Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Wednesday, What Kim found out...


For those of you that have been reading me for a while, you have realized that I am a little slow on the uptick. Now I move very fast, but boy do I learn slow.

I had a revelation yesterday, that will cause my Sissie to beat me over the head next time she sees me and to have Anne in the kitchen saying, "I told you so."

I was going about my business yesterday faithfully setting my timer at one-hour intervals to encourage my ADHD brain to stay focused and working.  The first hour went by and I got many piles done and then the timer was reset.  I pulled out a pair of pants and hemmed them probably less than 5 minutes.  The doorbell rang and it was a bride along with a bridesmaid.

So, I fit both. It was your normal alterations and then they left, and I picked up a second pair of pants and the timer went off! I had only been able to get one pair of pants done in an hour!  But how could that be?

Well because, you have to let the bride try on and change clothes.  Then you have to finish getting her into dress, as in buttons, and hooks, and spreading out tulle and underskirts.  Then you have to discuss and pin alterations.  Then you fill out paperwork, and she had to change again after you spend time unbuttoning and unhooking.  Then you have to get dress back in the bag.  Plus, I pinned a bridesmaid dress.  An entire hour gone! I charge by the hour.  So, when the bride comes back, I will have to do this all again.  Maybe another hour. I am not charging enough for brides.  They take too much of my sewing time. I need to charge for my time lost.  Gee, how did I not realize this?

Sew (so) now I am going to add fitting time to my brides.  If I have to do more than one fitting the cost is going up. Kim is learning. Slowly but she is learning.

Now for today:

1. fix slit on skirt

2. hem two pairs of jeans

3. hem three pairs of pants

4. hem a burgundy bridesmaid dress

5. alter a black dress under the arms

6. hem a pink mother of the bride

7. alter and collar on a sweatshirt

8. hem a navy-blue bridesmaid dress

9. alter a wedding dress

10. call on an alteration that is done

That is enough for today.

I felt really good about what I got done yesterday, well except for the time for the bride changing. 

I would also like to get the shop cleaned and a little more organized today!

Have a great and [productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. Slow and steady! AT least you got it! Now do something about it - to increase your profitability!

    1. Well just raising my prices, I noticed yesterday not one person complained and I took in about 18.00 more than I would have previously. That will certainly add up over time.

  2. Great idea on the charge. Or just up your alteration cost to assume time to fit. Whatever you think will be easiest to communicate with customers.

    . I had no idea you had ADHD that’s such a tricky diagnosis. Hope you are managing well.

    1. Well, I always knew I was different, but academically and artistically way ahead of the curve, so I just assumed everyone's brain worked like mine. They don't.

  3. Hi, I am sure your prices are too low. A friend of mine refinishes/repairs expensive antiques. He charged $125 an hour. He has raised his prices three times in the last two years and he says that no one cares. He was wondering if he charged $250 if anyone would blink. So, I recommend you charge slightly more than you would initially think and see what the market does. I bet you will still have more business than you can do! I believe that there are very few talented people who do a good job…and they are worth paying for. Hilogene in Az

  4. It's good that you're finding the 'time leaks' and working out ways to charge for them. People will pay more than you think. My son has ADD and its a challenge with organisation so I totally get it.

    1. Yes I think that is what I struggle with the most. My brain goes onto the next things before I put away the last thing. Everyday I struggle.

  5. Well damn girl.....I had no idea you were NOT charging for every minute spent!

    Better late than never :-

    1. No I just don't see those things. I remember a director I worked with years ago, telling me I did not see myself clearly and I don't. I just think everyone's brain is like mine.

  6. Great idea to charge for fitting time, for some reason I thought you were already doing this.

    God bless.

    1. No, but I am certainly going to add to the wedding dress fittings. During high season I can do 3-4 of those a day. No wonder I was behind.

  7. I too learn slow, when others see the obvious. At least now you can make changes to your billing plan.

    1. This has always been a problem, of mine. When I was teaching for the University, I would work with these professional dancers just off the circuit. They could dance, but not teach, they could dance but not choreograph. I did all three easily. When I hear music, I see dancing. I just assumed that everyone could do that. No, it is a gift and very unusual. I always assume everyone learns like me, but they don't.

  8. Kim,
    I charged $700.00 to make a doll dress for a doll about 4 feet high. The guy almost busted a gut yelling. But, I stayed calm and firm. First of all, he is wealthy. Second, I charged for sitting and looking and thinking. Part of what I charge for is the work of my brain. Plus, a lace trim with beads on it was chosen and I had to sew on 4+ yards, securing the heavy lace and go around corners, making it lie flat, all by hand. This was on both edges of the beaded lace. AND, I designed and made the pattern.

    I had made leather button-up shoes and sat at the cobbler's for two hours in his busy season waiting on him, then waiting for him to do his part of the job--design sole and cut it and sew the upper to the sole. I had to make two trips to get this done. Yes, $10/hr for driving. Mileage would have been nil.

    Because it is not possible to get a dress on a stiff plastic doll, I had to sew about two dozen tiny black snaps from hem to underarm and down the arm. It looked fabulous when I finished!

    This person got the best of me for $10/hr and yelled at me! I got my money, never a worry about that. That was not nearly enough when I had to change machines, using for machines on this project. Oh, he paid for the materials and notions. I did get paid the hourly rate for every bobbin, every snap, every knot I put in the thread to sew the snaps. Lots of hooks and eyes and lots of buttons up the back made this a complicated project. It was artistry and a piece of cake for me. It took 70 hours, but it was perfect, even he said so!

    Charge for your skill and talents! My price was 40 years ago, and probably still not enough for so long ago.

  9. Better late than never right?

    1. I guess Lori, but if Sissie had been here she would have seen this immediatly.

  10. Glad you were able to understand more about the time wasters, and hope you put something in place to be fairly compensated for them!

  11. I just went through this again with Hubby over him "sitting" time while hauling... time loading and unloading can be an couple hours and he is only charging by mile. Then I asked if he was leaving the truck on burning fuel SIGH . As of today he has added sitting time and a reminder on his steering wheel to turn truck off when sitting at least 5 minutes.

    1. I can totally understand that. You know when you work for yourself, you just never realize how valuable your time is.

  12. OK I am not going to say "Told you so" But__________
