Here are the pictures of our hard work! Judy I survived.
Look at those perennials filling in without weeds! |
Front weeded left the waves and will pull those after the first freeze. Look at those curb edges cleaned out,yeah! I am so happy. |
I was a busy beaver this weekend. We were able to weed the front lawn and flower beds. It took us until 3 in the afternoon and I am still feeling the affects of the workout. It is not done to my satisfaction but it looks a lot better. I was not able clean the front porch and get around the side of the house, but we did have an entire full pickup load of weeds and trimmings to take to the dump at 4 on Saturday. I hope to get Hubby out there next weekend and we will continue this little game.
We pulled out several small trees planted by neighborhood squirrels and many blackberry starts , it is still a mess and needs more love but much better. |
Front porch still a little messy, but at least is is started. |
I have come to the conclusion that I have too many flower boxes and pots. I am going to do something about this next year. Remind me when I am frantically trying to get everything planted I try to reduce the number every year, but this is getting ridiculous. I really don't enjoy it any more and it becomes a burden. Maybe it is because I felt so lousy this summer.
Hubby and I went to the county fair Saturday night. We laughed because the night before we had gone to McDonald's on a date. My younger sister had called me as we were walking in and she was so surprised we would call that a date. She talked to my hubby and told him he was cheap. But we had closed up the studio from the Art walk,(which was a huge success). We were going to get something to eat and Hubby had a stomach ache. So we went home and I had a Hebrew Frank hot dog and then I had a stomach ache. We watched an episode of big bang theory and then it was 8:30 and decided to go get ice cream at Mcdonald's. We kind of planned our weekend. Yard work, county fair, find some chickens to purchase, eat fair food (sissie I hardly ate a thing:)) Isn't that a date?
Okay so maybe my life style is kind of ghetto compared to my sisters but we have fun. Hubby and neighbor next door spent the entire day Saturday giving me a bad time. He was also getting his front yard ready for winter. This is the neighbor that lost his wife almost a year ago. Boy did they have a good time with me. I was the butt of every joke. Don't worry I can defend myself.
We left the fair grounds about 7:30 and went home where Hubby begged me to help him cut and put string quartet music together. I said no as I feel that he often has me do most of his work because he is slow and plodding. But I was in the kitchen trying to deal with over a bushel of tomatoes, peppers and squash. He was cutting and gluing and complaining. I said how many pages are you doing? He then told me that one of the songs requested for this Wedding had 12 pages. So 5 parts X 24 lines for one song? No wonder he was almost frothing at the mouth. So I would run in cut a page line it up in parts, Violin 1, Violin2, Viola, Cello, Bass and then go back in the kitchen and cut veggies. By 10:30 we had all the scores done and into clear plastic folders and I had a huge pot of Spaghetti squash sauce on the stove boiling down. I was able to put 10 freezer bags of sauce together and make a huge cucumber and tomato salad. Needless to say we were both beat to death.
Took 4 .5 hour nap Sunday afternoon, I wonder why? I made a huge pot of beef curry with onions and potatoes. There is enough to feed us for the next 2 days. I will have to 1/2 the recipe next time. All I have to do for dinner today is put some rice in the rice cooker. I tried to bake a chocolate cake yesterday for dessert and obviously grease had been spilled in the oven (I wonder who did this?). The oven started to smoke and the whole house filled with smoke. I knew my cake was ruined. So I turned off the oven hoped the neighbors would not call the fire department as smoke was pouring out the back door of the kitchen. Then I waited 2 hours and cleaned the oven. It was full of grease, like a 1/2 inch deep. I had made trays of Swedish meat balls 2 weeks ago and had hubby take them out as they are hot and heavy, so I am sure he slopped over a pan. This is easy to do, but I would have cleaned it up immediately. So glad I made the bad cake yesterday as I have to do another cake for a funeral tomorrow and I would have had the same mess and no cake. Then I would have been down buying a sheet cake for $20.00 instead of a $1.00 mix and homemade frosting. Small blessings.
See what I mean all need love. |
Well I have 5 dresses and a sport coat waiting for me in the shop among other things. I also need to run through the house. With all the busy work this weekend it is a little worse for wear. I still have a pile of ironing on the floor from last week. It is starting to not be funny any more.
This is just a mess now. |
Out My Window: Cooler but sunny, waiting for calls on chickens.
My word it is 11:30? I have to get busy.
Have a great and productive day! So far I have just pooped around.