Monday, November 12, 2012

Monday, Happy Veterans Day!

 -$633.19 personal
-$52.11 studio

     Hubby has today off for the holiday.  We watched the Veterans day celebrations on TV last night.  I am so grateful to live in this wonderful country, it has its problems but I am still proud to be a citizen of the United States.  My father served in Korea and Hubby was in the National Guard and traveled all over the world on survey projects.  Those were the days. He would be gone for weeks and months at a time when the kids were little.

     So much to do in the studio this week as we have the week of Thanksgiving off.  This gives families and staff time to travel.  Most people if they have to drive out west will leave on Tuesday but always Wednesday at the latest.  This also gives me a week to get the scenery pulled and the advertizing done.  We also have a large performance this Saturday.  I dread it as it is outside and cold, but it starts the holidays and has for years.   I really feel Christmas when I do the Lighting of the Christmas Park Performance.  

     We will see what kind of tuition comes in as there is still a lot outstanding.  I pray the shop is busy this week.  If I can sew hard this week and Monday and Tuesday next I should be able to get caught up in the accounts.  Just keep working, just keep working.  Thanksgiving is so early this year that we have a whole week before the end of November and I am very happy about that.  Another week to try and get the finances in order.  After all when December starts I will find myself back in the same boat.  I will need $500.00 for the house and all those automatic bills that are paid out of the checking will start over. Ugh!
I feel like I am on an ever spiraling downward cycle, which would be nice if it was downward debt!

     I hope the printer is open today as I need a letter printed.  If not I will  print enough for today and take it in tomorrow.  But I need to get that done.  Always something.

I made home made spaghetti and french bread for dinner yesterday.  We will have leftovers today.  I am also going to make a crockpot sweet potato and pork stew on Tuesday and that should last at least 2 days.  Then I will do a chicken curry and rice.  Okay menu for the week is done.

     Hubby lost his cell phone while raking leave this last weekend.  It was very old and we can renew for nothing but I do not know if they are open today!

     Well I am off to the races, see if you can pass me!



  1. That's awesome that you guys have that Thanksgiving week off. It really helps everyone that way. Don't panic to the new recurring bills; I find it kind of calming and reassuring that they are constant, so that I can plan around them. It's those unusual ones that throw the low punches! I think most stores are open today, with the exception of public buildings (banks, schools, post office, etc), so you may need to mail the letters tomorrow anyway!

  2. Most of the places in our neighborhoods are opened today.Lighting of the Xmas Park performance just sounds so awesome :) I would love to see it if I lived closer!

  3. I made spaghetti & meatballs for dinner as well. Just feels like the right season for it! :-)

  4. Ooh! Spaghetti and garlic bread sound good for tonight! Thanks for the idea!

  5. I would NEVER even attempt to pass you!lol
    Sluggy the slow and plodding along....
