Friday, April 1, 2016

Friday, this is a financial blog right?

       Finances, am I avoiding them?  Well probably... as I love to avoid things that bother me.  I really have not tried to get on an even keel since Hub's retired for many reasons.

1.  He was still paid by the state until the end of January due to time owed.
2. February was a bust due to the state taking a large sum of money back that they were supposed to take from a retirement saving so no retirement check in February and only$267.00 from the feds don't ask me why.
3.  So March was reaching for status quote.
4. Just figuring what is really going in and when?
5.  How do I implement the studio back into my finances after assuming that is was going to go non-profit?

     Now I have to be a big girl and do(due) all of these things.  Damn I hate responsibility.  I am so much better at the airhead thing. As today is the 1st, Happy April Fool's day ( all men can shine, snark!) I need to pay some bills and get things in order.

    Trying to pay off some smaller bills that have accumulated her and I have been quite successful so far.  My next real big bill is the smaller studio loan.  That will be paid back by the end of the dance year.  I feel pretty positive and I am making progress.

     So today, besides sewing, cleaning flower beds, cleaning house ( which I started last night) I am going to get my desk cleaned up and pay bills.  I am looking for a bill to pay off.  Which will I choose?

Okay mom needs breakfast.

Have a great and productive day!


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