Sunday, April 17, 2011

Palm Sunday!

Do any of you remember getting palm leaves in Sunday School when you were young?  We received a palm branch every Palm Sunday.  We would line up down the aisles and we would wave our minister up to the pulpit in similitude of the Savior riding into Jerusalem.  I loved Palm Sunday as a child.  The whole week before Easter was a celebration and service.  We have lost that I am afraid. I loved the Easter Hymns and I still do today!

Out My Window:

Of course it is beautiful today, and I do not do yard work on the Sabbath.  The pear tree is in full bloom.  H mowed the yard yesterday and it looks great.  We got our chicks and they are so cute.  The girls insisted on getting two ducklings (I made them pay for them)  but ducks are so messy and of course when they are grown the girls will be at college so who will have to deal with the mess?  I wonder? Now every morning first thing I will have to check the incubator, H will set them up at night. Neighbors are already putting in egg orders, they don't seem to understand that it will take until next October to get eggs.  I am excited!

I was able to get all workshops for summer hammered out yesterday, so that is off my plate.  Kids are coming over for Sunday dinner and I am going to take a nap! Sabbath is a day of rest at least for me.

Have a restful and relaxing day.


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