I sewed all day yesterday and had many drop off and pick up. I did manage to get 4 prom dresses hemmed or altered and also had 4 more come in. So it is like I made no progress. I kept thinking I would be able to get out of the house for a while but that did not happen either. Before you knew it the baby was here and he was so good last night.
Our great nephew/cousin is three and was not happy about getting left by mom and dad again but he was soon entertained by the cats and the chickens and the dog. He played happily with our toys and then fell asleep on the floor.He was much easier to care for than the littles.
I did manage to sneak out to the bank for 20 minutes and put another $1000.00 on our mortgage. It was the second to the last day of the month and I was loath not to make my goal. It has been very hard to squirrel away money this month with all the extra expenses. I feel a major blessing here in being able to get this done.
The furnace repairman came about 2 o'clock yesterday and it was a broken igniter. He also found a spider and and heavy web in one of the gas spigots which was hardly burning. SO it was a $150.30 bill and I felt blessed as the furnace is 20 years old this year. I do not want to have to replace a furnace right now. But again one more bill on top of Hub's hearing aids and other things that we had to have.
Well I don't have to tell you what I will be doing today. I do need to call my brides as I don't think those will get done this week if today runs like tomorrow did. We will see.
I have a few dead and dieing plants I picked up that I need (want) to plant today. I need a little sunshine on my back for just a few minutes. I am a wee bit headachey this morning, and I am sure it is from being over tired of sewing, however that is a horse I am going to have to ride for a while more.
I can't believe it is the last day of the month and I am going to have to pay bills tomorrow, this month has gone by very fast and all I have been able to get done has really pleased me.
Did you get anything done in April that you really wanted to accomplish?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are int he negative.
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Monday, April 29, 2019
Monday, One more week
Well I made it through the dance recital in one piece. Now I just have to make it through this week and the wedding on the weekend which will involve at least 20 hours of driving. Yikes, things are so far apart out west.
We woke today to a furnace that was not putting out any heat. It turns on and blows but no heat. Hub's was complaining yesterday of being cold and I am usually the cold one, but this morning it was obvious something was wrong as it was 50 degrees in the house. I am typing in a sweater and turtle neck and I think it is warmer outside than inside. I had hubs go plug in a space heater in my shop as my hands are too cold to sew.
We will be leaving for Hub's parents on Thursday afternoon and plan to be home late Monday. We will drive the 5 hours to mom and dad's stay the night. then get up early and take the dog to our daughters which is two hours away but, on the way. Then another 4 hours to the wedding. We will pick dog back up on our way back.
Roscoe is an indoor/outdoor dog and does not understand chains and being left out. They have a large dog house but again, our dog is not trained. They have had grizzly bears and mountain lions in the yard and I will not have Roscoe chained up like a piece of meat waiting to be eaten. Also the county road runs in front of the Farm house and one of Roscoe's sisters was killed out there a few weeks ago, so he has to be left some where he can be watched. Our grandson says Roscoe is part his dog and will love having the kennel in his room. They also have a fenced yard. That works for me.
I am not looking forward to the long drive ,but Mom and Dad can't go unless we take them. As there are only three children that can help it is our turn. Hub's sister that lives in the same town as mom and dad, is in Georgia with one of her twins whose baby has been in the hospital, this same sister has another daughter who is expecting twins any day now so she can not be tied up with this wedding.
We are not taking the babies this week as I have to much sewing and housework to get done. The house is a wreck as I really did nothing last week to help keep it clean. It was sew, sew, sew. I am still behind but plan on taking care of that today. The shop is a filthy mess and the first thing on my agenda is to straighten and organize it a bit. Then sew.
I have already started the laundry for the last week and my ironing is out of control. Actually ironing might warm me up as the steam rises.
There are two wedding dresses and 4 prom dresses to get done before Wednesday, plus a myriad of smaller things. I just got a call on another dress so make that 5. My goal in the shop to day beside organization is to get the 4 prom dresses done and at least one wedding dress started. Plus really clean the basement and straighten the upstairs.
We are watching our youngest great nephew tonight for about 4 hours and I want a clean place for him to play.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are int he negative.
We woke today to a furnace that was not putting out any heat. It turns on and blows but no heat. Hub's was complaining yesterday of being cold and I am usually the cold one, but this morning it was obvious something was wrong as it was 50 degrees in the house. I am typing in a sweater and turtle neck and I think it is warmer outside than inside. I had hubs go plug in a space heater in my shop as my hands are too cold to sew.
We will be leaving for Hub's parents on Thursday afternoon and plan to be home late Monday. We will drive the 5 hours to mom and dad's stay the night. then get up early and take the dog to our daughters which is two hours away but, on the way. Then another 4 hours to the wedding. We will pick dog back up on our way back.
Roscoe is an indoor/outdoor dog and does not understand chains and being left out. They have a large dog house but again, our dog is not trained. They have had grizzly bears and mountain lions in the yard and I will not have Roscoe chained up like a piece of meat waiting to be eaten. Also the county road runs in front of the Farm house and one of Roscoe's sisters was killed out there a few weeks ago, so he has to be left some where he can be watched. Our grandson says Roscoe is part his dog and will love having the kennel in his room. They also have a fenced yard. That works for me.
I am not looking forward to the long drive ,but Mom and Dad can't go unless we take them. As there are only three children that can help it is our turn. Hub's sister that lives in the same town as mom and dad, is in Georgia with one of her twins whose baby has been in the hospital, this same sister has another daughter who is expecting twins any day now so she can not be tied up with this wedding.
We are not taking the babies this week as I have to much sewing and housework to get done. The house is a wreck as I really did nothing last week to help keep it clean. It was sew, sew, sew. I am still behind but plan on taking care of that today. The shop is a filthy mess and the first thing on my agenda is to straighten and organize it a bit. Then sew.
I have already started the laundry for the last week and my ironing is out of control. Actually ironing might warm me up as the steam rises.
There are two wedding dresses and 4 prom dresses to get done before Wednesday, plus a myriad of smaller things. I just got a call on another dress so make that 5. My goal in the shop to day beside organization is to get the 4 prom dresses done and at least one wedding dress started. Plus really clean the basement and straighten the upstairs.
We are watching our youngest great nephew tonight for about 4 hours and I want a clean place for him to play.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are int he negative.
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Saturday, Almost done...
I spent the better part of the day yesterday trying to get Cinderellas ball gown that the step sister's tear up done. I have never sewn with costume satin before as it is such a cheap nasty cloth. But I decided as the dress had to be ruined I would use this very cheap acetate $2.00 a yard stuff.
Well this is where cheap becomes a problem as the fabric had no give and slipped and slid all over. I am very good at sewing on slippery fabric but this was beyond anything I have ever done. It took me about 4 times as long as it should have with my frustration mounting with every mistake.
Finlay I was able to get to the school not even knowing if the costume would fit, but is fit like a glove.
Rehearsal was nightmare, if that is what a dress rehearsal is what a mess. But I remember coming home when the studio was mine and saying the same thing. Just way too much time standing around doing nothing. The music was not cut correctly on almost every number. What the ()*&^. Oh well not my problem.
I am due at the school at 11:30 and I still have a costume I altered that I need to press. I also need to take in a pair of trousers and hem a dress.
It will be a long day, but when it is over, it is OVER.
Looking forward to coming home, to my very messy house and shop.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Well this is where cheap becomes a problem as the fabric had no give and slipped and slid all over. I am very good at sewing on slippery fabric but this was beyond anything I have ever done. It took me about 4 times as long as it should have with my frustration mounting with every mistake.
Finlay I was able to get to the school not even knowing if the costume would fit, but is fit like a glove.
Rehearsal was nightmare, if that is what a dress rehearsal is what a mess. But I remember coming home when the studio was mine and saying the same thing. Just way too much time standing around doing nothing. The music was not cut correctly on almost every number. What the ()*&^. Oh well not my problem.
I am due at the school at 11:30 and I still have a costume I altered that I need to press. I also need to take in a pair of trousers and hem a dress.
It will be a long day, but when it is over, it is OVER.
Looking forward to coming home, to my very messy house and shop.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Friday, April 26, 2019
Friday, Procrastination is a bad thing...
I completed chart #7 and I am onto chart #8 so that is a win for the month. As the month is not over and I haven't been paid from the studio yet I might just have a huge chunk o'change to give to the mortgage. Better not count my chickens before they hatch. I am good at that.
Yesterday, I was a little lazy. Oh I worked and I almost got the Cinderella work costume done, at least I fit it to her and I have to put in the zipper and hem the dress and the apron again. I have not even cut out the other dress. Procrastination is my middle name. I did get a pair of pants hemmed and the military uniform done and a few other mending jobs, but that is all the sewing I accomplished yesterday. I am not sure what I really did other than that? I think I pooped around a lot. I am also good at pooping around when I have so much that needs to be done.
We are eating leftovers like crazy and I still have egg salad out the .... I will have yet another sandwich for lunch and then the egg salad has to go. I can't keep it another day and I will not feed it to the chickens. It cannot be frozen. I don't like to waste food. We finished the scalloped potatoes last night, and there is still a big container of bean soup for tonight, as I froze the rest. Actually as busy as I have been it is nice to not have to worry about cooking.
So (sew) today I will go in and finish up the work costume and then cut out the dress and I will take no breaks until those two things are done. I am due at the theater by 3:45 and I cannot be late or lazy about this. Dang as I am so good at that.
I will, I will get this done. I keep telling myself that I can take a deep breath after tomorrow night and then it will be over and all I will have to do is concentrate on the shop itself. I can do this.
Now I am off (like a prom dress)
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are int he negative.
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Thursday, Well I tried...
It was a whirl wind wonderful day of sewing yesterday. I really pumped things out and I feel so much better about my situation now. I have the dress blues on the ironing board ready to cut and hem. I knew I would not get the whole list done (See previous post) but I did get a good part of it. I am so relieved. I even stopped 1/2 way through the day and cleaned up the shop a little, It is impossible to really clean ass it is too full right now, but at least the floor is walk-able.:)
Right now, I still have two wedding dresses, and 4 prom dresses to alter and a pile of other alterations that need to be done before we leave next week for a great nieces wedding. The fact that I was able to get 8 prom dresses altered and out in the hanging pick-up area is a great big win.
I had to laugh at hubs as I had some bulbs that I had bought that were marked down to .36 a piece that needed to be planted , he mentioned this while we were having lunch (egg salad) on the back deck during my short break. He also mentioned the huge pot of beans I had soaking. These were all things that needed to be taken care of, and I just was too busy sewing. I asked if he could plant the flowers if I put them out where I wanted them. I also had two large onions , 8 carrots , and 4 celery stocks out on the kitchen counter that needed to go into the bean pot. Could he by chance, clean and chop those for me? I think he was a little surprised as I never ask him to do this kind of thing.
After I had a soak in the sun and my egg salad sandwich, I thought to myself. If I go down and run that rehearsal I will miss out on two hours of sewing. Plus I will be in rehearsal two more times this week plus all day on Saturday. I texted the studio owner and said have someone else run the kids I was too busy after all I still have two costumes I need to cut out and make before Friday and my business has to come first. After I shot her the text I went out and took 10 minutes to plant the flowers and that felt good. Then back to the grindstone. I just want to be done. Everything I do down there is non gratis and it is not that I need to be paid for every little service I do, as I love the kids and I love the arts, but this is my busiest season and I need a little break.
After 8o'clock last night Hub's and I went to get oil for the truck so hubs can change it out and he will take my car in today for its oil change. I picked up some $2.00 a yard costume satin for the costumes I need to make for Cinderella. Then we went to Winco and bought our weeks groceries. I had to laugh as this week it was mostly fruits and veggies and stuff we were out of, marshmallows, raisins, almond extract, things I used up over Easter. The total came to $50.06 I have been trying to stick as close to $50.00 a week as I can since the beginning of the year. Once in a while one of us will make a run to the store for a lone item, and spend a few more dollars. Or when I see a really good sale on a item I will pick it up. But it is funny how every week even though my items differ, I am usually under the $50.00 I set for the budget.
Well today it is to finish a few items and get the costumes done, maybe have time for a prom dress or two.
On a sad note, Cheryl (Cheryls frugal corner) lost her husband this week. Please shoot her a comment. I am so sad, as there is nothing I can do or say to make this better. All I can do is to mourn with her and pray that she has comfort in the Lord. My heart just aches thinking about her. We just have to stick together and love each other through the good and bad times.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Right now, I still have two wedding dresses, and 4 prom dresses to alter and a pile of other alterations that need to be done before we leave next week for a great nieces wedding. The fact that I was able to get 8 prom dresses altered and out in the hanging pick-up area is a great big win.
I had to laugh at hubs as I had some bulbs that I had bought that were marked down to .36 a piece that needed to be planted , he mentioned this while we were having lunch (egg salad) on the back deck during my short break. He also mentioned the huge pot of beans I had soaking. These were all things that needed to be taken care of, and I just was too busy sewing. I asked if he could plant the flowers if I put them out where I wanted them. I also had two large onions , 8 carrots , and 4 celery stocks out on the kitchen counter that needed to go into the bean pot. Could he by chance, clean and chop those for me? I think he was a little surprised as I never ask him to do this kind of thing.
After I had a soak in the sun and my egg salad sandwich, I thought to myself. If I go down and run that rehearsal I will miss out on two hours of sewing. Plus I will be in rehearsal two more times this week plus all day on Saturday. I texted the studio owner and said have someone else run the kids I was too busy after all I still have two costumes I need to cut out and make before Friday and my business has to come first. After I shot her the text I went out and took 10 minutes to plant the flowers and that felt good. Then back to the grindstone. I just want to be done. Everything I do down there is non gratis and it is not that I need to be paid for every little service I do, as I love the kids and I love the arts, but this is my busiest season and I need a little break.
After 8o'clock last night Hub's and I went to get oil for the truck so hubs can change it out and he will take my car in today for its oil change. I picked up some $2.00 a yard costume satin for the costumes I need to make for Cinderella. Then we went to Winco and bought our weeks groceries. I had to laugh as this week it was mostly fruits and veggies and stuff we were out of, marshmallows, raisins, almond extract, things I used up over Easter. The total came to $50.06 I have been trying to stick as close to $50.00 a week as I can since the beginning of the year. Once in a while one of us will make a run to the store for a lone item, and spend a few more dollars. Or when I see a really good sale on a item I will pick it up. But it is funny how every week even though my items differ, I am usually under the $50.00 I set for the budget.
Well today it is to finish a few items and get the costumes done, maybe have time for a prom dress or two.
On a sad note, Cheryl (Cheryls frugal corner) lost her husband this week. Please shoot her a comment. I am so sad, as there is nothing I can do or say to make this better. All I can do is to mourn with her and pray that she has comfort in the Lord. My heart just aches thinking about her. We just have to stick together and love each other through the good and bad times.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Wednesday, Hey what about sewing?
I swear all I did yesterday was run up and down our stairs. between chasing kids and the shop it was a very busy day. I have been buying my white flour in these bags and then reusing them to make pillows for gifts. Everyone loves these. I wish more things cam in a reusable package. Deviled eggs were eaten up in less than a day the babies loved them.
Here is my mealy apple salad and my slightly discolored egg salad. You know how the egg dye leaks into the eggs, so you have pink and blue egg salad. It sill tastes delicious. The chickens had a banner day with all the food scraps as I made two batches of scalloped potatoes and ham. I also am soaking a huge pot of different beans to make bean soup with the ham bone. We will eat on it for a few days and then freeze the rest.
One for us and one for my friend, who was thrilled to get a meal. See that meaty Ham bone that will go in a big old pot of beans! Yum I took a picture of the two almond cakes I made but some how they did record, probably because I was running with scissors, up and down stairs.
I am very disappointed to say that I got very little sewing done and I have to go finish the laundry I started. The thought that I could even attempt to get any ironing done is a joke. But I always aspire to that which cannot be done. It is my way you know?
I do have to teach a glass today from 4-5 but other than that it is sewing. I really need to knock out at least 8 dresses today, so I am going to chose things that can be done as quickly as possible so I can clean up the shop a little. It is a zoo in there.
I have even called a girl friend for reinforcements I hope she responds. More work is pouring in than I think I can do, but if I can just get a few things out I think I will be able to breath better. I really need Sluggy or my Sissie here right now to help. Does anyone else sew that can come and rescue me?
It is beautiful outside and I cannot even think about trying to go out and enjoy the sunshine.
9. royal blue prom dress hem
12. dress blues
13. red prom dress, hem and straps
And the list goes on and on let's not even talk of the three wedding dresses that need attention. Okay I am going to stop now or I will bring on a fit.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Tuesday, I hate to waste my time
Time is precious you know and right now I have little time to waste. So having my time wasted aggravates me. Last nights rehearsal was an example for me. I realize for those participating it wasn't a waste, but for me 3 hours of my life I will never get back. Then I came home too tired to get any sewing done. I did get a dress ripped. Now I have three ripped and one actually on the machine waiting. I will not do any sewing until the littles leave.
I am waiting for Hub's to get home (he is reading the paper at the Veterans home) so I can get some help with this menagerie. I asked Hub's to bring home some celery as we are out and I want to make an apple salad with my pruny old apples. Also the baby needs his pants changed and I think rock, paper, scissors is in order. Every time he walks by I get a strong whiff of something not quite right.
My attitude is a little better today, even though I know I am in for a late night of sewing. I will get upstairs soon and whip up a Swedish almond cake and while that is baking I can put the scalloped potatoes together and make the apple salad. There is also laundry to get done and maybe I can put away a few things from Easter. Everything I do while the littles are here, depends on what they are doing or trying to do. Only so much can be accomplished with chaos one and chaos two under foot. Hub's can only bar the door for so long.
So things to get done today:
1. laundry
2. put away china and silver chest
3. maybe put away some Easter stuff?
4. make scalloped potatoes
5.make egg salad
6. do up some deviled eggs
8. make 2 almond cakes
9.chop up an apple salad.
10. maybe do some ironing something I can pick up and leave when I am chasing a little
11. Deliver meal after littles go home
12. sew at least 3-4 dresses and get them out of the shop.
We will see how much gets done.
I saved money by getting some hose parts and cutting the new hose we just bought last year. It had developed a puncture and I cut off ten feet and put on a new male end. (2.69) Saving a 50 foot hose (now 40 foot).
Now I have no excuse but to get to work, Hubs is home, the family room is destroyed all is right with the world.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
I am waiting for Hub's to get home (he is reading the paper at the Veterans home) so I can get some help with this menagerie. I asked Hub's to bring home some celery as we are out and I want to make an apple salad with my pruny old apples. Also the baby needs his pants changed and I think rock, paper, scissors is in order. Every time he walks by I get a strong whiff of something not quite right.
My attitude is a little better today, even though I know I am in for a late night of sewing. I will get upstairs soon and whip up a Swedish almond cake and while that is baking I can put the scalloped potatoes together and make the apple salad. There is also laundry to get done and maybe I can put away a few things from Easter. Everything I do while the littles are here, depends on what they are doing or trying to do. Only so much can be accomplished with chaos one and chaos two under foot. Hub's can only bar the door for so long.
So things to get done today:
1. laundry
10. maybe do some ironing something I can pick up and leave when I am chasing a little
12. sew at least 3-4 dresses and get them out of the shop.
We will see how much gets done.
I saved money by getting some hose parts and cutting the new hose we just bought last year. It had developed a puncture and I cut off ten feet and put on a new male end. (2.69) Saving a 50 foot hose (now 40 foot).
Now I have no excuse but to get to work, Hubs is home, the family room is destroyed all is right with the world.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Monday, April 22, 2019
Monday,Post Easter blues.
We had a lovely Easter day and it was so much work . The dishes are done and the silver put away. But I still have to get the silver chest put up and all the hand wash china back in its cupboard and then take all the Easter decos and find someplace for them. Holidays are so fun until they are over and you face the aftermath.
Now I have to face the music of an overly busy shop, and a dance recital this week. Many rehearsals, that I don't want to go to and just so much stress to get everything done. But this too will pass and I just have to endure. Blah!
My weary little brain just says, " I don't want to." But my logical brain says, " you have to."
So expect a lot of whining and feeling sorry for myself this next two weeks. In fact feel free to skip the blog if you are tired of me. I am tired of me.
AS I wrote last week, I feel like I sewed non stop on Friday and it did no good in the shop as things just kept pouring in, I even had a dress come in on Saturday and. several more will come in today.
I plan on sewing most of the day and then going to a 4 hour rehearsal tonight. Tomorrow the littles come and I have to take a meal into a family from Mom's old church. One of the parishioners has Alzheimer's and he and his wife live with a daughter. Neither one of them is well and the daughter is stressed. He took a bad fall over Easter and was in the hospital. The daughter cares for both and they live with her. She posts regularly about her days with the two parents and it is heartbreaking. These two were good friends of my mothers, so I feel the need to help her or them in some way. I will make scalloped potatoes and ham, and apple salad, and whip up a Swedish almond cake. Easy peasy. I say that now and have not thought about the fact that the littles will be here. You may not want to read tomorrow for more than one reason. I may not want to get up tomorrow.
I have two costumes to make this week. I need to make Cinderellas, work dress and her mom's dress that the step sister's tear up. It has to be made with velcro pieces so it can be sewn back together. But today I am just going to work on prom dresses and see how many I can knock out. I also have military uniforms that need love.
When I was doing my running around getting the last minute stuff for Easter Sunday I found large beef roasts for $4.19 a lb. But two of them were marked with 50% off stickers, so I snapped those up and brought them home to seal and freeze. That made them 2.10 a lb. I also went back to Albertsons and now have 10 lbs of butter in my freezer. The sale ends on Tuesday evening so I will go back a few more times, as I am aiming for 20 lbs.
We will be eating leftovers for the next few days and I have eggs to make into egg salad and I will devil some.
I can gladly say I made no Easter baskets this tear and I causally make about 10. I just thought, I really don't need to spend that kind of money, and it is something that I can let go of. I love making the baskets, but they are not necessary. Let things go and make your life easier.
Did you do anything to retrench or save money on your Easter doings?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Now I have to face the music of an overly busy shop, and a dance recital this week. Many rehearsals, that I don't want to go to and just so much stress to get everything done. But this too will pass and I just have to endure. Blah!
My weary little brain just says, " I don't want to." But my logical brain says, " you have to."
So expect a lot of whining and feeling sorry for myself this next two weeks. In fact feel free to skip the blog if you are tired of me. I am tired of me.
AS I wrote last week, I feel like I sewed non stop on Friday and it did no good in the shop as things just kept pouring in, I even had a dress come in on Saturday and. several more will come in today.
I plan on sewing most of the day and then going to a 4 hour rehearsal tonight. Tomorrow the littles come and I have to take a meal into a family from Mom's old church. One of the parishioners has Alzheimer's and he and his wife live with a daughter. Neither one of them is well and the daughter is stressed. He took a bad fall over Easter and was in the hospital. The daughter cares for both and they live with her. She posts regularly about her days with the two parents and it is heartbreaking. These two were good friends of my mothers, so I feel the need to help her or them in some way. I will make scalloped potatoes and ham, and apple salad, and whip up a Swedish almond cake. Easy peasy. I say that now and have not thought about the fact that the littles will be here. You may not want to read tomorrow for more than one reason. I may not want to get up tomorrow.
I have two costumes to make this week. I need to make Cinderellas, work dress and her mom's dress that the step sister's tear up. It has to be made with velcro pieces so it can be sewn back together. But today I am just going to work on prom dresses and see how many I can knock out. I also have military uniforms that need love.
When I was doing my running around getting the last minute stuff for Easter Sunday I found large beef roasts for $4.19 a lb. But two of them were marked with 50% off stickers, so I snapped those up and brought them home to seal and freeze. That made them 2.10 a lb. I also went back to Albertsons and now have 10 lbs of butter in my freezer. The sale ends on Tuesday evening so I will go back a few more times, as I am aiming for 20 lbs.
We will be eating leftovers for the next few days and I have eggs to make into egg salad and I will devil some.
I can gladly say I made no Easter baskets this tear and I causally make about 10. I just thought, I really don't need to spend that kind of money, and it is something that I can let go of. I love making the baskets, but they are not necessary. Let things go and make your life easier.
Did you do anything to retrench or save money on your Easter doings?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Sunday, Blessed Easter
Happy and blessed Easter everyone. He is risen! I love Easter and I love the season of renewal and hope.
I will have 9 here for dinner and the grandson is keeping everyone in check. We will sing in church today and Hub's will play his violin. It will be crazy busy here with food and chocolate and I am going to love it.
Have a wonderful Easter Sabbath!
I will have 9 here for dinner and the grandson is keeping everyone in check. We will sing in church today and Hub's will play his violin. It will be crazy busy here with food and chocolate and I am going to love it.
Have a wonderful Easter Sabbath!
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Saturday, I have lost my Umph....
It about killed me to get done all the things I had to really put out in the shop yesterday. I sewed until about 8 o'clock last night, only to have 5 more dresses come in yesterday, so I really made no progress. I just tell myself I am blessed with work. This will help pay of the house keep it up.
I had one blessing thought that will really help. The Prom here is on May 4th and I have a wedding that I have to take Hub's mom and dad to on May 4th. As it is a 5 our drive to the in-laws and another 5 hour drive to the wedding we will split up the trip. Which mean going down on a Thursday which is two days before the big dance. The bride of said wedding has decided she does not like the top of her wedding dress and there was talk of me going down a few days early to adjust it, but they found a seamstress in Idaho Falls that can alter the dress. I would have had to take off almost a week of my really busy sewing days to get this dress taken care of and also take Hub's folks with me. Hub's would not have been able to go due to work at the High School. But as we can leave On Friday and get to wedding I will not lose all that last minute work.
This dance is two weeks away and I am getting dresses in right and left it is crazy. I have to keep up and I feel like I am on a treadmill.
I am hosting dinner tomorrow and I have a house that needs a full clean. I have the ham out defrosting but I need to boil some eggs, and make a coconut cake. Daughter and her hubby and son should be arriving late this afternoon. I am hoping she will help me a little on getting the house cleaned. Although I really cleaned the kitchen the other night. It is mostly sweeping and dusting as usual.
Our menu for tomorrow:
Artichokes, and shrimp cocktail
scallop potatoes (Lil Sis)
homemade dinner rolls
veggie tray
coconut cake and ice cream
So I need to run costumes to the studio and drop off the babies Easter vest, then run to the grocer and I am then home to clean, clean, clean. I will make the cake today.
Better get busy and force myself to do something, I am tired and seem to have lost my drive. I wonder why?
Have a blessed and Happy Easter. He is Risen.
I had one blessing thought that will really help. The Prom here is on May 4th and I have a wedding that I have to take Hub's mom and dad to on May 4th. As it is a 5 our drive to the in-laws and another 5 hour drive to the wedding we will split up the trip. Which mean going down on a Thursday which is two days before the big dance. The bride of said wedding has decided she does not like the top of her wedding dress and there was talk of me going down a few days early to adjust it, but they found a seamstress in Idaho Falls that can alter the dress. I would have had to take off almost a week of my really busy sewing days to get this dress taken care of and also take Hub's folks with me. Hub's would not have been able to go due to work at the High School. But as we can leave On Friday and get to wedding I will not lose all that last minute work.
This dance is two weeks away and I am getting dresses in right and left it is crazy. I have to keep up and I feel like I am on a treadmill.
I am hosting dinner tomorrow and I have a house that needs a full clean. I have the ham out defrosting but I need to boil some eggs, and make a coconut cake. Daughter and her hubby and son should be arriving late this afternoon. I am hoping she will help me a little on getting the house cleaned. Although I really cleaned the kitchen the other night. It is mostly sweeping and dusting as usual.
Our menu for tomorrow:
Artichokes, and shrimp cocktail
scallop potatoes (Lil Sis)
homemade dinner rolls
veggie tray
coconut cake and ice cream
So I need to run costumes to the studio and drop off the babies Easter vest, then run to the grocer and I am then home to clean, clean, clean. I will make the cake today.
Better get busy and force myself to do something, I am tired and seem to have lost my drive. I wonder why?
Have a blessed and Happy Easter. He is Risen.
Friday, April 19, 2019
Friday, It is done, but....
Finally I can call the front yard DONE! I still have a few flower pots that site by the front door that have to be filled with shade tolerant plants, but those can be done as I find plants on close out. Still I feel it is done. This is the section that we redid and I plan on putting a pumpkin and zucchini plant here later in the spring. Squash and pumpkins have sex when we are not looking and you can come up with some pretty interesting and inedible things from these sneaky little doings. Better to separate them. Like boys and girls dormitories.
I can't wait until these all bloom it will be so pretty. This was so much work and I am glad it is done. Now I will have to stay on top of it and keep it weeded but that is okay. A yard is always a work in progress.
See the blank spots where I will eventually put cucumbers and squash.
On a rather sour note Home Depot no longer has their bark 5 for a 10 dollars and I plan on re mulching the entire back yard. But we did find it for 2.22 at Wal mart so I am sending hubs for about 10 more bags today. Before it is not on sale anywhere in the valley.
I am going to have the back done by the church boys. I did get all the mulch laid around the pond and only have one more bag to lay in a spot by the shed. Hub's and I also bought 4 bags of red lava rock to fill in a french drain we are creating between the house and the shed. It matches the mulch and we have laid mulch before only to have it wash away and clog the drain. This is a project for another day.
Hub's also was able to till the garden and it is ready to plant, but I will not plant for a few more weeks as most of my seedlings are not ready the garden yet. I have three trays of corn, green beans and other veggies that will be planted in rotation two weeks apart, for continuous summer harvest.
We thought hubs had broken the lawn mower yesterday but it turned out he had just run over a plastic toy left out and that caused a terrible oder and smoke. Whew! Did not want a mower bill right now.
I have to tell you it was 80 degrees yesterday and the sun shown for the whole day. It was lovely. I kept telling myself to quit and go get some sewing done, but I did not. I stayed in the yard the entire day clear until 8 o'clock when the sun went down. I just could not help myself. It actually got hot out there in my long sleeve t-shirt and overalls. I had to push my sleeves up. I got a little bit of a sunburn on my neck.
In addition to the front yard, I was able to clean out the outdoor deck cupboard, which holds all canning jars and other outdoor supplies we use regularly. I threw away a huge bag of garbage, old mismatched torn garden gloves. (I can go through a pair a day), hand tools that had seen better days, or ones that I never used. Just regular junk that I for some reason thought we should keep. I then washed off the deck and the deck furniture and put out a new table cloth. Although the deck needs to be painted again and needs work it is clean.
We took two big bags of sand and put new sand on the stone patios (there are three of them). So that also has to be done later. But I was very please with the progress we made. Now I have to pay the piper.
As I did not get any sewing done yesterday (bad me). I have to put my nose to the grindstone. I just have this lackadaisical attitude toward sewing right now, I am sure brought on by my one day in the sun. So I am having to Pippi Longstocking myself into getting into the shop today and I have to complete these items before I can do anything else. These are a have to, no questions asked HAVE TO:
1. take ham out of freezer to thaw (see I start with something easy)
2. alter costume
3. hem costume
4. three pairs police pants hem
5. three pairs pants hemmed and fix two skirts
6. mend missionary suits (get Hub's to take to dry cleaners)
7. finish prom dress already started
8. hem skirt
9. alter wedding skirt
10. alter at least two more prom dresses.
11.run over and fit babies Easter vest , which is done except for side seams.
12. get stew in crockpot
As next week is recital week I have two more costumes to make and a ton of other alterations that have to be done before the end of the month. Not counting everything else that will come into the shop. I know I have at least 5-6 more prom dresses coming in so I cannot neglect to get these things done today.
I need to go up and start a stew for dinner, and then I am going to make a run to home depot and I will stay in my shop until these things are done.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
I can't wait until these all bloom it will be so pretty. This was so much work and I am glad it is done. Now I will have to stay on top of it and keep it weeded but that is okay. A yard is always a work in progress.
See the blank spots where I will eventually put cucumbers and squash.
On a rather sour note Home Depot no longer has their bark 5 for a 10 dollars and I plan on re mulching the entire back yard. But we did find it for 2.22 at Wal mart so I am sending hubs for about 10 more bags today. Before it is not on sale anywhere in the valley.
I am going to have the back done by the church boys. I did get all the mulch laid around the pond and only have one more bag to lay in a spot by the shed. Hub's and I also bought 4 bags of red lava rock to fill in a french drain we are creating between the house and the shed. It matches the mulch and we have laid mulch before only to have it wash away and clog the drain. This is a project for another day.
Hub's also was able to till the garden and it is ready to plant, but I will not plant for a few more weeks as most of my seedlings are not ready the garden yet. I have three trays of corn, green beans and other veggies that will be planted in rotation two weeks apart, for continuous summer harvest.
We thought hubs had broken the lawn mower yesterday but it turned out he had just run over a plastic toy left out and that caused a terrible oder and smoke. Whew! Did not want a mower bill right now.
I have to tell you it was 80 degrees yesterday and the sun shown for the whole day. It was lovely. I kept telling myself to quit and go get some sewing done, but I did not. I stayed in the yard the entire day clear until 8 o'clock when the sun went down. I just could not help myself. It actually got hot out there in my long sleeve t-shirt and overalls. I had to push my sleeves up. I got a little bit of a sunburn on my neck.
In addition to the front yard, I was able to clean out the outdoor deck cupboard, which holds all canning jars and other outdoor supplies we use regularly. I threw away a huge bag of garbage, old mismatched torn garden gloves. (I can go through a pair a day), hand tools that had seen better days, or ones that I never used. Just regular junk that I for some reason thought we should keep. I then washed off the deck and the deck furniture and put out a new table cloth. Although the deck needs to be painted again and needs work it is clean.
We took two big bags of sand and put new sand on the stone patios (there are three of them). So that also has to be done later. But I was very please with the progress we made. Now I have to pay the piper.
As I did not get any sewing done yesterday (bad me). I have to put my nose to the grindstone. I just have this lackadaisical attitude toward sewing right now, I am sure brought on by my one day in the sun. So I am having to Pippi Longstocking myself into getting into the shop today and I have to complete these items before I can do anything else. These are a have to, no questions asked HAVE TO:
As next week is recital week I have two more costumes to make and a ton of other alterations that have to be done before the end of the month. Not counting everything else that will come into the shop. I know I have at least 5-6 more prom dresses coming in so I cannot neglect to get these things done today.
I need to go up and start a stew for dinner, and then I am going to make a run to home depot and I will stay in my shop until these things are done.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Thursday, the sun is sining for the moment!
I bet you can't guess where I will be most of the day, that is when I am not running in and out of the shop like a mad woman. I am going to take advantage of the this sun and warmer weather. It actually got to 70 yesterday and I did try and get out, but the shop had other ideas.
I was able to get 4 dresses altered and a good start on a very difficult 5 th dress. I also got a vest cut out I need to complete today. But I am going outside and will come in later to sew. I want to get the front yard mulched and see how much more mulch I need before the sale is off. Hub's told me the young men at church are looking for ways to earn money and are willing to come and do yard work en mass, so I might have an out for the upper yard. I would gladly supervise them doing it versus me.
Hub's and I took another load to the dump (land fill for weeds and such) yesterday morning and I stopped by home depot to see if they had any plants on the clearance rack but found nothing so I will wait. I am going to put some veggies out front in the big flower beds as they look nice and green and water is so expensive we might as well grow things.
I ran to the studio to rehearse for an hour and received a cute little container of chocolates from one of my students. They know me well. Then home to do just a little yard work, and I found a bad split in one of my soaker hoses so I will be going to buy the parts to fix this.
Hubs wanted to complete the missionary apartments last night so he could get the paper work sent off to the district office. As I had no cookies made up for the last three sets I found some really cute little tinfoil Easter containers mom had purchased for .50 last year. I put assorted Easter candies in them and gave those as we did our apartment runs. So we are done for a couple of months, except for the issues that came up. Smoke alarms that don't work, electrical and plumbing issues that have to be addressed by landlords. But hub's can take care of most of this.
I had one little girl come to pick up her dress and she had no idea how expensive it would be. Her mother and brother both have insulin pumps and although they have jobs and insurance it seems that insurance companies are finding ways not to pay for insulin. Insulin is $140.00 a vial and they need several every month for the two of them. This sweet girl was trying to help keep costs down for her mom and brother. So I worked out a deal with her (so she could save face). I felt so bad and angry with the insurance. She is going to polish all the silver in my dining room on Saturday. Yeah!
I am so grateful for the fact that I have not had to argue with my insurance company about my meds. One is $3789.00 and month and the booster drug is over $800.00. I just picked up the booster last night but my main drug was not in as the pharmacies don't stock anything that expensive . You have to go in a order and pick up within 48 so they are not stuck holding that amount of money.
Butter is $1.99 a pound limit 2 so I made Hub's get two last night and I bought two. I will go back several times. I asked if this was okay and store people said it was fine as long as it was only two a transaction. I am just using up the last of the butter I bought at Christmas.
Well I am off to get dirty and I am so excited.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
I was able to get 4 dresses altered and a good start on a very difficult 5 th dress. I also got a vest cut out I need to complete today. But I am going outside and will come in later to sew. I want to get the front yard mulched and see how much more mulch I need before the sale is off. Hub's told me the young men at church are looking for ways to earn money and are willing to come and do yard work en mass, so I might have an out for the upper yard. I would gladly supervise them doing it versus me.
Hub's and I took another load to the dump (land fill for weeds and such) yesterday morning and I stopped by home depot to see if they had any plants on the clearance rack but found nothing so I will wait. I am going to put some veggies out front in the big flower beds as they look nice and green and water is so expensive we might as well grow things.
I ran to the studio to rehearse for an hour and received a cute little container of chocolates from one of my students. They know me well. Then home to do just a little yard work, and I found a bad split in one of my soaker hoses so I will be going to buy the parts to fix this.
Hubs wanted to complete the missionary apartments last night so he could get the paper work sent off to the district office. As I had no cookies made up for the last three sets I found some really cute little tinfoil Easter containers mom had purchased for .50 last year. I put assorted Easter candies in them and gave those as we did our apartment runs. So we are done for a couple of months, except for the issues that came up. Smoke alarms that don't work, electrical and plumbing issues that have to be addressed by landlords. But hub's can take care of most of this.
I had one little girl come to pick up her dress and she had no idea how expensive it would be. Her mother and brother both have insulin pumps and although they have jobs and insurance it seems that insurance companies are finding ways not to pay for insulin. Insulin is $140.00 a vial and they need several every month for the two of them. This sweet girl was trying to help keep costs down for her mom and brother. So I worked out a deal with her (so she could save face). I felt so bad and angry with the insurance. She is going to polish all the silver in my dining room on Saturday. Yeah!
I am so grateful for the fact that I have not had to argue with my insurance company about my meds. One is $3789.00 and month and the booster drug is over $800.00. I just picked up the booster last night but my main drug was not in as the pharmacies don't stock anything that expensive . You have to go in a order and pick up within 48 so they are not stuck holding that amount of money.
Butter is $1.99 a pound limit 2 so I made Hub's get two last night and I bought two. I will go back several times. I asked if this was okay and store people said it was fine as long as it was only two a transaction. I am just using up the last of the butter I bought at Christmas.
Well I am off to get dirty and I am so excited.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Wednesday, I did it!
I finally was able to get the rest of the front flower bed cleaned out. It was quite the job, but it is clean. Now I have to replant and lay bark. I am so glad it is cold and nasty today as I would be outside if it weren't. I just need the sunshine so bad and there is none around here.
The littles were very messy yesterday but I did get the little girls Easter dress made. Then I forgot to take a picture of it. The shop was busy with pickups and drop offs, and I was able to get out in the yard for about 2 hours in the early evening.
Today I must sew I have 6 prom dresses to get done and a pile of hemming. I also have to teach a class between 4-5 today.
Yesterday was such a running blur with the babies and the shop, that it came about 3:00 and I had no idea what I was going to do with the chicken parts I had thawed. So I looked up a recipe on the inter net for chicken and rice. This was so easy and delicious and cheap and of course I have no picture of it because we ate it too fast. I used a Cuisinart dutch oven.
One onion chopped
4 garlic clovets (my term for part of garlic) chopped
Saute in 1/2 cube butter
Add two cups rice and stir
Take chicken parts after you have salted peppered and paprikad (Again my term)and lay on top rice and butter mixture.
Now add two cans of chicken broth and stick in oven at 350 for 1 hour or until chicken is done.
So easy one pot to clean up. Next time I will add some broccoli to the rice and onions.
This is definitely a keeper of a recipe. We have enough left overs for lunch today.
Well I had better get to work as I need the money.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
The littles were very messy yesterday but I did get the little girls Easter dress made. Then I forgot to take a picture of it. The shop was busy with pickups and drop offs, and I was able to get out in the yard for about 2 hours in the early evening.
Today I must sew I have 6 prom dresses to get done and a pile of hemming. I also have to teach a class between 4-5 today.
Yesterday was such a running blur with the babies and the shop, that it came about 3:00 and I had no idea what I was going to do with the chicken parts I had thawed. So I looked up a recipe on the inter net for chicken and rice. This was so easy and delicious and cheap and of course I have no picture of it because we ate it too fast. I used a Cuisinart dutch oven.
One onion chopped
4 garlic clovets (my term for part of garlic) chopped
Saute in 1/2 cube butter
Add two cups rice and stir
Take chicken parts after you have salted peppered and paprikad (Again my term)and lay on top rice and butter mixture.
Now add two cans of chicken broth and stick in oven at 350 for 1 hour or until chicken is done.
So easy one pot to clean up. Next time I will add some broccoli to the rice and onions.
This is definitely a keeper of a recipe. We have enough left overs for lunch today.
Well I had better get to work as I need the money.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Tuesdays, Why is the dog iin the dog house?
Late Sunday night Hub's heard Rosco barking outside and he hollered at me asking if I had Roscoe? No I thought he was up with you, well some how the dog had gotten out and had been out for a while in the dark. When I opened the front door in runs this totally black object. It had Roscoes shape but not his color. It was Rosco completely and I mean completely covered in something black and greasy and foul smelling. So into the tub, where I had to change the water three times as it kept turning black and sandy dirty, I don't know what was shedding off him.
When I got him all cleaned up he was so excited and happy and ran all over the upstairs shaking. Then we had to spend time drying and combing and combing to get the undercoat out that had released with his bath. I swear I got another dog in hair while I was combing but I didn't want it all over the house.
So that was Sunday's excitement. Yesterday I decided to work in the yard as it was fairly nice although chilly. I was busy helping Hub's cut the sod out on the front strip and when I came up the stairs to get some home made weed killer, (all natural) I found my flower bed being dug up by a very clean dog. See picture above. I think he was heading to China. He got a stern NO NO. Like that is going to help next time he has a inkling to go on a trip to the Orient.
So Roscoe had to stay inside for a good long while as I was working in the front yard. He sat in the picture window with his paws up over the Sofa watching me. Bad dogs who get into trouble and make messes stay inside.

I have the top 100 foot front bed cleaned and what a job. I will need to add new soil and mulch and figure out what I am going to plant here.
Look at this overgrown weed patch I have pulled out all the rock but Hubs will have to come in for this as my hands are not strong enough to pull this out.
Hubs grubbed this out while I was at the studio for rehearsal. Then I came home and did my days sewing quota and cut out a dress I plan to make for one of the littles.
The littles are here today so the house is a pending disaster area at least in the basement. The older of the two is almost potty trained. Yippee! We are working hard at getting this done, one less in diapers always helps the bottom line. Plus less work for us.
Once this front flower bed is done the front yard is officially done and I can continue my work in the back. It will be so nice to have the yard finally up to snuff, it has really suffered the last couple of years. Mom just took much of my gardening time.
Well I am going to try and get into the shop and get Addy's Easter dress done today. After the littles leave I will get my sewing quota done. I don't think I will get any yard work done today as it looks pretty bad outside. Drat!
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
When I got him all cleaned up he was so excited and happy and ran all over the upstairs shaking. Then we had to spend time drying and combing and combing to get the undercoat out that had released with his bath. I swear I got another dog in hair while I was combing but I didn't want it all over the house.
So that was Sunday's excitement. Yesterday I decided to work in the yard as it was fairly nice although chilly. I was busy helping Hub's cut the sod out on the front strip and when I came up the stairs to get some home made weed killer, (all natural) I found my flower bed being dug up by a very clean dog. See picture above. I think he was heading to China. He got a stern NO NO. Like that is going to help next time he has a inkling to go on a trip to the Orient.
So Roscoe had to stay inside for a good long while as I was working in the front yard. He sat in the picture window with his paws up over the Sofa watching me. Bad dogs who get into trouble and make messes stay inside.

Hubs and I got the rest of the front edging cut and it looks good. This was not done last year so it was much harder to do this year.
A picture of the offending dog who was taken into the house.
Look at this overgrown weed patch I have pulled out all the rock but Hubs will have to come in for this as my hands are not strong enough to pull this out.
Hubs grubbed this out while I was at the studio for rehearsal. Then I came home and did my days sewing quota and cut out a dress I plan to make for one of the littles.
The littles are here today so the house is a pending disaster area at least in the basement. The older of the two is almost potty trained. Yippee! We are working hard at getting this done, one less in diapers always helps the bottom line. Plus less work for us.
Once this front flower bed is done the front yard is officially done and I can continue my work in the back. It will be so nice to have the yard finally up to snuff, it has really suffered the last couple of years. Mom just took much of my gardening time.
Well I am going to try and get into the shop and get Addy's Easter dress done today. After the littles leave I will get my sewing quota done. I don't think I will get any yard work done today as it looks pretty bad outside. Drat!
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Monday, April 15, 2019
Monday, Pictures and a new plan
I was able to get chart #6 completed, but unfortunately all monies went to monthly bills and living, I am hoping chart #7 which I should complete before the end of April will all go to the house principle. We will see.
Yesterday after completing the missionary loop which by the way took 4.5 hours I was able to mess with mom's fairy garden which did not get touched last year and was buried in over growth and leaves. I am not one for this kind of kitsch but I redid it in memory of mom. Probably will dismantle as soon as the dog and cats run through it. This is a corner of our house that does not get water on purpose, so it looks cute there.
Kids that come over love to play and rearrange it, so I will keep it foe a while.
Working hard on the front corner bed which is done, after the perennials die off I will plant a few wave petunias to add color. Both those trash cans you can see are full of debree. Hubs need to get them to the truck as they are too heavy for me.
Here is the edge I cut back and you can see I still have some fill in plants to get in. This was very difficult work and the 100 feet across the front still needs to be done. Look at all the sod pieces out in the driveway. I have to load those today and get them into the truck. FUN! SAY FUN! with more enthusiasm please. SO much more cleaning and sweeping. I have to hose down the steps and clean out all the cracks in the driveway. Whose little blue clog is that peaking out in the picture?
But this is not the worst.....
Yes this is the bear cat of the font yard. About 1/3 of both the layers of this bed will have to be torn out. What I have planted there is a ground cover that is very invasive and I cannot keep the grass out of it. So hub's will have to hurk it out and I will have to clean and add new soil before I can clean the rest of the bed and re mulch. We took out a huge over grown very sappy ponderosa pine from above this area about two years ago. It completely changed the amount of sunshine that this bed gets so many of the plants had or have yet to be changed out. It is a work in progress and last year it saw no work because of mom. I am dreading this flower bed but it will be done.
I am going to run up to UPS and mail an Easter package to my nieces. New raincoats and rain boots and I filled the boots with Easter candy. Then I must get home and sew. There is a huge dirty dress rehearsal at the studio at 4 and I am so happy my dancers open the show as then I can leave. I am trying to use evening from about 6 to8 to do yard work weather permitting.
Although when I was upstairs I saw a sunbeam so when I get home from UPS and it is still there, I just might change into overalls and work in the yard for a few hours. Hang the shop. It would be so nice to get more bark laid out front and get the truck loaded and a few more things done. Maybe I can get hub's to clean up that bed? Yeah like that is going to happen. A girl can always dream.
I need to start something for dinner, will have to go look at what I can cook that can really cook itself. We had eggs, hash browns, toast and bacon for Sunday dinner so I am not in a cooking mood this week.
I have decided not to do Money saving Madness on Mondays any more, as I do the same things over and over again and I think the posts are boring, but I will post unusual things that I am doing or have done to save money. Or maybe I will come up up with a different day to post these things. Any thoughts on this?
We had several things that need to be fixed in two of the missionary apartments. Electrical and plumbing problems, shower curtains need replaced, I was sent home with two suits that needed major mending plus dry cleaning. There are no dry cleaners in the small town these sets of missionaries are housed. Plus with the major flooding in these areas most of them have been baling out homes and working on clean up service so their clothes can become really bad really fast. They keep mud boots in their trucks but often don't have spare clothes so oh my the mess they make of their suits. Some of the houses have had two feet of mud in them and they have been tearing out carpets and dry wall. By the way they were very excited for the cookies.
Well I had better get busy as the work never does itself.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Yesterday after completing the missionary loop which by the way took 4.5 hours I was able to mess with mom's fairy garden which did not get touched last year and was buried in over growth and leaves. I am not one for this kind of kitsch but I redid it in memory of mom. Probably will dismantle as soon as the dog and cats run through it. This is a corner of our house that does not get water on purpose, so it looks cute there.
Kids that come over love to play and rearrange it, so I will keep it foe a while.
Working hard on the front corner bed which is done, after the perennials die off I will plant a few wave petunias to add color. Both those trash cans you can see are full of debree. Hubs need to get them to the truck as they are too heavy for me.
Here is the edge I cut back and you can see I still have some fill in plants to get in. This was very difficult work and the 100 feet across the front still needs to be done. Look at all the sod pieces out in the driveway. I have to load those today and get them into the truck. FUN! SAY FUN! with more enthusiasm please. SO much more cleaning and sweeping. I have to hose down the steps and clean out all the cracks in the driveway. Whose little blue clog is that peaking out in the picture?
But this is not the worst.....
Yes this is the bear cat of the font yard. About 1/3 of both the layers of this bed will have to be torn out. What I have planted there is a ground cover that is very invasive and I cannot keep the grass out of it. So hub's will have to hurk it out and I will have to clean and add new soil before I can clean the rest of the bed and re mulch. We took out a huge over grown very sappy ponderosa pine from above this area about two years ago. It completely changed the amount of sunshine that this bed gets so many of the plants had or have yet to be changed out. It is a work in progress and last year it saw no work because of mom. I am dreading this flower bed but it will be done.
I am going to run up to UPS and mail an Easter package to my nieces. New raincoats and rain boots and I filled the boots with Easter candy. Then I must get home and sew. There is a huge dirty dress rehearsal at the studio at 4 and I am so happy my dancers open the show as then I can leave. I am trying to use evening from about 6 to8 to do yard work weather permitting.
Although when I was upstairs I saw a sunbeam so when I get home from UPS and it is still there, I just might change into overalls and work in the yard for a few hours. Hang the shop. It would be so nice to get more bark laid out front and get the truck loaded and a few more things done. Maybe I can get hub's to clean up that bed? Yeah like that is going to happen. A girl can always dream.
I need to start something for dinner, will have to go look at what I can cook that can really cook itself. We had eggs, hash browns, toast and bacon for Sunday dinner so I am not in a cooking mood this week.
I have decided not to do Money saving Madness on Mondays any more, as I do the same things over and over again and I think the posts are boring, but I will post unusual things that I am doing or have done to save money. Or maybe I will come up up with a different day to post these things. Any thoughts on this?
We had several things that need to be fixed in two of the missionary apartments. Electrical and plumbing problems, shower curtains need replaced, I was sent home with two suits that needed major mending plus dry cleaning. There are no dry cleaners in the small town these sets of missionaries are housed. Plus with the major flooding in these areas most of them have been baling out homes and working on clean up service so their clothes can become really bad really fast. They keep mud boots in their trucks but often don't have spare clothes so oh my the mess they make of their suits. Some of the houses have had two feet of mud in them and they have been tearing out carpets and dry wall. By the way they were very excited for the cookies.
Well I had better get busy as the work never does itself.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Sunday, April 14, 2019
Sunday, Happy Palm Sunday
I worked outside almost all day yesterday and boy am I feeling it today. It was cloudy and rainy off and on but did not get too bad until later in the afternoon. When is really started to rain I went to Lil Sis's and took her to an open house at a nursery we like and then we went an got her some mulch with the truck.
I was able to get quite a bit done, but there is so much left I just feel like it is never ending. It only took me about 1/2 an hour to clean up all the mess I had made the day before and Hub's and I took that load to the landfill and then home to work steadily.
I took the long edging tool and edged down a big flower bed in the front yard. Hubs asked me why I did not do the entire front as it looked good and I told him because it about killed me. I had to jump with my whole body weight on the tool sometimes twice to get it to cut through the sod, then you had to pull the sod out. I have another truckload of clean up which I will try and load tomorrow.
Some of the areas in front yard did not get cleaned or redone last year and they are taking longer to bring back. Also several plants have overgrown and I knew this last year, but just no time to get there so it is really a bugger to take them out.
After I took Lil Sis to get her plants and bark I went and got my nails done as they were horrible and it had been a month. We are making the out of town missionary rounds this afternoon so I made a large batch of sugar cookies last night. I always take a treat as we are really coming to check (spy) on the young people and want them to look(sort of) forward to our intrusion. I also made enough for the choir, so we could have cookies after practice.
It will take hubs and I about 3 hours of driving to get to the three different sets of missionaries and I hope to be home by about 4:30. Then I will crash.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
I was able to get quite a bit done, but there is so much left I just feel like it is never ending. It only took me about 1/2 an hour to clean up all the mess I had made the day before and Hub's and I took that load to the landfill and then home to work steadily.
I took the long edging tool and edged down a big flower bed in the front yard. Hubs asked me why I did not do the entire front as it looked good and I told him because it about killed me. I had to jump with my whole body weight on the tool sometimes twice to get it to cut through the sod, then you had to pull the sod out. I have another truckload of clean up which I will try and load tomorrow.
Some of the areas in front yard did not get cleaned or redone last year and they are taking longer to bring back. Also several plants have overgrown and I knew this last year, but just no time to get there so it is really a bugger to take them out.
After I took Lil Sis to get her plants and bark I went and got my nails done as they were horrible and it had been a month. We are making the out of town missionary rounds this afternoon so I made a large batch of sugar cookies last night. I always take a treat as we are really coming to check (spy) on the young people and want them to look(sort of) forward to our intrusion. I also made enough for the choir, so we could have cookies after practice.
It will take hubs and I about 3 hours of driving to get to the three different sets of missionaries and I hope to be home by about 4:30. Then I will crash.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Staurday, I made a mess...
I went out into the front yard yesterday after a long day of sewing and I did my spraying thing, where I run from area to area never really getting anything done but I make a grand mess. So now Hub's precious (say this like golom please) is 1/4 full of mess and the whole front yard will be come a full truck load. He is not happy with me as precious is dirty. So my goal this morning is to go and clean up my mess and then head for the dump. It is supposed to rain this afternoon. Right now we have a little break.
I was able to get the army uniform out and also another mens suit. Two more dresses are done, and I plan on completing another suit as it is mostly hand tailoring over the weekend. I do have an out of towner coming in today with pants to hem so I will have to stop and get those down while he shops. But that won't take long. I hope to get a ton of work done in the yard at least as much as I am able before the real rain sets in.
In the mean time the house I cleaned so well last week is dirty again. Who tracks in all this dirt? Who dirties all these clothes and fills up these trash cans? I mean really...
Well I have very little time between rain storms so I am off.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
I was able to get the army uniform out and also another mens suit. Two more dresses are done, and I plan on completing another suit as it is mostly hand tailoring over the weekend. I do have an out of towner coming in today with pants to hem so I will have to stop and get those down while he shops. But that won't take long. I hope to get a ton of work done in the yard at least as much as I am able before the real rain sets in.
In the mean time the house I cleaned so well last week is dirty again. Who tracks in all this dirt? Who dirties all these clothes and fills up these trash cans? I mean really...
Well I have very little time between rain storms so I am off.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Friday, April 12, 2019
Friday,Getting stuff done addition
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Look at this sexy seamstress, I have never worn anything off the shoulder in my life. |
Yesterday I was able to get 5 dresses done and I still feel like I am behind. Hub's and I went out to dinner and we brought enough home for
dinner tonight. Then we bought a few groceries. How romantic we are. By the way thanks for all of the lovely anniversary wishes from all of you.
This afternoon will be very busy with clients coming to pick up and to drop off. I was able to get out for a few minutes yesterday to pay the power bill, the water bill and get new tags for the car. Now there are just a few very small bills left to conquer and the month will be taken care of. I am anxious to start to save money for the extra house payment. I should easily be able to make this when everything gets picked up. We are sticking to a very strict budge in all our other areas of spending.
Cash only is my motto right now. I have several tulips I am going to plant with bulbs that are already proven and marked way down. I would like to pick up a few more as they are going for .50 cents a container right now. So even though I have way too much sewing to do, I am still inspiring myself by having things to plant. Just knowing that they are out on the back deck waiting for me gives me hope and lets me sew a little happier and longer.
Today I have to get a pile of army uniforms done and alter two mens suits on top of altering two more dresses, and hemming several things. I might even uncover a few more items that need to be done. But I know I have a soldier coming in on Sunday from an out of town unit. I normally do not take clients on the Sabbath, but I make an exception, for military and police and fire. These people have no control over rips and tears and the schedule they are given.
Crap I have to be in the basement sewing all day and I want to be outside so badly. I just keep telling myself that this treadmill is not forever and if I get my work done I can go and play later.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Thursday Happy Annivesary!
Well here we are celebrating our 40th yes our 40th anniversary. It is hard to believe that it was that long ago. I would like to say all those sappy things that others say when they have made it this long but I can't. It has been hard. I can't even say I would choose to do it all over again. I haven't reached that point yet. But then I am pretty jaded when it comes to life. All I can say is that we have made it, mostly because we were too darn poor to split up. We never had anything to split. I know that sounds ungrateful because we have so much. We have been blessed over these 40 years with innumerable miracles. I just wish it had been a whole lot easier. I have many questions for Father in Heaven when I get to the other side.
This is the year I am supposed to add another diamond to my wedding ring, but that would cost about $1000.00 and I don't want to spend that money right now I want to pay off the house. I can do it next year in our 40th year. We are going to go out to dinner tonight as we have to do something. It is kind of embarrassing that neither one of us is really hip on any kind of a celebration. Isn't that lame?
I am very behind in the shop right now and after I go and pay some bills I am going to get right in there and start pumping out things. Dresses are coming in right and left and I want many of them done.
There are also dance costumes for the recital that have to be made, but not too many so that is nice.
It is a little nice outside today and it isn't going to last as it is supposed to rain (80% chance). I want to be outside so bad but cannot allow myself. I might make hubs take me to a garden center for some plants for my anniversary we will see what the weather is like this evening and how much work I get done today.
We are having sever flooding issues in surrounding communities. Cars floating away in downtown Pullman, Washington, right on our boarder. Crazy weather and we are expecting several more days of heavy rain storms. National guard are out rescuing people from roof tops in some smaller towns.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
This is the year I am supposed to add another diamond to my wedding ring, but that would cost about $1000.00 and I don't want to spend that money right now I want to pay off the house. I can do it next year in our 40th year. We are going to go out to dinner tonight as we have to do something. It is kind of embarrassing that neither one of us is really hip on any kind of a celebration. Isn't that lame?
I am very behind in the shop right now and after I go and pay some bills I am going to get right in there and start pumping out things. Dresses are coming in right and left and I want many of them done.
There are also dance costumes for the recital that have to be made, but not too many so that is nice.
It is a little nice outside today and it isn't going to last as it is supposed to rain (80% chance). I want to be outside so bad but cannot allow myself. I might make hubs take me to a garden center for some plants for my anniversary we will see what the weather is like this evening and how much work I get done today.
We are having sever flooding issues in surrounding communities. Cars floating away in downtown Pullman, Washington, right on our boarder. Crazy weather and we are expecting several more days of heavy rain storms. National guard are out rescuing people from roof tops in some smaller towns.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Wednesdy, Answer to prayer
Sorry about skipping my post yesterday, I had planned on having the littles yesterday, but daughter #2 called about 6 o'clock Monday evening and was near hysterics. Her baby was sick, her husband was on night shift and she was down with a bad sinus infection. My girls all get really wacky when they run fevers. I did not realize but all three of them had been sick off and on for over 6 weeks. They had all been on antibiotics and kept passing around different colds and flu. I think she was overly exhausted, and sick and behind. The baby had been in emergency room the night before and was refusing to take his medicine, can you imagine that? A 3 year old who won't take awful tasting meds?
So I dropped everything and took off for Spokane, after I called the littles parents to reschedule our day to take them. It is s two hour drive to D#2's house and I was able to get there by about 9 p.m. Grandson was asleep, daughter was still teary and the house was less than stellar. She is usually a pretty good housekeeper, except for her dressing room. I started to get the dishes done and get her into bed on another level of the house. She really just needed to sleep for about 12 hours. I had stopped and picked up some flonase and some zyrtec on my way up. She was in bed by 10 and after cleaning the main room I went to sleep in the babies room. He woke up about 2 and was crying for his mom. I was so glad she was asleep on another level. I went in and he told me, "I don't want you!" My response was," well that is too bad mommy is sick and I am who you have." SO I laid down next to him and in about 20 minutes her told me he was hungry and thirsty. I asked him what he wanted and he said milk. So after that he went to sleep again. Son-in-law got home about 3:30 and was surprised to find me there, it was pretty obvious that he also had been quite sick for some time. He thanked me for coming up.
We all went to bed and they slept until about 9:30 which was nice. Daughter finally rose from her sleep at about 10:30, so after 12 hours of good sleep she was ready to face the land of the living. We let son-in law sleep and I had daughter lay on the babies bed while I cleaned his room and we downsized a couple of bags of toys and clothes from his closet and toy box. We then went onto her dressing room, which of course was a disaster. But I helped her clean and downsize about 4 bags of things and reorganize. After that we rested for a while and then went up to the toy loft and cleaned out another bag of baby toys. Then another rest.
I should have started the laundry sooner but I did not realize how backed up she was with linens. Her house by the way is HUGE. Way too big and she realizes this. They bought it about 3 years ago because ti was such a good deal and already have over 100,000 in equity. But the square footage is daunting. Her spare room downstairs had been used by guests that had stayed when a family member of theirs was in the Large Hospital in Spokane. So there were two sets of linens for every bed that had to be washed. Plus all the laundry hampers in the house were over flowing.
After her husband went to work again we cleaned the master bedroom and put away laundry. I did the dishes one more time and by 6'oclock I had her the baby back in bed and I took off for home. Her house was clean and organized and she was on the mend. I left and drove home arriving about 8:15 in the evening. It was a long hard day of cleaning and I was tired.
Right before I left I told her to not let herself get so hysterical in times like this. She needed to pray and ask for help to calm herself down and not get so overwhelmed. If she would pray she would get guidance on what to do and also the Lord would send the comfort of the Holy ghost to be with her. She said, I did pray and I was told to call you." Oh I had to laugh I was not the rescue I had been thinking about, but I guess I did come up and bring her comfort. That is what mothers do.
The littles are here today and it will be a busy day in the shop plus I have to teach at 4. So it will be off and on trying to sew where I can. I will try and get the littles down for a nap about 1 and try and sew for a few hours, before I go to the studio. I also have to sew this evening in order to catch up a some.
The good news is I have enough money to pay the water bill and the power bill for the month. So now I just have a few little bills, doctor, internet,paper to pay and I will do those as money comes in toward the end of the week. Then anything else will go to the house.
Well some one has stinky pants and I don't think it is Hub's.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Segue: Just got a call from daughter," wear are my scrubs?" I hung them in the closet all together and the rest are in the laundry, but I know there were at least two pairs of pants and three tops. Fancy that things hung up?
So I dropped everything and took off for Spokane, after I called the littles parents to reschedule our day to take them. It is s two hour drive to D#2's house and I was able to get there by about 9 p.m. Grandson was asleep, daughter was still teary and the house was less than stellar. She is usually a pretty good housekeeper, except for her dressing room. I started to get the dishes done and get her into bed on another level of the house. She really just needed to sleep for about 12 hours. I had stopped and picked up some flonase and some zyrtec on my way up. She was in bed by 10 and after cleaning the main room I went to sleep in the babies room. He woke up about 2 and was crying for his mom. I was so glad she was asleep on another level. I went in and he told me, "I don't want you!" My response was," well that is too bad mommy is sick and I am who you have." SO I laid down next to him and in about 20 minutes her told me he was hungry and thirsty. I asked him what he wanted and he said milk. So after that he went to sleep again. Son-in-law got home about 3:30 and was surprised to find me there, it was pretty obvious that he also had been quite sick for some time. He thanked me for coming up.
We all went to bed and they slept until about 9:30 which was nice. Daughter finally rose from her sleep at about 10:30, so after 12 hours of good sleep she was ready to face the land of the living. We let son-in law sleep and I had daughter lay on the babies bed while I cleaned his room and we downsized a couple of bags of toys and clothes from his closet and toy box. We then went onto her dressing room, which of course was a disaster. But I helped her clean and downsize about 4 bags of things and reorganize. After that we rested for a while and then went up to the toy loft and cleaned out another bag of baby toys. Then another rest.
I should have started the laundry sooner but I did not realize how backed up she was with linens. Her house by the way is HUGE. Way too big and she realizes this. They bought it about 3 years ago because ti was such a good deal and already have over 100,000 in equity. But the square footage is daunting. Her spare room downstairs had been used by guests that had stayed when a family member of theirs was in the Large Hospital in Spokane. So there were two sets of linens for every bed that had to be washed. Plus all the laundry hampers in the house were over flowing.
After her husband went to work again we cleaned the master bedroom and put away laundry. I did the dishes one more time and by 6'oclock I had her the baby back in bed and I took off for home. Her house was clean and organized and she was on the mend. I left and drove home arriving about 8:15 in the evening. It was a long hard day of cleaning and I was tired.
Right before I left I told her to not let herself get so hysterical in times like this. She needed to pray and ask for help to calm herself down and not get so overwhelmed. If she would pray she would get guidance on what to do and also the Lord would send the comfort of the Holy ghost to be with her. She said, I did pray and I was told to call you." Oh I had to laugh I was not the rescue I had been thinking about, but I guess I did come up and bring her comfort. That is what mothers do.
The littles are here today and it will be a busy day in the shop plus I have to teach at 4. So it will be off and on trying to sew where I can. I will try and get the littles down for a nap about 1 and try and sew for a few hours, before I go to the studio. I also have to sew this evening in order to catch up a some.
The good news is I have enough money to pay the water bill and the power bill for the month. So now I just have a few little bills, doctor, internet,paper to pay and I will do those as money comes in toward the end of the week. Then anything else will go to the house.
Well some one has stinky pants and I don't think it is Hub's.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Segue: Just got a call from daughter," wear are my scrubs?" I hung them in the closet all together and the rest are in the laundry, but I know there were at least two pairs of pants and three tops. Fancy that things hung up?
Monday, April 8, 2019
MondayCrap, weather ALL WEEK....
So it rained off and on all Saturday but I just went inside when it got too bad. Late in the afternoon the sun came out for about 20 minutes and it was lovely. I did get a lot of cleaning down around the back of the house. I started to lay bark around the pond. Once the back of the house is done I have the upper backyard which I did nothing in the last three years. Hubs just kept it mowed. I am afraid to look. But I was so pleased to just be able and work outside.
Pup had to be in the picture. You can see the blueberry and strawberry patch and I am happy to say the garden is ready to till. The water has not been turned on so we cannot plant until that happens. I do not want to have to hand water a garden. Not that we have any dry weather right now. Drats!
You can see here where I have started to clean and lay bark around the pond. The pond was not cleaned or used last year and it is quite the job. I have the hose out hanging to inspire me to start cleaning, but it is just too cold out to work.
I was happy with the work I got done on Saturday. We have a truck full of yard waste that hubs need to take to the dump. I did get the other blueberry patch cleaned and weeded and I cleaned around the chicken coop really well. Most of the flower boxes are planted, waiting for a few more things to add. I did get some of my seedlings started. My green beans, cucumbers and then I ran out of room so have to get more soil pods. I want to start, zucchini, yellow squash, pumpkins, I will buy tomatoes and peppers.
It is supposed to be rainy and overcast all week. I am so blue and bummed about it. I don't mind rain if once or twice a day the sun comes out. I am always cold, I need that hot sun to warm into my bones so badly.
The only blessing about this crap weather is that it will keep me inside sewing and I have so much to do, I really should not be complaining about not being able to get outside.
Money saving this last few weeks:
1. Continued to save, $5.00 bills and my spare change and also a penny for the day. Today is .98 cents day for those of you who are doing this with me? Are you or is this my imagination?
2. Cooked all meals from scratch except the one where Lil sis took us out.
3. Kept grocery budget under $50.00 last week.
4. Did all my usual things, hung heavy laundry, reused containers, used wax wraps and homemade covers for things rather than tin foil or plastic.
5. Used coupons at Joanns, to save money
6. Found 11. last week in various places
7. Made a batch of homemade bread
8. took a frozen chicken carcass and boiled it down yesterday, have enough for a nice gravy with mashed potatoes which we will have for dinner with asparagus and a salad.
I am hoping to turn off the furnace by the end of the week but right now that is not going to happen.
Well I am off to get my butt to work in the shop. I think there are at least 8 pairs of jeans to hem and I still have three zippers to replace, and several prom dresses to hem a couple of suits to alter. Can't think of what else but I am sure it is there.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Pup had to be in the picture. You can see the blueberry and strawberry patch and I am happy to say the garden is ready to till. The water has not been turned on so we cannot plant until that happens. I do not want to have to hand water a garden. Not that we have any dry weather right now. Drats!
You can see here where I have started to clean and lay bark around the pond. The pond was not cleaned or used last year and it is quite the job. I have the hose out hanging to inspire me to start cleaning, but it is just too cold out to work.
I was happy with the work I got done on Saturday. We have a truck full of yard waste that hubs need to take to the dump. I did get the other blueberry patch cleaned and weeded and I cleaned around the chicken coop really well. Most of the flower boxes are planted, waiting for a few more things to add. I did get some of my seedlings started. My green beans, cucumbers and then I ran out of room so have to get more soil pods. I want to start, zucchini, yellow squash, pumpkins, I will buy tomatoes and peppers.
It is supposed to be rainy and overcast all week. I am so blue and bummed about it. I don't mind rain if once or twice a day the sun comes out. I am always cold, I need that hot sun to warm into my bones so badly.
The only blessing about this crap weather is that it will keep me inside sewing and I have so much to do, I really should not be complaining about not being able to get outside.
Money saving this last few weeks:
1. Continued to save, $5.00 bills and my spare change and also a penny for the day. Today is .98 cents day for those of you who are doing this with me? Are you or is this my imagination?
2. Cooked all meals from scratch except the one where Lil sis took us out.
3. Kept grocery budget under $50.00 last week.
4. Did all my usual things, hung heavy laundry, reused containers, used wax wraps and homemade covers for things rather than tin foil or plastic.
5. Used coupons at Joanns, to save money
6. Found 11. last week in various places
7. Made a batch of homemade bread
8. took a frozen chicken carcass and boiled it down yesterday, have enough for a nice gravy with mashed potatoes which we will have for dinner with asparagus and a salad.
I am hoping to turn off the furnace by the end of the week but right now that is not going to happen.
Well I am off to get my butt to work in the shop. I think there are at least 8 pairs of jeans to hem and I still have three zippers to replace, and several prom dresses to hem a couple of suits to alter. Can't think of what else but I am sure it is there.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Saturday, April 6, 2019
Saturday, dodging the weather.
I am currently waiting for a bride to arrive and I have to complete a bag of mending I neglected to get done this week. I am hoping to get some major yard work done but the weather is precarious. So I will dodge the rain drops and work around it as much as possible.
It is not like I have nothing to do as the house really needs love. I also want to get over to a local nursery for potato starts as I did not get mine in time last year and they ran out.
We stopped and bought Hub's a new Pulaski as he lent his good one out to the boy scouts and was returned some kind of Micky mouse tool. He is sure the forest service got the good one as most people don't own that kind of a heavy tool and they thought it was theirs,. The local boy scouts were working a trail with the Forest service. He needs to have his name on his tools when they are loaned out. I also picked up a couple of sets of gardening gloves as I could only find one set without holes and they were also well worn. I can wear through a set of rubber tipped gloves in one day of yard work.
We were not inspired by either piece of land we saw yesterday and will keep looking. One 10 acre piece was heavily timbered and would require a bid out to a local mill to sell the wood which would pay for the land itself, but we could not get into it as the snow was still too deep. We will try a peruse this piece later in the spring.
My Lil sis is taking my out to dinner this evening for my birthday, that will be nice. I don't have to cook tonight. So I am now going to go out and see what I can get done outside. I am trying to do one area at a time, but find myself spraying all over the yard, here a little there a little. Which gets nothing done completely. But I really want to get all the whirly gigs picked up in the back yard so I can lay bark. I won't be able to get them out of the french drains as that must be done by hand later.
I wonder if I can get Hub's to use his new Pulaski to grub out certain areas of my front beds so I can put in new soil and plants? Well maybe that will happen.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
It is not like I have nothing to do as the house really needs love. I also want to get over to a local nursery for potato starts as I did not get mine in time last year and they ran out.
We stopped and bought Hub's a new Pulaski as he lent his good one out to the boy scouts and was returned some kind of Micky mouse tool. He is sure the forest service got the good one as most people don't own that kind of a heavy tool and they thought it was theirs,. The local boy scouts were working a trail with the Forest service. He needs to have his name on his tools when they are loaned out. I also picked up a couple of sets of gardening gloves as I could only find one set without holes and they were also well worn. I can wear through a set of rubber tipped gloves in one day of yard work.
We were not inspired by either piece of land we saw yesterday and will keep looking. One 10 acre piece was heavily timbered and would require a bid out to a local mill to sell the wood which would pay for the land itself, but we could not get into it as the snow was still too deep. We will try a peruse this piece later in the spring.
My Lil sis is taking my out to dinner this evening for my birthday, that will be nice. I don't have to cook tonight. So I am now going to go out and see what I can get done outside. I am trying to do one area at a time, but find myself spraying all over the yard, here a little there a little. Which gets nothing done completely. But I really want to get all the whirly gigs picked up in the back yard so I can lay bark. I won't be able to get them out of the french drains as that must be done by hand later.
I wonder if I can get Hub's to use his new Pulaski to grub out certain areas of my front beds so I can put in new soil and plants? Well maybe that will happen.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Friday, April 5, 2019
Friday, better today, and thanks
I really worked hard in the shop yesterday. In fact I sewed in two days what I usually do in five and that was good for the bottom line but not for the old back. I guess getting home and spending a day just cooking and doing some housework and then taking the littles and THEN planning on going to look at land did not leave me a lot of time for sewing I am the queen of the over plan.
Hub's and I went a bought 15 bags of bark last night and we will get 10 more over the weekend. I took in enough money to pay for these and pay the sewer and water bill and a couple of other small bills, like the internet and and paper. We will make it.
I don't know why I panicked and put myself into a state as it is only the 5th of the month, I have at least 3.5 more weeks to sew and accomplish what I need to do for the month and I will be more than okay.
I am excited to meet with a realtor about land, as I have so many questions. Also a day out in the wild with Hubs will be fun.
Tomorrow is supposed to be some what nice so I plan to spend it in the yard and I will love that. Also Lil sis is taking me out to dinner Saturday night for my birthday and that will be fun.
I have what looks like a nice weekend ahead (not weather) and that is always good to cheer me.
Yesterday I sewed a zipper into a down coat completely backward. Had to take the whole thing out after I thought I was done. That was a lovely mess, but I had so many clients and interruptions I did not pay attention. Hope I never do that again.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Hub's and I went a bought 15 bags of bark last night and we will get 10 more over the weekend. I took in enough money to pay for these and pay the sewer and water bill and a couple of other small bills, like the internet and and paper. We will make it.
I don't know why I panicked and put myself into a state as it is only the 5th of the month, I have at least 3.5 more weeks to sew and accomplish what I need to do for the month and I will be more than okay.
I am excited to meet with a realtor about land, as I have so many questions. Also a day out in the wild with Hubs will be fun.
Tomorrow is supposed to be some what nice so I plan to spend it in the yard and I will love that. Also Lil sis is taking me out to dinner Saturday night for my birthday and that will be fun.
I have what looks like a nice weekend ahead (not weather) and that is always good to cheer me.
Yesterday I sewed a zipper into a down coat completely backward. Had to take the whole thing out after I thought I was done. That was a lovely mess, but I had so many clients and interruptions I did not pay attention. Hope I never do that again.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Thursday, April 4, 2019
Thursday, Today I have to .....
Today I have to live in my shop. It is cold and dreary outside so that will make it easier for me. When it is warm and sunny I struggle to stay in the basement and sew. Even though my shop is large with a huge daylight window that brings in lots of natural sunlight. The shop is a raging mess right now and I really have to pump some things out of there.
I was able to get quite a bit of sewing done yesterday before I had to go teach and then I did hand work after I got home. But is hardly looks like I touched the place, of course more items were coming in while I was pushing things out.
Today it will be prom dresses and zippers. I have at least 6 zippers to replace and that will get rid of a ranging pile of things. I have to keep track of which dresses are for which week of April and the first of May. Crazy busy here.
I know I should be more excited about it, but I really am having a moment or I should say many moments of I am tired of the struggle of paying things off. I am tired of pushing myself to reach my goal. I am so close, and yet I have never had so many moments of losing momentum. I vacillate between go, go, go to just let this be over, I am so done. I almost feel sick to my stomach when I think of how much longer it will take to pay off the house and will I get there before the end of the year? My Sis thinks I should let up and not worry about it, but I made a goal and I hate not making that goal.
Maybe it is because money is really tight this month and every dime I can scrape together will go to paying the rest of the months bills, plus I am worried about the summer. With mom gone our Income is down $500.00 a month although there were many months that she lived with us that she spent every penny of that. I took on a car payment and as I wanted 0 % interest, the payments were high. I am paying $500.00 a month on that. Then the studio will be paid for in May. So the last $500.00 payment will be made. I have a sense of relief over that, but it is also a chunk of change. Essentially I will be down $1500.00 a month compared to what I was last year at this time and it is hard to keep up with my dreams and goals.
We have to rebark the yard and Home depot has their annual sale this week of 5 bags for 10.00. So I need to squirrel away enough money for 25 bags of bark. If I wait it is almost $4.00 a bag. So we will go Saturday and load up even though we are not ready to lay the bark yet. I want to take advantage of the sale. This huge yard is so much work and I tell myself to quit and try to sell the house and get into something smaller, but I want to pay it off first. Again with the goal.
Sorry for my angst, I think I have just been working too hard lately and I let things start to bother me. I need to remind myself that, I have a roof over my head, food to eat and clothes to wear. I have a family that loves me (snort) and many friends that will aid me if needed, so I can quit with the stress and worry and just be. Tell me to stop it. I will make is one way or another. Maybe by the end of the year maybe a few months into the next year. And this too will be okay.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
I was able to get quite a bit of sewing done yesterday before I had to go teach and then I did hand work after I got home. But is hardly looks like I touched the place, of course more items were coming in while I was pushing things out.
Today it will be prom dresses and zippers. I have at least 6 zippers to replace and that will get rid of a ranging pile of things. I have to keep track of which dresses are for which week of April and the first of May. Crazy busy here.
I know I should be more excited about it, but I really am having a moment or I should say many moments of I am tired of the struggle of paying things off. I am tired of pushing myself to reach my goal. I am so close, and yet I have never had so many moments of losing momentum. I vacillate between go, go, go to just let this be over, I am so done. I almost feel sick to my stomach when I think of how much longer it will take to pay off the house and will I get there before the end of the year? My Sis thinks I should let up and not worry about it, but I made a goal and I hate not making that goal.
Maybe it is because money is really tight this month and every dime I can scrape together will go to paying the rest of the months bills, plus I am worried about the summer. With mom gone our Income is down $500.00 a month although there were many months that she lived with us that she spent every penny of that. I took on a car payment and as I wanted 0 % interest, the payments were high. I am paying $500.00 a month on that. Then the studio will be paid for in May. So the last $500.00 payment will be made. I have a sense of relief over that, but it is also a chunk of change. Essentially I will be down $1500.00 a month compared to what I was last year at this time and it is hard to keep up with my dreams and goals.
We have to rebark the yard and Home depot has their annual sale this week of 5 bags for 10.00. So I need to squirrel away enough money for 25 bags of bark. If I wait it is almost $4.00 a bag. So we will go Saturday and load up even though we are not ready to lay the bark yet. I want to take advantage of the sale. This huge yard is so much work and I tell myself to quit and try to sell the house and get into something smaller, but I want to pay it off first. Again with the goal.
Sorry for my angst, I think I have just been working too hard lately and I let things start to bother me. I need to remind myself that, I have a roof over my head, food to eat and clothes to wear. I have a family that loves me (snort) and many friends that will aid me if needed, so I can quit with the stress and worry and just be. Tell me to stop it. I will make is one way or another. Maybe by the end of the year maybe a few months into the next year. And this too will be okay.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Wednesday, April 3, 2019
Wednesday, out in the yard
Because the littles were here yesterday, I decided to play in the yard. It is hard to sew with them around. I can do it but it is frustrating. I had many, many clients show up yesterday so there were many hand washings and trips up and down stairs. Also watching two toddlers, while trying to do yard work is no easy challenge. But I persevered and got the larger part of the back wall trimmed and raked. I did not trim this part of the wall last year as I got into the season very late with mom being so sick and then by May she was consuming me almost 24/7. So this ivy was allowed to grow into the grass and it was a bear cat to remove. I love ivy, but if you are going to grow it you had better love it as it is almost impossible to get rid of.
This is the other part of the wall, you can see the garden half to the left and I did keep that trimmed up to prevent it from consuming the garden. This large pile of trimmings will be put in a can. I had already used up one of our debree cans and when hub's brought me up another I was onto the next project so there it sits.
I worked really hard around one of the back patios. (see below) I cleaned and weeded. We lost two of our 18 year old flower boxes to rot but the hostas that I planted in front of the wood pile get so large that they completely covered two of the boxes and you could not see any flowers planted there, so I am just going with the two you will be able to see. I still have to scrub the red furniture with cleaner and put it back.

You can see the french drain we replaced a few years ago that i will have to hand clean at a later date. So much work and so little time outside. It was beautiful yesterday and hit 70. I loved it.

Here is the garbage lot that will have to be sorted and taken to the dump and land fill. Such a massive amount of cleaning and sorting. All I did last summer was take a basic care of the garden. Very little was done outside due to mom's health and subsequent death. I call it the summer of blur as I remember so little about it. Can you see little me taking the picture in the reflection of the dining room window?
The poor garden area. I will clean this and then Hub's will till and we can plant. I was able to get all the flower boxes soil switched out, and some of the flowers planted that will go in them. So that is a big win for me. I have 29 flower boxes down from over 70 years ago when I was still working for a nursery. Yeah I am a little over the top when it comes to plants and trees and things of that sort. I am going to have the sprinkler company add a soaker hose to the garden right in front of the french drain. The sprinkler system does not give it enough water and it will solve my bean growth problem.
So all in all I feel like I really got a lot accomplished with this first big day in the yard. It was so lovely and I was so dirty, and now the floors in the house are a mess, but that is a job for another day.
There is so much sewing in the shop right now I think it might explode and I have to really put my nose to the grindstone for the next few days. I think there are over 10 prom dresses in there plus zippers, and patching and we won't even mention wedding dresses, or bridesmaid dresses, and let us not forget military uniforms. Ugh!
I have a bridal appointment at 1:00 and I have to run pay the three bills I have money for at this point, everything else will have to wait until its due date for me to squirrel enough money out of the shop to pay the darn things. This is what I get for over spending in March.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
This is the other part of the wall, you can see the garden half to the left and I did keep that trimmed up to prevent it from consuming the garden. This large pile of trimmings will be put in a can. I had already used up one of our debree cans and when hub's brought me up another I was onto the next project so there it sits.
I worked really hard around one of the back patios. (see below) I cleaned and weeded. We lost two of our 18 year old flower boxes to rot but the hostas that I planted in front of the wood pile get so large that they completely covered two of the boxes and you could not see any flowers planted there, so I am just going with the two you will be able to see. I still have to scrub the red furniture with cleaner and put it back.

You can see the french drain we replaced a few years ago that i will have to hand clean at a later date. So much work and so little time outside. It was beautiful yesterday and hit 70. I loved it.

Here is the garbage lot that will have to be sorted and taken to the dump and land fill. Such a massive amount of cleaning and sorting. All I did last summer was take a basic care of the garden. Very little was done outside due to mom's health and subsequent death. I call it the summer of blur as I remember so little about it. Can you see little me taking the picture in the reflection of the dining room window?
The poor garden area. I will clean this and then Hub's will till and we can plant. I was able to get all the flower boxes soil switched out, and some of the flowers planted that will go in them. So that is a big win for me. I have 29 flower boxes down from over 70 years ago when I was still working for a nursery. Yeah I am a little over the top when it comes to plants and trees and things of that sort. I am going to have the sprinkler company add a soaker hose to the garden right in front of the french drain. The sprinkler system does not give it enough water and it will solve my bean growth problem.
So all in all I feel like I really got a lot accomplished with this first big day in the yard. It was so lovely and I was so dirty, and now the floors in the house are a mess, but that is a job for another day.
There is so much sewing in the shop right now I think it might explode and I have to really put my nose to the grindstone for the next few days. I think there are over 10 prom dresses in there plus zippers, and patching and we won't even mention wedding dresses, or bridesmaid dresses, and let us not forget military uniforms. Ugh!
I have a bridal appointment at 1:00 and I have to run pay the three bills I have money for at this point, everything else will have to wait until its due date for me to squirrel enough money out of the shop to pay the darn things. This is what I get for over spending in March.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Tuesday, April 2, 2019
Tuesday, April woes, and goals, how did I do in March?
Well, I spent way too
much time out of the shop and not producing. As I was doing this I was spending money. I spent more on gas (traveling) and food out (traveling). I spent money on brothers place to the tune of a a large American express bill that I had to pay. Hub's Hearing aids were redone to the tune of 720.00. But he is hearing great, so that is a blessing. I just need to stay home and work and not spend money. That is why we are driving to look at some land this Friday and coming right home, no stay overs. We have to be very careful in April as I am behind the eight ball so to speak.
The babies are here today so I plan on getting some work done in the yard if I can. They like to be out side. But I have to also listen for customers. I have quite a few appointments coming in today. I did not get much sewing done yesterday as I spent the day in the kitchen. I made 2 trays of lasagna and two trays of stuffed shells. I also made a batch of bread. No problems this time. All went smoothly.I am going to bake a sheet cake today and put together a large tossed salad as I take two trays of Italian into the family that just had its 9 th baby. It will take two trays to feed that lot.
Segue: client with two bridesmaid dresses, and change a messy diaper. Hub's is reading the paper at the veterans home and I need reinforcements.
So let's look at Kim's goals and see what she did or did not accomplish this month.
Financial Goals
1. Put all spare change in pig bank Done
2. Save all my $5 bills Done
3. Keep groceries at $50.00 a week Done
4. Pay $1000.00 extra on house Done
5. save a penny for each day of the year.Done
1. stick to one diet coke a day (fell off the wagon at daughters, but I am right back on.) Fail/Win
2. Stick to low carb 24 days of the month lost 7 lbs so I call this a Win
3. Try and get 10,000 steps a day (have had 15 days of over 12,000 so WIN
4. Get heart rate up for at least 30 minutes Win
1. Have more fun take it easy Fail
2.Read more,study FAIL
3. Practice piano Fail
4. Spend some time on crafts FAIL
So as usual I did great on the financing, better on the Health, but a total knob on the spiritual. Must get better at this.
Well I think April will be a great month for getting the yard done and trying to stay home and not
spend any extra money. I have to sew hard to make up for the monies spent in March.
How did you do in March? Do you have any extra plans for April?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
much time out of the shop and not producing. As I was doing this I was spending money. I spent more on gas (traveling) and food out (traveling). I spent money on brothers place to the tune of a a large American express bill that I had to pay. Hub's Hearing aids were redone to the tune of 720.00. But he is hearing great, so that is a blessing. I just need to stay home and work and not spend money. That is why we are driving to look at some land this Friday and coming right home, no stay overs. We have to be very careful in April as I am behind the eight ball so to speak.
The babies are here today so I plan on getting some work done in the yard if I can. They like to be out side. But I have to also listen for customers. I have quite a few appointments coming in today. I did not get much sewing done yesterday as I spent the day in the kitchen. I made 2 trays of lasagna and two trays of stuffed shells. I also made a batch of bread. No problems this time. All went smoothly.I am going to bake a sheet cake today and put together a large tossed salad as I take two trays of Italian into the family that just had its 9 th baby. It will take two trays to feed that lot.
Segue: client with two bridesmaid dresses, and change a messy diaper. Hub's is reading the paper at the veterans home and I need reinforcements.
So let's look at Kim's goals and see what she did or did not accomplish this month.
Financial Goals
1. Put all spare change in pig bank Done
2. Save all my $5 bills Done
3. Keep groceries at $50.00 a week Done
4. Pay $1000.00 extra on house Done
5. save a penny for each day of the year.Done
1. stick to one diet coke a day (fell off the wagon at daughters, but I am right back on.) Fail/Win
2. Stick to low carb 24 days of the month lost 7 lbs so I call this a Win
3. Try and get 10,000 steps a day (have had 15 days of over 12,000 so WIN
4. Get heart rate up for at least 30 minutes Win
1. Have more fun take it easy Fail
2.Read more,study FAIL
3. Practice piano Fail
4. Spend some time on crafts FAIL
So as usual I did great on the financing, better on the Health, but a total knob on the spiritual. Must get better at this.
Well I think April will be a great month for getting the yard done and trying to stay home and not
spend any extra money. I have to sew hard to make up for the monies spent in March.
How did you do in March? Do you have any extra plans for April?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
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