Thursday, September 7, 2017

Thursday/Wednesday, still backward...

     Things calmed down a little yesterday, except for the smoke in the air which is much worse.  Mom and I knocked out 9 loaves of banana bread.  I had so many frozen bananas in the upstairs freezer that had to go.  So mom started and I supervised.  ( this means I did most of the work)  But she was happy and that counts for something.

     I sewed hard most of the day with two bridal appointments.  Finished a wedding dress and also have to finish one today.  I have a pile of levis to hem and a few other piles on the must do list.  Every night I work on the endroi  embroidery on the custom dress.  I am trying to get at least one room clean a day also.  Mom's bath was really scrubbed and cleaned Tuesday night late.  Yesterday I finished the floors in the shop and hall and laundry room.  They are all really clean now thanks to the flood.  Hey you have to see the silver lining in some things.

     Mom actually in her day had a great sense of humor.   Wednesday morning when I got up and was blogging I opened her bedroom door and hollered, "Get up and get a job".  Then I slammed her door.  I could hear her laughing.  Then she was in her bathroom and I was sewing.  I hear her ask me to get her something personal.  So I go in and start throwing (personal items over my shoulder as fast as possible)  Several hit her but they were like cotton ball soft and they were all over the floor.   I then said, "Are you happy now?"  She starts to laugh.  This morning, I made her breakfast and then I left her upstairs with some chicken to take off the bone and told her she could not come downstairs until her chores were done.  Dish washer emptied, dishes loaded, chicken salad made, were in her list of chores.  She has come to the top of the stairs to ask if she can come down and I ask her if her chores are done.  Since they aren't she has to stay upstairs.  I'm loving this.  Now she will go tell Lil sis that I abused her.  But she will love to tell the story and get a good laugh at herself.  This is the mom I remember.

     Today I will try and get my family room cleaned.  There are wedding beads and fluff all over, and it needs a good scrub and vacuum. Also some laundry done and maybe a little ironing.  But first I need to clean myself up as in dry hair, set hair and makeup.  Then hit the shop and after I get my quota done for the day I will clean what I can.

     Stay tuned tomorrow is Saving madness five days late and pictures of my latest crafty I made for my Lil sis on her birthday.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. Aww, bless her. It's hard but there are still some laughs xx

    1. Yes comedy and tragedy, flips sides of the same coin.

  2. that's very cute how you teased your mom :) Glad she can still see humor

  3. I bet that was great seeing your mom the way she used to be. You might want to keep this chore thing going! Lol

    1. Well she did not finish her dishes so she is in trouble....

  4. Too funny.. I can just see your mom , enjoying the laughter.. Proud she was able to help you with the banana bread..
    Best wishes on all that sewing you are doing.. Take it easy , if you ever have time.ha

    1. Yeah mom can be a real hoot. Only three wedding dresses left in the shop.

  5. What has caused this seeming turn-around? Do you think telling her off the other day helped her to see she is sometimes difficult. My mother had a great sense of humor.

    I suppose a flood has the effect of cleaning a floor very well as you have to mop it up. I would not recommend a flood for everyday cleaning.
