Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Tuesday, Staying Up

     My shoulders are much better today.  Funny how this disease works.  I just don't get it, but I am grateful for the reprieve.

 I find myself in a funk.  Don't know if it is because Sissie is gone or I am just over tired, or lazy?  I am having to force myself to do the smallest things. But forcing I am.  Get, up, clean yourself up, water plants, feed chickens, turn over laundry, feed cats and clean the cat box, everything takes a super human effort to get it done.  Don't like this at all.

I can go make the bed, re clean the spare bath, torn apart again to fix leak, Start dinner in the crock pot,  Count my blessings, Wait on mom, get some sewing done, work on a project.  I really just want to curl up in a ball and sleep.  Do any of you ever feel this way?  What do you do?  Any advice? 'cause I could sure use some:)

     I took some pictures of the wax wraps I have been working on.  I really like them.

Here are the smaller ones I made.  Sorry Slugs yours are defective. These can cover a jar or a piece of fruit, slice onion, small bowl.

These  are larger ones that can cover a pie plate a loaf of bread or a large plate.

Here is an example of the smaller ones at work.  By the way the middle one I ordered on line (it was 8.00)  Mine work better.  I did at least 30 of these and I have enough product to do at least 60 more.  Anyone want a wax wrap for a small fee?:)

Lil sis found this in her basement, she already has this print, this one came from Sissie, it is double matted so I will hang it by the piano on this wall.  Mom had a larger version of this print in our house growing up hanging by the baby grand.  I always loved it.

Just a little peak at the new mirror.  Don't know when it will be hung as this is beyond hubs.  Well I need to get busy and get something done in the shop.  I hope I can keep myself motivated.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. That is exactly how I felt the week before the flu was diagnosed. Maybe yours is a bit of depression or exhaustion. Try going outdoors and walking a bit even if it is in circles. I am not sure where you walk or if you have snow. Sometimes, I feel down when I need to eat, and food helps. Walk, eat, do the basics, rest until tomorrow and see how you feel. Drag a chair to your chickens and sit and watch them. So, how much is a small fee? I love the picture and wish I had a piano.

    1. Well I was cold all day and now I have a stay on the toilet problem so maybe I am getting something.

  2. Just get some gorilla hooks, actually just one heavy duty one to hang that mirror. I promise they are are just as secure as anchors and soooooo much easier. One son moonlights as a handyman and he uses these on every job that requires him to hang something,

    1. Okay a gorilla hook. Can you just send you son over it would be so much easier.

  3. Just keep on keepin' on my friend. Some days are like that.

    1. I should not complain when I think of what you are going through. Shame on me!

  4. Could you share the instructions for the wraps?

    1. Yes. Cotton fabric, pink around edges. bees wax, jojoba oil, and pine resin. 2 oz oil, 1/2 cup pine resin, 1 block of bees wax.

  5. RA can knock the life right out. Just listen to your body and remember you are not lazy-your trying to rest muscles so the cells can rejuvenate.

    1. I know but I have this thing called a mother and when I am not moving I am lazy, also a husband who cannot stand it if I am not busy.

  6. Would you like me to teach you the @$#%^& language to say to the husband and the mother when they think you are being lazy rather than simply nursing your RA.
    Your wax wraps are really cool!

    1. My mother is a narcissist,that will never change. Hubs is just a social boob.

  7. Bless you! I hope you have a better day. Hey, you do what you can and forget the rest! I like the piano picture and your new to you mirror. I think those wax wraps are pretty cool!

    1. thank you they were very messy to make but I really like them.

  8. I often find myself in a funk this time of the year. My biggest suggestion is to get as much natural daylight as you can. I realize this can be a challenge in a snowy climate (I haven't seen grass in months!) but even just making a point to get outside can make a difference.

  9. Story of my life....I'm defective.....lolz
    What can I do to fix mine? Redo them? First I have to get all the Pepperkrakke crumbs off them then I can fix. ;-)

    Love the mirror. Come redesign my kitchen please.

    1. Well if the shoe fits.... Mail them back and I will fix them. I would love to come redesign your kitchen. Can we get a really good contractor?

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