Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Wednesday, Happy Birthday my darling!

$? Sent hub's to the store last night as I was wiped out and I don't know what he spent.
Dinner was leftovers.  I have a whole chicken upstairs thawed out so I am going to stick that in the crock pot and we will see what happens later. I also have meatloaf thawed out for sandwiches.

     I cannot beleive that Franka would be 30 today.  My beautiful black haired baby girl.  It is easy to see oldest as 34 soon because I have watched her grow up, but Franka is a mystery to me. I am so glad we are going to see eldest and our grandson this weekend, I really need a break from my blah's.  It is Aunties birthday today also, so I sent her her birthday money via wire transfer.  She called and was very grateful between Sis and I she will have a wonderful 80th and also be able to pay the taxes on her property.

     Yesterday was laundry, laundry, laundry and sewing.  The laundry except one load of ours is done. I got D#2 out the door by 2 on her way for her week of flying from office to office.  I don't know how she keeps her schedule straight and yesterday she received other calls from Dentists to sub, both in the Moscow area.  So she is traveling around a 100 mile area between Idaho and Washington, working for 6 different Dentists in smaller towns.  Some of the practices are open every other week. So far she likes this and it pays better than staying with one dentist, but how long can one maintain this schedule?  I guess she will determine that.

     I need to do another deposit for the studio and then get the house payment and a few bills paid before we leave town. I also want to set up a budget book for the house and one for the studio, to make it easier to see which bills are paid and which are left.  My desk area is a disaster, so that needs to be cleaned up also.

     There are several piles of alterations due out tomorrow, so after I go upstairs and put the chicken in the crock pot, I will gather the laundry and start sewing, hopefully by this afternoon I will have time to really look at the desk area of the shop before I head off to the studio.  I just need to do something that will make me feel like I am making some kind of progress.  I kind of feel like I am in wheel spinning mode and I do not know why.  Just too many dull days.

Well I am off to get me some fun......

Have a great and productive day, go make a difference.




  1. Happy birthday to your sweet girl....we never stop wondering what might have been, do we?

  2. Kisses fro Franka. I cant imagine it ever gets easier but I guess that is how it should be

  3. Yes, Franka will always be your baby, your beautiful black-haired baby. I think this little trip will help with your blahs AND we're almost half way through February!! My daughter thinks nothing of driving to Toronto to work for a couple of days - a 2 hour trip each way. I'm never happy til she's home safely again.
