These are additional pumpkins I have displayed as you com into my shop.
These will go upstairs in the dining room. I want to make a few more for gifties. Should I do a give away? Let me know!
You know Monday when we came home and the basement started to flood? Well I actually made all of these that night in less than an hour. It was a little de-stress project. I just needed to create and unwind after my hectic afternoon. Creating helps me feel better. Now I know I can create chaos by just being in a room, but this was happy chaos.
Mom continues on her path of destruction. When she was doing her chores yesterday she dropped the crystal cake serving top and broke it. Then she came down stairs spilled an entire soda on her heavy chenille bedspread, AGAIN. That spread spends more time out drying on the fence than it does in her room. Mom put the spread into the washer and I went in to throw something else in the washer as it was filling and found her TV remote in the wash. Lil sis had come over to pick up a set of keys on her lunch hour. I was telling her about mom and mom stands there like a wounded basset hound and puts her arms out to Lil sis and says," I want a hug'. Lil sis banished her to the garage with the other animals. She said that was her third strike today. Mom laughs and laughs and tells everyone she was banished.
I did not get any cleaning done yesterday, but did get almost all my sewing that was piled up done. I have a few things that I have to do today, but will spend the majority of my time on my poor house.
So here is my Monday money saving madness 5 days late:
1. Used Joanns coupons for all my sewing supplies
2. Used up 3 spools of thread that had been given to me in stead of buying
3. Made a huge pot of homemade chicken and noodles, enough to take in a meal to a sick family and feed us and my sewing helpers for two days.
4.Attended a food storage shower, with out buying a thing. I just filled a large shopping bag with free peas, lentil, garbanzos, and then hit my Sluggy cupboard (yes I have a sluggy cupboard and you should to). Added two male deodorants, two female deodorants, male and female shave cream, razors, and two different kinds of shampoos and rinses, topped it off with soap. Bride was thrilled.
5. Did not eat out at all last week.
6. Went to good will on 1/2 price day to pick up sweaters for my craft project.
7. Canned 26 quarts of peaches and two more quarts of tomatoes.
8. Used coupons and bought only loss leaders at the grocery store.
9. found two lovey rib eyes with 50% off coupons, yum!
10.Culled out several old cotton blouses and a couple pairs of shorts out of my wardrobe, Yes clutter does not save you money.
Well I had better get busy I want to get my house clean for the first time in 6 weeks.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative!
I am militant about those Joann's coupons. I buy the calendar, only shop some things when they are on sale - batting, interfacing. Thread I don't always have a choice, but I do at least use a coupon.
ReplyDeleteI hate that store but it is all I have here. Everything is so marked up.
DeleteA "Sluggy cupboard"? lol We need to trademark that, don't ya think?
ReplyDeleteYour sweater pumpkins are cute! I don't need more stuff to do though, even if it's creative. ;-)
Well I am sure your husband has way too much to do and is not doing anything. Or is that my husband? Yes I have a sluggy cupboard.
DeleteLove the pumpkins!
ReplyDeleteJust remember your mom is not intentionally causing chaos, it just follows them (I am including my mm with yours here) around like a black funnel cloud that is pretty destructive to anything (People included) in its path.
I know but being able to laugh with her about it is a good thing.
DeleteThat made me more tired than I already am! Cute pumpkins. I uncovered some black ribbed material that I think I will use to make black pumpkins since I saw your pumpkins from sweaters. Free pumpkins!
ReplyDeleteI have a cupboard, too, that I gift from. J is often a recipient. Last week, I gave her deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, bar soap, shampoo, and some food.
Get busy we want a picture. My girls love my cupboard. So does my Lil sis.
DeleteWhen we lived in the land of the Big 3 (meaning CVS, Rite Aid and Walgreens) I had a fantastic "Sluggy Cupboard." Drugstore deals are the biggest things I miss from our former stomping grounds.
ReplyDeleteThey really are a savings.
DeleteLast week, I gave her deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, bar soap, shampoo, and some food.