Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Wednesday, on my way to Mothers.

     We are up and packed and waiting for daughter to arrive to come with me to Missoula.  I dread the long drive but it must be done. Must gas the car up on the way out of town, by the way gas is $2.39 here.  What is it in your neck of the woods?

     I should be home early evening and I hope to be able to rest in the car on the way to Boise.  It is finals week and I have not heard from the youngest,  No melt downs.  Is that a sign she is growing up?  Really too tired to think, but will check on her today.  I will call sissie when I get to mother's.

     The only really good thing about having to go to Boise is that I have done no Christmas shopping and I will have some time to hit the Mall there, so I should be able to complete what I need to do.

     I paid the teachers last night for December as we have a two week vacation.  So that means that all monies that come into the studio in January will not have payroll out and I should be able to get some money in savings for taxes.  Or maybe apply it to some debt?  How nice would that be.

     I can't wait to post when I get home and report on my finances.  I did not update last month so you are all going to see a big change.  I am so tired it is hard to be excited.

Have a great and productive day!



  1. I can't wait for the update.....are you under 100k?!

  2. Have a safe trip! Gas is $2.69-$2.73 around here....stupid PA taxes.

  3. I hope you have a safe trip! Gas in charleston,s.c. is $2.14 right now:)

  4. Gas is 2.07 in southeast Iowa! Down baby down
