Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wednesday, Snow storm

    We are having a bad snow storm and not the money kind that you get when you snowflake a lot. It has snowed 8 inches here and is continuing.  Many schools are closed.  I am not sure about ours as my children don't go to school here.  We are not prepared to take care of snow as we hardly ever have it stick.  So I am going to enjoy the moisture.  It is sure pretty outside.

     However,  I have a ton of stuff that needs to be picked up and I don't beleive that any one will venture out today unless they have too.  That is okay, it is not like I have anywhere to spend the money.  Hubby was an hour late for work today so he could shovel out the driveway for my customers.  We have a 7 car driveway so no easy matter.  I do believe he will pull out the snow blower tonight.  We are the only ones to own one in a large area, but we came from Wyoming and we just thought we should keep it.  Hubby still makes sure it runs.  He will be a busy man tonight.  If the police man across the street doesn't come get the blower like he did during the last bad winter:)  Yes, they can come get your gear for an emergency, that includes your Jet Boat!

     Classes don't start at the studio until 4 p.m. so we might be somewhat plowed out by then.  I also have (I think) 3 college classes that start tonight, so I will have to get instructors and timing worked out for those. But if this snow does not abate I will have no students.  People here just don't wander around in deep snow.  At least we don't drive.  Both of our vehicles are 4 wheel drive, but Hubby works in the woods and that is expected.  I just have never let it bother me.

     Out My Window:  Yesterday I was noticing through the dressing table window the chickadees, flying to and from the Sumac to the Wisteria.  They were so cute.  Most people here hate Sumac as it is really a weed tree, but I have one I keep carefully pruned over the pond.  I love the way they grow like deer antlers.  I love the soft fur on the bark, like new antlers in the velvet,  I also love the huge Red seed pods on the ends.  So do the birds.  It adds such color to a dead land scape.  Right now I have Red twig dogwood branches peeking out of the snow along with ever greens.  You should always landscape for every season.

     I was able to sew $236.00 worth of product yesterday.  I have a big pile today also.  I swear the phone rang off the hook yesterday, it about drove me nuts.  Today will be quiet.  If I can get through my alterations for today I think I am going to make a pro to-type of the skirts for the ghosts in the Celtic show.  Or maybe I will make some brownies.  I am really craving chocolate.  Hmmmmm.......

     If you haven't read Judy's post at "We may be poor but we are happy" go read it now.  Very inspiring and thought provoking.  It is a great post about the time it takes to get out of debt.  We all go into these plans thinking we can do this in X amount of time and in reality we can't.  Life gets  in the way and it is very hard to break old habits.

     Have a great and productive day!
****  They have closed all the roads out of my neighborhood.  Schools are closing, it has not stopped snowing!  12 inches now.  Yippee!  I am dusting off my cross country skis. May this last for a few days!****


  1. I'm in Toronto and we haven't had any snow this year. I wouldn't mind a snowed in day either esp. now that I'm not working!!

  2. Wow! Enjoy the snow! My friends in Seattle are buried in the white stuff too so I just tease them about the 60 degree sunny weather we are having today in Las Vegas. I don't miss the snow at all!

  3. I cant believe all the snow you guys are getting. Usually we are getting slammed this time of the year.

    Thank you for the compliment on the post. Its true so many people make them selves sick thinking they can get out of debt over night.

    No shoveling for you

  4. Lots of snow! Hope you day ended up having a great day!

  5. Well your snow has moved this way too - I am watching it blow and swirl around the corner of our house - it's really pretty but a bit too wild to venture out right now.
    I love sumac - there is a lot of it in this part of Canada. I really like the wood for carving though its hard to get very big pieces as the limbs don't grow very thick - but the wood is all variegated inside and makes for beautiful carvings.
    Enjoy your snow day!!
