I was able to get all of my sewing done yesterday and I had another wedding dress come in, so 3 so far this week, the season is heating up. I am grateful for the work.
Completed chart #3 by the skin of my teeth, it has been a slow financial last two months. But with so much less work and all the extra bills, it has been really tough to get things paid. I am looking forward to busier times so I don't have to worry and scrape every nickle. Speaking of nickles put .58 cents into your pennies bank. I had to get a quarter from Hub's. I have noticed that with my three fun savings plans it has been really taking up most if not all of my extra cash. Which may be good as I actually save the money, but could be bad as I am short money to pay bills and borrowed from saving which I have to put back. The only thing that makes me not quit the plans is that money will start rolling in and our expensive February bills are over.
1. January Hub's cell phone repair $189.00
2. January dryer repair $121.00
3. February Aunties taxes $500.00
4. pay accountant $320.00
This is a major amount of money out of an already tight budget. Looking forward to March, I think. Well if it gets busier and quits snowing. I might be out of town three times in March so that does not look great as far as being home to sew. Yikes! Guess I will cross those bridges when we get to them. No use borrowing anxiety and trouble.
Right now just trying to stay positive with the good that is happening and not worry too much about things I have no control over.
What do you do to overcome anxiety about bills and the future?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
In my 30's I had very bad anxiety and was on medicine for it. I had 3 young kids and I watched my niece. I worked nights and weekends to bring in some extra money. Our bills were out of control. In my late 30's I found Dave Ramsey. Hubby and I committed to his plan. It took a lot of work and sacrifice. The kids got older so that was less physical work for me. I learned to say no to outside commitments. I learned to put me, hubby and the kids first. I am now 44. I have been off the meds about 6 years. I still get an attack occasionally but I can work through it. Having an emergency fund helps. My prioritizes and attitude are so different now then they were 14 years ago.
ReplyDeleteGood luck. Take one day at a time. See everyday 1 thing that you can do differently to save money. The little things really add up. I will pray that more work comes your way. Maybe contact the local high school and offer a discount for alterations on prom dresses. You could do the same thing with your church for communion dresses.
Thanks for the support, I have just been in a much better place the last few years and having money be this tight is scary for me, but I know it is short lived, soon it will be crazy busy. I had another wedding dress come in yesterday so that makes 6 in the shop.