Thursday, April 9, 2015

Thursday, trying to catch up

$106.78 General groceries, dog food, trash bags, lunch meat, onions, carrots, celery all the things you cook with.  Bean soup was delicious, we will have that for dinner tonight.  I took my last whole frozen chicken from the freezer.  It is getting emptier.  Now all I have is two large Salmon left in the down stairs freezer portion of the fridge.  I went to get chicken broth yesterday from storage as I had used all my homemade broth  and I am out.  I am also out of white flour.  That is hard to believe.

      Mom made several dozen chocolate chip cookies yesterday.  It is amazing that she can be so sick one day and then fine the next. She has a very limited ability to go for any length of time.  She is just so very weak. Then she does something that surprises me.

     The poster for the show was approved, so that is done.  I did not get any more costume checks last night, just tuition.  So I will have to get to screaming on that.  Last night at practice I was kicked in the knee by one of my dancers.  We were doing step in time from Mary Poppins.  It was my fault as I went in  dancers and they were dancing full out.  I about went to the floor.  It hurt so badly,  I have a nice gash and bruise.  Thank goodness that dancer had on her hard shoes I think she would have broke her foot.

     I need to concentrate on laundry  and the shop today.  Laundry so I can get all of mom's stuff done and my shop as it is a disaster, and I am confused on what comes next.  Too many costume things laying around and it gets mixed up with customer things.  I just need to organize everything.  I also have several dresses to get done.  Three wedding dresses came in yesterday.

Out My Window:  No yard work today, I think it will have to wait until next week.

Have a great and productive day!



  1. I started my yard work last Saturday but haven't been able to get back out there to finish it - it's either snowing or raining!
