Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Tuesday, Kim's a wreck addition

 I think spending almost 2 hours trying to book tickets online for our Christmas vacation and then over 20  minutes more than once trying to just get an appointment at the clinic is enough to put one over the edge.

My whole morning gone for a couple of things that should have taken a few minutes.  Plus, I forgot to take that whole chicken out of the freezer and now I can't put it in for dinner.  When I did go out to find it, I found another large bag of frozen strawberries for jam that I should have used Saturday.  Oh well I will probably find more fruit on sale that I can jam later and besides I need to buy more lids.

Can anyone possible invite me for dinner so I don't have to cook as I am behind on what I wanted to get done today. 

Aggravation thy name is KIM.

At least I can say that I did get my meds refilled and I did get an appointment booked for next week and I did finally get my tickets.  So those things are off my plate.  But 3 hours of my life gone?

We had a hard frost last night and now it is in the 60's.  But at least the garden is in. Now I have to figure out how I am going to salvage my day....

I have this perfectionist problem (I am not a perfectionist) that many people with ADHD have.  It involves time management and going with the flow.  I have plans or ideas in my head of what is going, or what I want to happen and when things go haywire, and I am thrown off schedule, I have a tendency to say, "Well if I can't do it all I can't do anything."  Which is so not true.

For instance, I am usually into the shop between 12 and 1 and I sew for 3 to 4 hours.  But today that is totally thrown off by the above scenario.  I also now have to wing dinner and I do not want to add that to my thought process which can totally throw off my whole game.  What can I do?  

Well, this is what I used to do, but I am trying to train myself not to do this.  I would do nothing.  You all know I do nothing well. Now I have to fight myself and tell myself that 1/2 the sewing I planned to do is better than no sewing.

The world is not going to end.  All these feeling of frustration and loss of time will not disrupt the time I still have left.  I can do something.  My head is rushing, and my eyes are bugging out. (Well not really) but that is what I emotionally feel like.

Hubs and I voted this morning, or I should say we went and cancelled out each other's votes as we have for the last 43 years.  If we are anything it is consistent.

So, I am going to make a list and see if I can possibly get myself to do something even if it is not everything.  Just something.

1. hem 2 pairs of black pants

2. call clients

3. peg two pairs of slacks and call client

4. hem 4 pairs of pants

5. hem mother of the bride

6. hem mother of the bride attach belt

7. alter wedding dress

I made a list of everything I need to have done before we leave for Thanksgiving, and it is a long one.  Thanksgiving will be here before you know it! I must do something. 

I can get things done; I will not allow distractions.

ARGHHHHH! Are you not happy you don't have to deal with me brain?

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are int the negative.



  1. I'm in the puppy naughty time at the moment so ignoring him, and looking at blogs. He can't go for regular walks for another 10 days and he and I both need an escape! I see your post through my life and can relate.

    1. Isn't blogging a way to really feel better about things? I know it helps me realize that I am almost normal (yuck, yuck).

  2. I hope you don't take anything else in the shop. Stick to your Friday off. You know you CAN use that Friday to catch up on anything, even sewing. Those time-consuming chores are a killer! I have pulled Tommy's voting in line with mine, almost, with a lot of persuasive points. I panic when I don't have anything thawed, but, then I remember I have about two dozen meals of meat frozen. So, he can have a thigh thawed in the microwave with leftover vegetables or canned food. We eat no matter what. Panic does not help, but I cannot help it.

    Have you actually been diagnosed by a professional or is this your opinion or the opinion of naysayers?

    1. Yes I have been diagnosed. Actually, I had the same GP for 30 years, and I had his girls in dance. He and his wife danced in the Nutcracker for me as a couple for many years. I picked up both his girls at their schools for dance lessons, for years. Once in a while I would take the girls home if both him and his wife were stuck at the hospital. So, we were really family friends. He saw me in action for years, and often wondered when I would ask him about this condition. Now realize I was producing huge shows with many details and keeping track of everything, so it is not that I can't do it, but it was obvious to him that my brain was constantly in overdrive. I have to work very hard to slow down. Sometimes I think having this condition is a gift as it makes me very creative, but as I aged it became more and more difficult. The meds and knowing why I am what I am really helps.

  3. Just remember - in the scheme of things that are going on in the world - you got this!!!!! A little off schedule is OK!!!! Noone is going to die, nothing is going to collapse, and all will be OK.

    1. I know and I did really well yesterday, I just have to talk myself down. And I have you to reel me in! Thank goodness for you. You are a blessing in my life Cheryl. More than you know.

  4. Hi Kim! I trust your list focused you and you chiseled away at it. We occasionally end up with peanut butter and jelly some nights ;). We also have frozen bagels always available…I made a list of a few meals for this week, tonight is canned salmon that will turn into salmon cakes. Then everything else will need to thaw! Happy getting half as much done, it will be a good thing to see tomorrow am. Hilogene in Az

    1. You know I have never made a salmon cake. Can you tell me how to do it?

  5. Kim, from the looks of it you got things done. Remember small bites of the rather large elephant and it will all be completed.

    God bless.

    1. I know, I just get myself worked up, and need to calm down and just get to work.

  6. I didn't know you had ADHD, but I appreciate how you explain how your brain works. I think knowing how you usually act is half the battle, so that you can short-circuit your usual behaviour.

    On days I don't feel like cooking I make tinned soup (I always have a few cans) and open faced tuna melts. So good.

    1. It is hard, as my brain does not turn off. It is a blessing in that it makes me very creative and I don't want to say smart, but I do hold onto massive amounts of learning. Intense curiosity is a factor also, which as you know killed the cat! I started reading at 3 and was always go, go go. But my mother was a teacher, and kept me focused constantly. I mean she did not allow stepping out of line without consequences. I learned control, but it was very, very difficult. It is just so nice to have medication to help. I just have to keep the demons at bay.

  7. Sometimes you just have to throw in the dinner towel and eat cereal or better yet, popcorn!
    You do a lot all of the time, so it is fine if the morning went off the rails a little. Just keep repeating "It is fine, It is fine"

    1. I know, I just get myself worked up. It probably doesn't help that first thing in the morning I read an email from Sis , where she tells me all about her super organized day. How she is up, bed made, house spotless, dinner planned, hair and makeup done. I have a hard time just getting my hair brushed.

  8. You did accomplish quite a bit, just not everything. Does anyone ever accomplish everything on their to do list? I know I don't because the list keeps growing.

    1. No they don't and I have to realize that. I just get frustrated with myself.

  9. You work really hard, don't beat your self up. If something is in the freezer and hits the date that does not mean it is bad, make that jam. I hope you did not throw them out. I often wait to last minute to take something out for dinner. I have learned to freeze a pork chop, a steak, a chicken breast in a freezer bag. I can pull out the amount that I need, all of those late in the day, put in pan of hot water from the tap and be ready to use for dinner. Don't sweat the small stuff, you can go out and grab some fast food or make breakfast for dinner. Pancakes, oatmeal and toast, eggs and toast.

    1. I did just that. Pulled out two burgers left over from a BBQ, and a bun and tawed it and made hubs a burger for dinner.

  10. Booking travel lately is a real hassle these days. I'm impressed you & your husband can share very different opinions on politics & not let it impact you. These days, that's a real make or break for most people! My husband & I are more like 30% not aligned politically, but we typically stay with the same party. He's very complainy & begrudging, but acknowledges that the party he doesn't like is still miles ahead of the other one. But, the complaining kills me. I KNOW. No need to repeat & complain. Cast your vote & be done with it.

    1. My parents always cancelled each other out and they used to laugh about it. I never discuss politics or religion with his family. He was raised really right wing. I was raised really left wing. But the funny thing is we are both pretty purple now. I will discuss religion in a religion class and that is it. I was really upset about the turnover of Rowe vs Wade. Of course, his family beat me up pretty bad, but I held my ground. I am an educated (actually over educated) intelligent woman, and I am well read on the issues. They are not. I will not argue, but I will stand firm. I think the election results we have seen will prove my point well.

  11. I did well. I talked myself off the cliff.

  12. My ADHD kids and grandkids make 2 lists... one essential and one I want this done.
    ALL have gotten into a routine of putting supper out to thaw the NIGHT BEFORE. I am yelling at MYSELF not you.
