Thursday, December 3, 2015

Thursday, Mom not coming?

     I was due to pick mom up at the airport this afternoon and her flight was cancelled.  I am somewhat relieved as my house is a mess and I really don't have time to give her any attention.  I miss her and want her back but I can wait until tomorrow.

     Rehearsal last night was good, only one blow up with Ballet mistress.  She was over here last night uninvited having a break down, crying, what a mess.  I know she is just nervous about things I have asked her to change and she has unwilling to work with me.  So stubborn now she is seeing the results of her wishes.  But we can fix everything she just has to listen.

     I have a few costumes to fix today and I have to put together a treat table and a hair and sewing kit.  Just  so much to do, but it will get done.

     I was able to get all the military jackets done last night and I have one pair of pants to do for dress blues.  This is tearing apart the pants and putting the gold stripe down the side. Really a tough job.  Still have one set of BDU's and 4 pairs of mortician pants and then one ball gown to alter, everything else will have to wait.

     I am going to steam every thing so I can take the steamer down to the theater.  Dress rehearsals are always such a mess.

Have a great and productive day!


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