Well I had a studio check come in for $75.00 more dollars and I took in $278.00 into the shop. So I will go down and pay the house payment and the truck payment. Then I will mail a check for the theater and it will not clear until after hubby gets paid. Rent for the studio is due today but I will not have money until the 16th. There will only be about $500.00 left and I need $700.00 so I will wait. He won't care if I pay it next Monday.
Although this month has been stressful as far as money is concerned, it has also been very peaceful. Not having to get to the studio and just sewing and puttering around the house has been nice. Hubby and I were laughing at our milk usage. We used to go through about 2 gallons a week. Then the kids left. Down to one gallon and it would always spoil. So 1/2 gallon. Well now that I am home more I cook more. We just bought a 1/2 gallon of milk and it was gone in 24 hours! Hubby asked if I poured it down the drain. No, but I did make pancakes, biscuits, mash potatoes, dipped chicken, gravy that left just enough for one bowl of cereal.
Lots of produce coming from the garden, so tonight it is beef stir fry with brown rice. I need to clean this house and then get some sewing done. I only have one bridesmaid dress and 6 hems. This will give me a little cash for the road. I will leave tomorrow for Missoula to see my mom and sister. I will do some ironing also as I have nothing to wear. I have worn everything and then washed it and of course it has to be ironed. I have the pile from hell. So my day is planned out and I had better get busy!
Out My Window: Hot, thunder storms, no rain.
Feeling a little better everyday. Not perfect and I still have aggravations, but they are not as numerous.
Have a great and productive day!
Safe travels to Missoula. Its good that things are looking up financially.