Thursday, January 28, 2016

Thursday, Catching up on ?

     Mom chewed on her lip after she wet to the dentist and when I arrived home yesterday from the studio she looked like a boxer caught in a bad fight.  I think Sis is right she cannot be left alone.  We have a few good laughs at her expense.

     It is raining really hard so Hub's will be inside doing nothing today.  Oh joy.  I have too much to do.  Don't want to do any of it.  I just want a nap.

     Okay I need to get out of this slump.  Thanks to all who wished the grandson better.  He is doing well and went to school today with his grandma as a helper in the background in case he has to go home.  His mom called me and she sounded more chipper.  Now daughter #2 who is due in 5 weeks is melting down.  She is going to call me between patients so I don't know what she needs at this point.

     I am just happy it is Thursday after I teach tonight I will have three days off and I need time to regroup this old head of mine.  I am just in a funk and I need to get myself out of this crappy mood I have been in for the last few weeks.  Work and serving others a is a great way to get one self out of a dull mood.  But I feel that is all I do.  Work and wait on people.  What do I need.  I just want to slap myself.

Okay.  Get up, dry my hair, put on some make-up, make my bed, put away some laundry, get butt into shop.  Usually earning money makes me happy but I don't even care about that right now.

     On my mark, get set, Go!

Still sitting here.  Still wet.  Still crabby.

Okay will report tomorrow in a better mood I hope.

Have a great and productive day!




  1. I hope you're able to pull yourself out of your slump! I get like that too sometimes... So much going on and most of it is on my plate.

  2. Me and you both. I am taking it easy today, but I will have my nephew all weekend. Starting back up tomorrow. You have a lot on your plate and many times, I wish you could have a Calgon moment. Hope you get the "me" time this weekend!

  3. Could your husband do something with your mom for a while? A hobby or something? Could he clean the house and cook dinner while you work? I'm sorry you have so much on your plate! You could use a break.
