Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday, must find the energy...

     Hubby and I were able to work in the yard for a couple of hours on Saturday.  He does not like his new mower, but it is always hard to get used to a new piece of equipment.  I don't like to use new sewing machines.  I picked all the produce available in the garden and got another bushel.  Made a huge pot full to the brim of tomato sauce which I froze in bags yesterday.  All of the pears are dry and I am waiting for another batch to ripen.  I would like to find some apples to dry but that may not happen this year.

     B our youngest came home yesterday afternoon.  It was nice.  I made homemade spaghetti with meat balls and home made french bread.  We had enough left over for her to take home and to give Hubby lunch and dinner today.  She stayed over night and we watched netflix together.  It was so nice and warm and cozy.  She just left for school.

     The phone has rung off the hook this morning with sewing business.  The house is a wreck as I did no cleaning or laundry this weekend.  I just need to systematically go through the place room by room.  But I don't wanna:(  Can someone come and kick my butt please.

     Hubby was released from his church job this weekend.  He has been a church clerk for 13 years.  The joke is once a clerk always a clerk.  He had a two hour quartet practice last night and they sound really good.  He has a a wedding this next weekend.  Speaking of weddings, we will attend a wedding for our niece in Boise the second weekend of October.  So I need to get some money saved up for the house payment and at least $500.00 to go to the wedding.  Eek!  I will need to get busy.  Nothing like looming debt to motivate you.

     I absolutely have to get my desk clean today and the last of the months bills paid.  I have to go to the bank and get things situated. Hopefully people will pay their tuition on time as I will need to do payroll by Friday.  Back to that nightmare.  Are you tired of it yet because I sure am?

    What a complainy (yes that it a word) post.  Just quit reading if you must.  You can quit reading but unfortunately I have to keep working this chaos at least today.

So here is the dreaded list:

1. start laundry
2. run through bedrooms, sweep and vacuum
3. sweep floors upstairs
4. put away dishes in kitchen
5. make 2 batches of cupcakes (Hubby's work meeting tomorrow)
6. clean off desk and pay bills
7. deposit, x-fer money, pay car payment
8. make curtain for studio bathroom sink
9. sew, sew, sew

     Well I am going upstairs to start a load of laundry and then run upstairs to start batch of cupcakes so they can cook while I do the floors.  I was such a slug this weekend and now I am going to have to pay the fiddler.

     I am glad Lena's back safe and sound.  What can we do for udy?

Out My Window:  Sunny but cool.  Beautiful Fall day.

Have a great and productive day, I know I am going to if it kills me.


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