I toddled around yesterday working on cleaning up projects only to make bigger messes. Am I the only one to do that? My mom used to say it has to get bad before it gets better, but I feel like a match is the only thing that is going to save me.
I had planned on sweet potato sticks, green bean, baked cod and corn bread for dinner. While I was prepping dinner I was still working on my kitchen swap dishes project so every thing is a mess. Every counter is covered and I am trying to assemble a meal. I ran downstairs to pull the cod out of the freezer and it was spoiled. I mean SPOILED. IT smelled so bad. How does frozen fish spoil? I had Hub's look at it and he said somehow it had un thawed and then was refrozen, he could tell by the package. I have been known to pull things out of the freezer looking for something and then putting them on the hood of the car or his work bench. He will come along and pop them back in. I really have no idea how it went bad, but when fish is bad you know it is bad.
Now I am stuck for dinner and as I am munching on a piece of lefsa I thought take your antibiotic now so you can eat later. I had one pill left and remembered that I needed to pick up the rest of my antibiotic as I had only received 5 pills last weekend ( pharmacies ran short) Drat and double drat! No fish and I have to go to the store. I complained to Hub's and he said go buy another pound of cod and pick up my meds AND quit fussing. But, but, but you don't understand, I will have to go into a store and I will spend money. So here is my weakling self at the grocer/pharmacy yesterday.
I resolved to only go to the Pharmacy, but I had to walk by cart after cart of marked down Christmas things and CANDY. Me loves candy. But I stayed strong I looked but did not buy. Now I am standing in line at the pharm window and killing time on my phone. Let's see what Ibotta and checkout51 are offering. Wow look! I could earn almost 5.00 on stuff we use , like fruit and veggies, eggs. These offers end today, I really must use these offers. No, no you do not have to. You will save 5.00 to spend $20.00?
When I got to the window I was told it would be 10 minutes so I went in search of cod, which I found frozen on sale, so I bought a 2 pound bag. Then I continued down the meat aisle and found 5 packages of good steaks marked 75% off. Sorry I bought them. I just could not pas up a package of New York steak strips for $2.33. SO my total at the store was $22.19. I am medicated, but I think I need a different medication. What would you have done? Slap me.....
I made such a mess yesterday and today I have to clean it up and I don't want to. I swear I need a keeper.
So I am failing utterly a this challenge and I am only 4 days in...... any advice, go ahead and be cruel.
Have a great and productive gay staying positive while you are in the negative.
You could have gone to Rite-Aid for the rx.....f course you'd have still had to run the Xmas candy/stuff gauntlet but at least you wouldn't have fallen for the discounted meats there.
ReplyDeleteI am afraid you are damned if you do, damned if you don't. I'll be right over to be your keeper but since I'd come bearing Diet Coke and a pastry I'd be more of an enabler really. lolz
Well Rite aid is much more expensive than my pharmacy, so I am safe. Did you say pastry.....?
DeleteI would have bought the meat! Did you buy candy, too. What is the rest of the story...lol. Now, I don't feel so bad about leaving thawed turkey breast on the counter and spoiling it.
ReplyDeleteYou will eat this meat. Right?
"I need a keeper." are words I often say aloud and on my blog.
What is this kitchen exchange thing of which you speak?
And, why would a person use those expensive German scissors and ruin them cutting paper?
I did not buy candy, I will eat the meat, I do need a keeper, it is a surprise, Because my husband is an idiot. Love you
DeleteI'm impressed...I would have so caved in and bought the candy too! I'm already regretting not buying more of the coconut chocolate patties that were on clearance from the bulk candy area at Winco after Christmas. I totally spaced off the fact that my hubby would also like them and take them to snack on while he drives truck overnight. Why????? I thought I could make them last. Next year I buy my own stash and hide it! ;)
ReplyDeleteI received Sees chocolates for Christmas and I hid them. :) Shhhh don't tell.
DeleteI would have made my husband go to the store since I have ZERO willpower - I would have bought the steaks, candy, and probably a ton of other things I didn't need.
ReplyDeleteNo he would have spent more money on fish and bought the salmon at 12.99 a pound.
DeleteI would have bought the steak too and may or may not have bought 2 deeply discounted chocolate babkas while shopping yesterday cause I can sniff out an unnecessary food bargain in a heartbeat
ReplyDeleteOkay read all the above comments and you guys are not helping. Are we all a bunch of weak bargain hunting chocolate addicted fools? Why yes we are.....
DeleteI am pretty restrained myself..but I would have bought the steaks, really that is just saving money in advance (as long as it doesn't go off :). If you managed to bypass the candy I still call it a win :)
ReplyDeleteWhy thank you, but I really have no self control over meat, or plants, or sewing supplies, or.....:)