Monday, November 6, 2017

Monday, money saving madness is late because of a messy house

     We had a great time at the lefsa party.  Mom really enjoyed herself.  That is a big deal to me.  I really enjoyed myself as everyone else waited on mom.  Son-in-law and daughter and son in laws sister were so good to mom.  Every time she made a squeak someone jumped to wait on her which was so nice.  She had a bad spell on Friday night and collapsed and passed out.  Scared me to death but daughter, knew exactly what to do and assured me she was just going to get sick and after that all was well.  But mom grows weaker by the day.  It is scary for me sometimes.

     We had 9 inches of snow between Saturday and Sunday so we were house bound and did not come home until today.  I am still driving mom's car and I don't trust her tires on heavy snow and ice.  Our roads were dry  as we came home about 11:00 and we had
The cutest little Canadian/Swede on the block!
no snow by the time we got to Lewiston.  Yippee!


My house is a total wreck, as I was so busy last week with sewing and I wanted to get many things done, which I did but the fall out from the things that I did are still lingering all over the house.

The disaster shop

See the piles?

See the food storage to put away and most of it is still in the garage! 

The family room slob
 retreat... and pine cone chewing dog.

Spare room has been left like this since daughter left on the 30th.  Oh and I had to dig out my winter pj's but why put things back?

 And when you pack just leave everything out you decided not to take.
 Maybe we could remove the dead flowers?
Or how about doing the stinky dishes before you leave town? 

 My saved plants that need to go to garage, but the garage is a food storage nightmare.  Look at them clean floors....:)

 This is the mess I left on the back porch, plant crap all over as far as the eye can see, canning supplies not put away, hoses scattered and not winterized. My husband will love me, I think?

     So I have so much to do before I hit my sewing machines, and I really just want to take a nap.  Lil sis just came a took mom to her house for a few hours and I do need to unpack the car and then I can add to the mess with the Swedish cooking supplies, and the suitcases and the dirty laundry. I am so happy mom cannot see very well because you know how all of our mother's told us to never leave a messy house.  "If you get into an accident and people have to get into your home they will no what a slob you really are, always leave a spotless house to come home to."  I really do try to do that, but  I am getting braver in my old age.

     I will post Monday money saving madness a day late as I have to get something done around here before mom gets back.  Hmmm.... What to do first?

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. On the bright side, you can still walk in the place. I always left my house in a mess. With three kids and a husband making a worse mess, there was not enough of me to do it all. I don't know where I would start in your house, but stinky dishes only get stinkier. Ask me how I know.

    So, why did your mother pass out? What did your daughter mean when she said your mother was going to be sick? Throw up?

    It is good there were people to pet your mother and give you a moment's relief.

    Good luck with everything. What is lefsa?

    1. Sorry I can never get my replies in the right spot see blog....

  2. Look at all that red hair! sigh Some day maybe I'll have one of those......

  3. Okay I will start on the kitchen because you are right. Mom was sick to her stomach and she does get sick often, she just has a really sensitive stomach. She got light headed as she had diarrhea and then vomited so the vegas? nerve gets stimulated which can cause you to pass out. My daughter and her sister in law are both medical and son-in-law a state trooper, they were on her so fast. Lefsa is a tortilla type bread made with potatoes. IT is delicious. [

    1. Do you hit the reply button under the comment you address? I understand now. Every time I have passed out cold, only three times in my life, I thought I was going to throw up. Of course, one time I stood up, felt queasy and headed for the bathroom and awoke on the floor. I never catch on, I guess. It is good to have people around to assure she is taken care of. I know you can take care of her, but trained people around are reassuring.

    2. Okay I did the dishes and someone gave the mouse a cookie and well... Why didn't you didn't tell me not to give the mouse anything to eat? Why? Linda? why?

    3. How did I know you would give the mouse a cookie? Don't you ever learn? lol no idea what we are talking about.

  4. Wow, that is a lot of snow. I knew they got hit with more snow than we did up north, but gosh that is a whole bunch more! I have to say that your family is just beautiful! Oh what a cutie that little one is. :)

    As for the mess...well life happens. You do not want to look in our front guest bedroom/pantry right now or see the piles in our bedroom of clothes since we are digging out winter clothings and still have not put the warmer weather clothing away yet. I also have some plants still sitting in pots next to the hot tub that need to be dealt with. Maybe on a warmer day for those. ;)

  5. Thank you thank you thank you for posting those pictures. I feel horrible most of the time and it is nice to know others sometimes have less than perfect days!

    1. Hey you can't be creative and super neat at the same time, well maybe you can but then you are just weird.

  6. Now it's time to run around the house and find all of the things my mom and grandma left, mostly phone chargers.. I won't be able to get to the craziness here until this weekend but at least Nate cleaned up the kitchen and plowed the front driveway ���� lefse was so much fun for a bunch of amateurs..

    1. Hey I picked up all the dirty underwear (grandmas) Is the phone ringing there?

  7. Wow, you are going to be busy. What am I saying? When are you ever not busy!! Take care xx

    1. I know, I know, but this is what you get when you are running with scissors, and you suffer from slob syndrome. ( I have a syndrome named after me;))

  8. Thank you for such an honest post! When my guests leave, I'm usually so tired from the visit, that it takes me a week (or more) to get to those sheets and to remake the beds. Sometimes I close that door and forget about them. A week or so later, I walk in there and am surprised that the beds are messed up! lol My house looks like your pictures a LOT. Sometimes it's hard to get going to tackle the mess. I hope your mom is feeling better today!

    1. Yeah the problem is you will always get honest from me. My life is so far from perfect. It is a jungle out there I tell you a jungle!

  9. I, too, thank you for posting those very honest pictures! I suffer from the piles/things strewn everywhere syndrome! I wonder if I can claim it as a disability? Keep the dead flowers, stick in a few of those lovely, colorful fall leaves on your patio, and call it a "dried flower arrangement"! It can be your Thanksgiving centerpiece. :) Bless (who is at lunch, thus, "anonymous")

    1. Oh no my place is always perfect. I only post pictures of myself 20 years and pounds ago.

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