Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tuesday, I opened my pig today!

    -$225.14 personal
    $1,899.36 studio

     I opened my Christmas pig today.  I have three large bags full of coins and will take them to the bank later.  I will have to carry them in one at a time because they are so heavy!  I am excited.

     I did finally get myself moving yesterday, but so tired.  Was able to get the last of the costumes ordered and purchased.  I also was able to get payroll done.  Did a lot of sewing that needed to be caught up and I am still behind.  Hopefully will catch up today.  We were able to get the Coda choreographed last night so we can work on that before Saturday.

     I have a conference call at 10:36 this morning.  Why 10:36?  I mean really so what if it occurs at 10:35? or 10:37?  Is that minute going to change the universe?

     I put a small roast out and am going to make a beef stew for tonight in my crock pot.  Judy will not come help me with my decorations so they will not go up until later!

Out My Window:  Hubby was raking leaves in the dark last night with a head lamp on.  He had cleaned the gutters on Saturday and the MESS!  So he is trying to get a few bags done every night.  It gets dark here now at 4 p.m. and will stay that was until about January 15th.  He looked so funny out there with his little light on his head!

Have a great and productive day!



  1. Be sure and let us know your pig money total after you get it hauled off and counted/exchanged.

    Do you think if I get my Hubs a headlight he'd go do yard work in the dark too?
    Probably not....lol

  2. I run with a headlamp, & while it's not my favorite, I need it! It gets dark here ridiculously early.

  3. Can't wait to see how much you saved!

  4. I too can't wait until you count out how much you have in your piggy!!


  5. Im waiting to see how much you saved too. Great number in your studio account!!

  6. Remind us....how did you determine what went in your piggy. All change? Change at the end of the week? I don't remember!!! And I can't wait to see the total.

    What is the plan for the "found" money?

  7. That's a cute container. I've so been wanting one of those Target piggy banks, but can't bring myself to spend the money. I'm excited for all these questions about the piggy bank to be answered soon!
