Saturday, July 13, 2013

Saturday, I made the weekly goal!

Studio $498.12

Personal $7.07

     I wanted to make  $500.00 this week and I did exactly $500.00.  I knew I would need to get groceries and fill Hubbies car with gas, get chicken food and some cleaning supplies.  If I had $500.00 in cash I could do this and still have a lay over of $300.00 or more for next week. This way I can pay another bill.

     I was so busy in the shop yesterday.  I took in 2 more Wedding dresses.  I have not made a goal for next week but I know I will need at least $400.00 to pay for gas and groceries and to add to pay the Truck payment.

So on Monday I will pay the studio rent $700.00

When I get an additional $200.00 I will pay for the truck.  $500.00

Then I must work on the theater bill $924.00.  This is my next big goal.  I want to do this before the end of the month.

     I am going to do some yard work today.  Hubby gave away our rooster and one chicken so we have a more manageable number.   I don't have to worry about the neighbors complaining.

     I feel a little better today but last night was hell.  I am not very patient about waiting for this medicine to work.

Have a great weekend!



  1. I hope you're feeling better, & that the medicine starts working. Also, congrats on hitting your goal! Your hard work & determination are a huge inspiration.
