Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sunday, expensive Saturday!

     I puttered all day back and forth at the sewing machine.  Finally got all the Oklahoma things done.  Some of those costumes I made 25 years ago, and it is amazing that they are still using them.  A couple outfits I was making the waist bigger and I thought,"Oh this is so beautiful I wonder who made it", and then I would turn it inside out and realize it was my sewing.  I had forgotten making the dress or skirt.  Too much in too many years gone by I tell you.

     Well after fighting with the U.S. Post Office over Hub's  bow we have decided to get the original bow fixed.  It will be fixed for free.  Then we ordered a new glass bow in addition for hubby.  He has always wanted one and he needs it immediately for this musical.  Hopefully we will be reimbursed but at this time I am not holding my breath. I had $550.00 in my slush savings, we had to used the CC for the bow and we will pay it back.

     Hubs and I agreed that we would buy bikes with part of the tax refund.  That is why I was saving the slush fund as I wanted to pay cash for bikes and use the tax refund to help with another bill.  We biked several times last summer,but we always rented bikes.  When I was doing the taxes I noticed that we had spent close to $1000.00 on rentals.  Stupid as we always drive the truck when we go on these adventures and could easily taken bikes with us.  We found two good bikes at a local bike store, I had a big padded seat put on mine and hub's got a mountain bike with bigger breaks   Hub's breaks failed on a rented bike once and he was hit by a car.  It was going slowly in the park but it still scared the he^# out of us and it totaled the bike.  I put my cash down and they are adding all the barbie doll stuff so bikes will not be delivered until March 5th, I have until then to come up with an additional $500.00.  I can do it you just watch!

     I am excited.  Hub's and I used to walk the levee almost every evening we could, but he walks so much slower than I do now that it was causing difficulty so now he walks by himself and I do nothing.  We need to be out getting exercise and on bikes we will stay together.  We have miles and miles of bikes trails in this area and most of the places we Vacation have trails.

     By the end of the week I will be able to post new #'s for my debt reduction and next month should be good with the show and the tax refund.

     We are still eating on the roast I made Thursday and I am a little sick of it, so I think I will make a pot pie with it after church.  I am also going to bake some bread for the week.  This will be a busy week with Hub's musical going and I am getting closer to the show, the shop always gets very busy in March and it is starting to heat up. 

     Out My Window:  It snowed a little last night but it is not sticking.

Have a peaceful and restful Sabbath.



  1. What a great idea to buy bikes! I used to love to bike, but haven't done it in so many years I wonder if the old adage holds true ... Here's to a great March on the horizon!

  2. I second the good idea to buy bikes. I have one already but my husband is going to buy one this year. He desperately needs it because he needs to focus on getting back in shape.
