I am going to do yard work again today, taking advantage of this beautiful weather. Hubs and I might get sugar lows from not eating but then we can nap if we want to.
Yesterday I played in the yard, went to my Lil sis's and took her dog for a walk. I used up all the bark we had on hand, so we will have to get more today. We can do that and stay away from people. There have been 3 more deaths in our county, bringing the total to 8. Mostly very elderly in a rest home. So sad. My heart cries out for those families and their loved ones.
I wish so badly there was something I could to alleviate the suffering. I am kind of a hands on person and so helpless in this. It is frustrating. All I can do is pray and even that does not show me results that I want. I know it helps, but unfortunately I am like Moses with the Israelite's I need a sign. See Kim wandering in the wilderness for the next 40 years. At least I can admit my weakness.
So how are you going to celebrate this Good Friday? Any special plans?
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
Hi, KIm.
ReplyDeleteWe join your in prayer today. We watched a prayer service on television, and will listen to some worship music tonight. Have a cozy, blessed afternoon.
Wonderful Billie Jo.
DeleteI have never celebrated Good Friday, but I do enjoy the perks of other folk celebrating it so I could miss work or other things. Your sugar might get low, and you could go to sleep forever.
ReplyDeletethose were my thoughts also about if you have any type of sugar problems you should not fast.
DeleteHubs just took a nap late in the day, which was fine with me.
DeleteIgnorant me, did not know it was a fasting day. It was never part of my religious practice and really did not see any news about it, but I am swmaped with work news. Just finished a huge project-not COVID19 related, so happy to take a little break. I learned my sisters church's retired pastor is very serious ill due to the virus, most likely will not make it as ventilator was not successful to keep his oxygen high enough, and he had a stroke. They decided to take him off, keep him comfortable, and let him pass away as he had no brain activity. Very sad-just saw him on February 14th at my nephews wedding, and he and his wife left on March 1 for Israel, coming home early from their plans on March 13th when things were being shut down. Apparently contracted it somewhere between leaving on and back from the trip.
ReplyDeleteWe will hear more and more of these stories, I am so sorry.
DeleteNo special plans here for Good Friday.
ReplyDeleteThat's okay just hang in there my friend.
DeleteWe are participating in the World Wide Fast here. Praying for relief from this pandemic that seems to have turned the entire world on its head. It is an absolutely beautiful day here in Utah. I just got in from a lovely walk. I plan to make a meatloaf dinner to break our fast and go for another walk around the neighborhood with my husband tonight. Happy Easter to you!
ReplyDeleteGood on you Deb. We broke with asparagus, salad and steak. Yum!
DeleteOur grandson was born this morning, so it was a Good Friday indeed - even though the virus means we won't be able to see him in person for awhile. Good for you for joining the fast.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, I bet you can't wait to hold him.
DeleteIn my church, we always fast before major feasts, and are technically supposed to before receiving the Eucharist. On Maundy Thursday, we strip the altar, and the church remains dark until the Easter Vigil on Saturday night. We typically have somebody in the church from Thursday until Saturday, watching and praying. Not this year, though.
ReplyDeleteI think our LDS Brothers' and Sisters' fast is a beautiful idea. Thank you.
I so remember how Easter was such a Holy week when I was a child. I miss those days. Having this fast brought back memories.
DeleteI will "attend" the Stations of the Cross this afternoon on-line & just spend some quiet time alone in thought & prayer.
ReplyDeleteGood for you, all of us need to be more in prayer and thought for those around us that suffer.
DeleteThursday night we watched (via Facebook) watched our church's Maundy Thursday service and the stripping of the altar. Tonight we saw the Good Friday service. I have been doing our congregational fast weekly, sundown Tuesday to sundown Wednesday as part of our Lenten observance.
ReplyDeleteI love to hear about others religious practices, it gives me comfort.