Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wednesday, Just went over 100,000 views!

Day 23 with no CC debt!
Studio checking $243.94
Personal checking -$255.88

     I just went over 100,000 views last night.  It is funny but I so clearly remember Rhitter commenting on my first blog post almost 2 years ago.  I don't know if either one of us is any better off financially but we certainly are there for each other and smarter and stronger.

     I paid all the bills for the month both personal and studio.  I had 2 CC charges that I added to the regular payment so I am back to no CC use for the year.  As you can see the totals are very dismal now. I was able to pay $2000.00 to my first large debt, and will add another $1000.00 as we have a three paycheck month this month.  Then it is whatever I can throw at it.  Next month will be tight.  I will have a larger than usual payroll, the accountants bill, my Aunts Birthday check and a theater bill, so I don't see any real progress other than just minimums.  In March I will get an extra $1000.00 in recital fees. Then I might see my way forward.

     Now I really need to concentrate on getting $500.00 for February's house payment and trying to get money back into the emergency fund.  That is going to be my February goal.  That means I have to come up with about $1300.00 above and beyond what I need to pay bills, and buy groceries and gas.  But I think I can do it.

     Yesterday, I took all the files upstairs to start the taxes.  I am going to sew today and try to get everything done in the shop today and tomorrow.  Then I will do taxes Friday and Saturday.

     Out My Window:  Cold, no rain yet.  But it will warmer when it rains.

Have a great and productive day!



  1. I think you can do it as well! Each month brings its own challenges... I havent even looked at February yet. Congrats on 100,000 views!

  2. Good luck, Kim!! My main focus has been building up our savings and not buying "stuff"! It helps! Hope you pull it off! :)

  3. I think you can do it too!! Good luck!

  4. Great job on the no cc balances owed!
