Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tuesday, studio opens today!

     I am so excited to see the students.  I really love my kids.  Can't wait to see them.  I have so much to do today before I hit the studio.

     Hubby and I really cleaned the upstairs yesterday so that is okay.  I do have to finish up the laundry and get all the garden produce taken care of in the kitchen.  So as soon as I am done with my post I will get my butt in gear and get my to do list done.

     I have noticed that since I was so sick this last summer with my arthritis I spent many weeks just laying around waiting to feel better.  Well I do feel better, not perfect but certainly better.  I have gotten used to laying around and it is a bad habit.  I am gaining weight and things are not getting done that need to be done.  I do promise that I will never go back to my impossible self, of over doing everything.  I just need to get a little more active.

     Who am I kidding, I will be over doing it before you can say Jack Rabbit.  This is my to do list before I hit the studio:

1. get some makeup on and do my hair! done
2. Make beds done
3. laundry, hang up shirts done
4. kitchen, clean, put away produce. done
5. make dinner in the crock pot   It is now noon so I have about 1.5 hours to get the next 4 items done!
6. make a studio deposit done
7. balance both checking accounts done
8. clean off desk and pay bills  1/2 done still have to pay bills
9. sew something, anything just do something......  FAIL
10. go pick up rug squares for studio  on my way
11. studio from 3-7
12. clean bank

     I am not leaving here until 1:30 so I have three hours and this is not a very long and involved list.

Out My Window:  It is smokey, overcast but still hot!

Have a great and productive day!
