Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Wednesday, Special kind of Stupid!

  Go read Sluggy's blog because I laughed out loud all the way through it.  I forget to eat all the time.  Now I don't look like I forgot to eat, but I am a night eater.  Sounds like some kind of a monster.

     I bounced out of bed yesterday and went out in the sunshine to the very messy garden.  I really let it go way too far out there.  I pulled and bagged 5 large bags of weeds and then I stopped and went inside.  I helped mom get ready for her lunch date and while she was gone tried to catch up on the laundry.  She has been doing a few pieces of ironing everyday to work through my massive pile.

     I also cleaned out my closet and pulled two garbage bags of clothes and things out of our closet and I will take these to good will today when I do errands.  I moved all of my summer clothes into another closet and actually straightened my shoes.  The straightened shoes will last about 2 days I think.

     I started to help mom get all her things transferred downstairs.  I still have a ways to go.  I did a little sewing but did nothing with the bills and I have to get there before I go to bed tonight.

     Today I was out in the garden and the weeds are just beyond, beyond.  I don't know how long it will take me to clean that mess up.  I am just going to try to do a little every day.  It was cold and wetter today making it more difficult.  I spent a good hour cutting back the wisteria and pulling a kind of weed I have not seen before.  It has running roots so it was awful.  I am going to have to go out there with a spade and dig  up many roots.  Why did I let it get so bad?  Because I was doing Weddings, not weedings.  Sorry I am just not as funny as Sluggy.

     Mom said my yard was shameful and she is right.  I just only have so many hours of the day and I need my harlequin romance time and my bon bon eating time.  So what is a girl to do?

     Hub's and I went out last night to get new wiper blades for the car and also bought fruit and soda.  I stumbled upon a meat sale.  Albertsons was cleaning out the meat case and their most expensive ground beef was marked down in large packages to 2.49 a lb.  So of course I bought it all.  They also had chicken breasts without bones, 2 large packages for .99,  Stocked up on the cheap.  I love that.

     Well I am going to transfer the laundry and try to make sense of my desk.  Pray for me.

 Have a great and productive day.



  1. Nah, you aren't a special kind of stupid, you are just a special kind of BUSY! lolzzzzzzz

    I spent some time out picking seed pods off of my morning glories. My garden beds are a mess of collard plant refuge, died marigold and tomato plants. I'll just turn the soil and cover it with all the dead leaves in my yard and let Mother Nature take it's course. ;-)

  2. Wisteria has running roots! That is what happens when you let it go. Ask me how I know.

  3. You are too busy to be stupid. If I did as much as you do everyday I would forget things all over the planet. I am sure eating would be one of them..occasionally!.

  4. Planning for the breakfast every day consume grapefruit or maybe berries carrot or maybe tomato veggie juice without having sweets along with boiled eggs Intended for meal GC FIT 360 carry broccoli or maybe People from France pinto and black beans For lunch consume poultry or maybe sea food tuna or maybe fish along with refreshing tomatoes along with.
