicken breasts that needed to be cooked while cleaning up kitchen and I put them in
       crock-pot with onion, celery, garlic, and carrots?)
13. clean and straighten guest room downstairs
14. clean and straighten guest bath downstairs
15. clean and straighten family room
16. get desk organized
17. pay bills
18. set up accounts for the month after all it is only the 11th!
19.  Get photo shoot ready at studio!

I know this seems long, but my house is just a little Topsy turvy and I will whip it out in a few hours then I can play.  Yippee!

Out My Window: Sunshine, beauty, flowers, smells, warm earth, just good stuff!

Have a great and productive day and I hope to get my list done, I really need a cheering section bad....



  1. Congratulations! That is so wonderful to be together for a long time. It is beautiful really.

    Enjoy your weekend - relax and have some fun!

  2. Congrats on being together so long and congrats to your Hubs for still remaining alive...lolz

  3. Happy Anniversary! I think you should BOTH go roll in the dirt to celebrate!

  4. Oh, that's so neat. That's 5 more years than my parents. Many congrats to you both! I hope there's a dinner coming up soon.
