Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Wednesday, rushing, mom better.

$23.89  milk, crackers,eggs,butter (on sale), salad greens  Yes I will still stock up on butter. Still have a few leftovers from last night, making a big pot of bean soup today along with bread. Quiche for breakfast and will run over a few slices for neighbors.

     Mom was sick over and over again all day yesterday, I am just very worried.  I can't find my cell phone, I think it is in hub's car or at the studio.  I wish they would invent a cell phone that could be split and ring two laces at once.  I could have one here at all times and one I could Lose:)  I have so much to do today and now I have to worry about that ^&%$#@ phone.

     Mom is much better this morning and I have given her a shower.  Her place is set up with a handicap shower.  I can see that I am going to have to do that here also.  I need a bath chair and she has as extra of those.  But I also need more handles on the tub at standing height and a shower head that can be removed on a coiled line.  My handicap handles are to help me out of the tub and they are down low.  I also installed them at all toilets.  I have handicap toilets that are higher in the bathrooms on the main floor and that 2 inches makes such a difference.

     She is up puttering and wants to do something today!  Sorry Charlie I have two brides coming in and 3-4 prom dresses, plus I got nothing done yesterday because you were sick!  So I have her making the soup, which she now has done.  She is at my sewing machine and I need to be there:)  Sissie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

     I have almost all of the costumes ordered  and I will continue ordering tomorrow.  The poster proof came in and I love it, just a few tweaks on it and it will be ready to print.  blah, blah, blah....

     Out My Window:  Beautiful weather, I want tot be outside so bad.  The shop is so full I don't dare.  I may never come back in.

Have a great and productive day!




  1. oh dear me, she sounds sick and you will be getting sick next. Take care.

    1. her sickness is related to her medical issues so she is not contagious, but the stress and work she puts on me cold send me over the edge. Trying to stay healthy.

  2. Yep. You definitely need another machine. You do not keep a back up or is it more about space? I have a back up, but would have no where to put anyone else sewing! I don't even have a permanent spot for my machine.

  3. I hope you don't get sick! I hope you are also finding time to rest.
