Monday, December 31, 2012

Monday, Happy New Year!

     Happy New Year to all of my blogging pals.  I hope 2013 will be a wonderful productive year for all of us!  I know I will work hard to make this a goal of mine.  Just a better year.
      Last year was some what of a bust but it was also good in many ways.  I really cut back on what I did for the school district and this helped with stress.  I also had D#2 seriously move away and make it on her own and this has helped although I miss her.  I have taken a newer better stance with my youngest one when it comes to expenses.  She is not perfect but more careful.  I know all of these changes were small but over all they made a difference.  I know that the kids noticed that my Holidays were a little less hectic.  Hubby and I are only cleaning the bank 3 nights a week instead of 6 and this has made our weekends easier especially when we are in rehearsal and performance mode.  So all in all other than the financial it has been a good learning year.

     I still have not worked out a budget for the new year or any real financial goals.  I think I am afraid to as last year I had such high hopes and I feel like I just blew it.  But the totals are down and I hope to be under $100,000 on the house by this time next year.  What I really really want is to just have a house payment, but I realize that will not happen this year.  I need to be more realistic.  But boy would I love to get rid of the credit card debt and the truck loan.  I know the smartest thing to do is to get rid of the higher rate debt first, but I want to get rid of that $500.00 payment in the summer when the studio is not making money.  We will see.  My dream is to have that truck paid off by the end of June!  Maybe I should just do one goal at a time and keep the rest of the bills paid.

     Anyway enough hard thinking (see how non committed I am right now?) B and I are headed to the studio to work all day at getting it cleaned up and organized.  Ugh!  I don't want to do this, but alas I must.  Then we are cleaning and detailing her car and getting it on Craiglist!  One less expense for me.  Yippee!

     Hubs and I are going to a movie tonight!

Have a Happy New Years Eve!


Saturday, December 29, 2012

Saturday, first small combined goal of new year

     I am going to try to live within my means, here are three small ways I will try.  Now they may not work, I may have to relent but as I am feeling so much better with the new meds I am going to try these.

1. My housekeeper moved and I am going to try to do this myself.  I will save 64.00 a week.
2. The family that cleaned the dance studio for scholarship also moved and I will be cleaning the studio myself.  This will save me $200.00 a month.
3. I was also able to lower the cell phone bill by about $50.00 a month.

Now these goals will have a net affect of about $500.00 less a month out of pocket.  That does not mean it can go toward debt it just means I am not putting the money out.  It will help.  Any time you do not spend money you save money.

Gas is down to $2.81 here but I hear it is going back up. Will ride the good wave as long as possible.

Just thinking of small ways to help myself live better and cheaper without killing myself.

I have already saved $300.00 toward next months house account and I need $500.00 so I am ahead of the game. Nice way to start the year.  I am in debt but I am not behind.  Now just to stay ahead of the game.  Maybe that should be the goal, to stay ahead of the bills. Ugh!

Have a great and productive day!


Friday, December 28, 2012

Friday, Changing my ways...

     Yes today I must get something done.  Like hem three skirts and fix a wedding dress and a flower girl dress.  I have been putting this off. I no longer can.  That is okay as I was a slug yesterday.  Hubs is home with a sore throat and cold.  So I am staying clear of him. 

     Had a nice long talk with my sissie yesterday.  She is doing so well with her debt reduction I am jealous.  I had to order marley tape and fix a computer yesterday all to the tune of about $500.00 all on a credit card.  I will be able to sit down soon and form a plan but not today.  I do have money put aside for debt repayment but just in a state of denial.  I promise to pull my head out soon.  I will set some goals and make a plan.  Blah!

     I would so like to have the CC debt and at least the truck paid off before summer.  Having that big truck payment is a drag even though it is studio debt. I still have two vehicle payments and I hate it. I am so happy that I can just pay my bills and not be behind constantly, but I really need to stop spending money.  Next week will be a new month and a new year. I will have to have at least $500.00 for the house payment.  So life just goes on and does not change.

  Unless  UNLESS we change it!  So I will be changing my ways come the new year.  Just a few small goals added to a few small goals that will build into big goals.  I have to honestly say when the sewer collapsed last summer and I had 6 weeks of eye surgery I went on a bender.  I was so discouraged and I just did not care, felt sorry for myself, blamed the world.  But that is over and I must grow up and take responsibility.  No one is going to pay these debts but me and I have let bad habits creep back in.  I am the Queen of justification.  I can justify anything.  Especially spending money.

     So I am off to think of some goals as I sew today.  Goals I can live with.  Goals I can keep. Realistic goals.

     Out My Window:  Cold but sunny!

Have a great and productive day!


Thursday, December 27, 2012

Thursday, a do nothing day!

     I know I should be looking at next years budget and figuring out a plan to pay off all my debt, but right now I am just enjoying having nothing pressing.  I also feel like I made no progress last year and paid off all my cc debt and most of it is back, well not really but not where I want to be.  I just don't want to face it right now and really want to just be.

     I don't even feel guilty about it.  I just know that I will keep plugging along and with less disasters maybe just maybe I will win this war.  I do have some plans  that are brewing in the back of my mind concerning finances, but they are for another day.  Right now I have a roof over my head, food to eat and clothes to wear.  I have money in the bank and as long as I don't add to the debt I will be okay.

    D#2 went home yesterday and I miss her.  We packed her up and did errands all days yesterday.  Returned things, took D#3's computer in had her ipod engraved (cheap insurance) bought large plastic containers for the studio.  Actually I thought the stores would be crazy but they were relatively quiet.
D#2 is going to help me clean the studio before the 2nd.  But that also is for another day.

     Other than the customers that come to call I am off duty.

Have a wonderful day!


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Wednesday, lovely Christmas!

Christmas Eve: 
   The girls and I went and got our nails done, it was daughter #2's treat and then we all finished up last minute shopping.  I was home about 2:30 and started dinner.  Oyster stew, cheese and crab balls, relish tray, croissants, shrimp and lobster, steamer clams.  All washed down with sparkling cider.  The table was beautifully set with Christmas china and candles.  Hubby was home by 4:30 and started a fire in the fire places and then we ate.  Girls helped me clean up and we washed all the table linens.  Then we played games for about an hour.  We played a trivia game on hubs new tablet and it was so funny to see and hear all 4 of us try to beat this computer.  4 different generations shouting out answers just a riot.  I was able to get the girls really nice cotton robes that were originally $80.00 for under $10.00.  I also found white cotton tank tops for about .99 and pj bottoms with candy canes four dollars.  So I had them open their Christmas pj's and then we all sang Christmas carols while I played the piano.  Then to bed with many laughs.

     Hubs woke up first and took the dog for a walk, I got up and started orange and caramel rolls.  Girls were up around 9 and we did stockings, then opened presents.  Every one was thrilled with their gifts.  We all trooped down stairs with plates of home made orange and caramel rolls and had a Big Bang Marathon.  Laughed and laughed.  It is a little off color but the geeks are so much like my husband that the girls and I just roll.  The girls do not know what they like best the show or watching their dad and I look at each other and laugh.  They love to see their dad laugh at the boys antics.  We all dosed and ate and slept and watched movies, then ate and slept and watched movies... you get the drift.  It was a quite peaceful Christmas day.

     We have quite a few errands to run today.  Daughter #3's lap top needs to go to the doctor and we have a few a things to return.  Daughter #2 has to leave today, boo hoo I wish she could stay.  I need to get down to the studio and really clean before next week but I will think about that tomorrow, right now I am just going to enjoy my kids.

     Out My Window:  No white Christmas here but it is cold.

Have a great and productive day!


Monday, December 24, 2012

Monday, Merry Christmas!

     I feel guilty for not posting, but so busy and tired all the time.  I finally got Christmas up and decorated on Saturday.  Usually our tree is up on the 1st.  It was like being back in college when hubs and I were first married.  We would have finals and frantically put up a tree on the 20 or 21st to take it down again a week later.  But all is up and it is beautiful.
     I still have to run out this morning and get a couple things.  The girls are home and we have had  lots of laughs and screaming.  Don't for get the screaming! I cleaned house for days I swear.  Just bag after bag of trash.  With the girls home nothing stays clean for long.  Drives me nuts!  But I am glad they are home.
     Cookie trays are delivered, outdoor lights are up most of the packages wrapped and all the food bought so I think we are ready.  Christmas is just too much work.  But I have cut back this year believe it or not and I am also looking forward to a new year that will be financially even more successful than this year.  I will be trying to give up a few things that will help with my goals, but right now I just want to concentrate on  Christmas.
     I wish my sissie was here to celebrate with me.  We had a long talk on the phone yesterday and it was so nice.  We will have a another long talk on Christmas day.
     Well I need to start yet another load of laundry, clean myself up and get to the store, get my nails done and start dinner preparations. I think I am actually getting excited!

Have a Merry Christmas and may the love of the Savior be with you through out the eve and day!

Love Kim

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wednesday, baking, baking!

     Still behind in the sewing department, need to pay the rest of the December Bills and close the books on the studio, so what am I doing?  BAKING!

     Last night I made a batch of caramels, a batch of hay stacks, a batch of almond roca, and 5 lbs of fudge, with and without nuts. I will need to make another batch of each almond roca and caramels.

Today a good friend is coming over for Power baking with Kim!

We will make:
 Peppekakkor, rolled thin Swedish pepper cookie
Kokkokasser, cut thin refrigerator Swedish coconut butter cookie
Rosettes, made in oil off a mold
Krum kakke,  made on a griddle and rolled into a tube
Spritz, pumped out of a press
Thors Hammers, pumped out of a press and dipped in chocolate and nuts
Almond sugar cookies frosted of course
Kranz Hearts, double layer sugar cookie with jam in the middle
Dipped apricots

I will also make a few almond cakes, as these are everybody's favorites.  Right now I need to go do more laundry and get some cookie dough in the fridge.  We are taking hubby to the Hobbit  tonight for his birthday.  It will be a a busy day.

Out My Window:  yesterday was warm and sunny, just beautiful.

Have a great and productive day!


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tuesday, recovering:)

     Thanks for all the warm thoughts.  I was a lazy daisy yesterday.  Went  up to University with D#3 and then went to Winco and bought much of our Christmas food and baking supplies.  Home to put together a party for dance kids at the studio.  Did no sewing or errands so will have to get to those today.  I have a big long list of to dos. Pretty much laid around yesterday.  I even watched 1.5 hours of TV last night!  Yikes!

     So today maybe just maybe I will get the Christmas decorations up. After I...

Put on some makeup so I don't scare people
Shorten the sleeves on a jacket
start some laundry
go to high school and return a cash box
go talk to high school band director
go pay printers bill
go pick up prescriptions
go fill out jury duty questionnaire so I am not arrested!

Okay so I will start with the make up and hair, but I really want a nap.  It is 9:37 and I got up at 9:00!

Have a great and productive day!


Monday, December 17, 2012

Monday, The show is OVER!

     The Show is over and I am so relieved and happy.  Now I still have a mess every where I look and I have not been been down to the studio, but all in good time.  I need to run D#3 back up to campus to get books exchanged and I will do a little Christmas grocery shopping at Winco.  Then back down to sew.  We are also having a party at the dance studio for the dancers at 4:00 to watch the video of the show.  Then I have no classes for two weeks!  I really need a break.

     D#2 and D#3 were here for the weekend to help and then we celebrated Hubby's 62 Birthday last night.  I made fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, sweet potatoes, corn, biscuits and German chocolate cake,  All his favorites, but I think I used every pan in the kitchen.  We also used the Christmas china.  Yes, I got up early Sunday morning and put away all the Thanksgiving and Halloween things.  I then unpacked the Christmas china.  D#2 and I put up the tree and put china on the shelves in the formal front room, but that is as far as I got.  Maybe tonight after the party and we clean the bank I can get a few more boxes up stairs to finish.

     I have a lots of bookkeeping to do with the show and bills to pay and sewing to get done, Christmas shopping, it goes on and on.  Right now I am just basking in the feeling of relief that I have nothing super pressing for the next two weeks. 

     By the way gas is down to $2.89 here it is amazing.

My thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the victims in Connecticut.  I have just wept for these people.  How do we stop this?

Have a good day in spite of the evil in the world.


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wednesday, a few things for which I am grateful...

-$296.14 personal
$1038.72 studio

     As you can see from the total above I am slowly chipping away at the deficit.  I was able to pay another $100.00 yesterday into the bank account.  Every little bit helps. Next week I will attack it even more. Even though I am busy and stressed I can still make progress and that makes me feel more empowered.

     Also there is a gas war on here.  This has never happened in the 25 years we have lived here.  Because we are the last fresh water sea port from the ocean we have most of our gas barged in.  Normally at least for 20 years our gas prices were a little lower than every one else in the state.  But since the recession hit we have had the highest rates.  I could drive anywhere 60 miles a way and find gas 35-50 cents a gallon cheaper.  So frustrating, we also have very high grocery prices because all trucks have to come in and dead head out.  But a new gas chain opened up and they have lowered gas from $3.69 to $3.09 in one week.  Can you believe that?  All the other stations have no choice but to match them.  Now if we could just get a Winco to open here for groceries.   Isn't this great!  It makes such a huge difference to our budget when gas goes down to around $3.00 a gallon.  I am so happy.

     Hubby is at a conference this week so he has the Sate pickup to take him back and forth.  No commuting costs this week at all. Yeah!

These are all little blessings but I am grateful for them. Still plugging away on the show.  Will finish costumes today, then it is just on with the show.

     Out My Window: Cold, foggy wet, typical winter weather.

I have a pile of alterations waiting for me, yippee!  Another blessing!

Have a great and productive day!


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

 $1038.72 studio

     Well a mom and I were able to knock out several costumes yesterday and I only have a few left that I am going to work on tomorrow.  I also had a dad offer to come move set Thursday so between Hubby and this great dad I should be able to get everything to the theater.  I just wish it was over.  Isn't that awful.  It is just so much work and I am so tired of being tired.  But for the sake of the students I should enjoy these moments.  I did get the tuition figured out and I am contacting individuals.  I should figure that out today.  I paid all of the big bills including rent and will get everything else after the show.

     I did purchase three boxes of candy canes for my non existent Christmas tree.  Actually it is in the garage, maybe I will just decorate it there.  It will save time.

     Lots of little sewing projects to do today, so I had better get busy.  This week can not go fast enough for me.

Have a great and productive day!


Monday, December 10, 2012

Monday, survived weekend one more to go!

-$396.14 personal
$1038.72 studio

     We had two holiday parties and huge rehearsals all weekend.  We were able to get home early every night but I just went to bed.  I had visions of putting up Christmas and putting away Halloween last night but I took a two hour nap after church ate left overs and then played the piano for a couple of hours, only Christmas carols.  I just wanted to relax.  I did this with a jack-o-lantern staring at me from the corner of the piano.   I ignored him and continued playing:)

     This is hell week for me and I have a lot of odds and ends to tie up.  Just making a list and checking it twice.  I am not really worried about anything but getting everything to the theater and setting up.  This has to be done on Thursday night and so does the program.  It is hard heavy work and I worry about getting enough help to do it.

     Last week I sewed as much as I could so I would have most things done and not be  behind this week.  I have been able to scrounge together about $1100.00.  I paid the house payment with hubbies first check and then added my $500.00.  I put the other $600.00 into my checking to bring down the amount owed to overdraft.  All bills for the month are included in that -$396.14.  I also have a $346.00 water/sewer bill to pay by the 20th.  Why do they make these 1/4 bills due at Christmas?  I just decided that I wanted to know that the bills were paid this week and I could worry about earning the money next week to cover the rest of the month.  I will be able to earn $750.00 before the end of the month and I can do it after the 15th.  This way I can go into the show with no worries.

     I need to sit down and go over tuition and see who has not paid and I know I have many parent that have not paid their recital fees.  So this morning I will call them.  It is amazing always the same people.  I also need to get a parent letter ready with all costume details and next years dates to hand out this week.

Out My Window:  Hubby finally got all the leaves up, what a job!

Just got a text from a parent that is willing to help me with last minute costumes!  Yippee!  Love that!



Friday, December 7, 2012

Friday, what happened to Thursday?

     I think Sluggy stole my Thursday as hers was missing or she at least had a day missing.  I am so busy right now I can hardly think.  SO much to ask and tell you need advice but I am so behind and will be until Sunday so I am just checking in to say I am alive and will be back soon.

Have a great and productive day!  I know I will.........splat!


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wednesday, My pig runneth over!

 -$225.14 personal
$1899.12 studio

     I have had a hard time getting to the computer this morning as the shop is all about can I get this in an hour?  Can I get this by this afternoon.  Can I get these tomorrow at 10?  It is great but usually my turn around time is 2 days.  Most of these people are from small towns and are coming in for shopping or medical.  So I do try to get things out the same day but so much is hard.  This morning I have had to replace a zipper and hem a pair of pants all before 10 a.m.  But the gentleman with the pants was so thrilled to get them in an hour that he gave me a $20.00 although the charge was $12.00.  Anyway I know you are all anxious to hear about my pig.

     I saved $547.37 in spare change last year.  I only put my loose change at the end of the day in the pig.  She weighed in at 33 lbs and I had to carry the coin into the bank in three trips.  I felt like the Knox Bank. It was a pretty painless way to save money and kind of fun.  I would weigh the pig about once a month.  I will use this money for Christmas, so it is squirreled away in an envelope for when I actually start my Christmas shopping here in the valley.

     It is so nice to have my teacher back, last week was so tiring.  I was able to come home at 6:30 last night and just sit with hubby and watch a TV program.  Then we went and cleaned the bank.

     I have been in a quandary about a tree this year.  Last year if you will recall I purchased a very beautiful silk tree pre-lit on a good sale and it did not even last the season.  We had always purchased a Nursery tree from the Catholic Charities but they have gotten so expensive.  The kids always wanted the perfect dense nursery tree and I loved the smell of the fresh evergreen.  Now these trees are around $80.00 and they die before the 25th.  Then I thought, how stupid are you?  Your husband works in the woods.  Send him to find a tree while he is working.  Don't worry he purchased the $2.00 permit. Now this tree will not be perfect or dense like a nursery tree but I am sure it will be beautiful and it will be essentially FREE!  So that works for me.

     Out My Window:  Beautiful and sunny but soooooooooo Cold.  Cold snap moving in for the weekend.

     I have a lot of sewing to get done today, so I had better get busy.  Someone is at the door again.

Have a great and productive day!


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tuesday, I opened my pig today!

    -$225.14 personal
    $1,899.36 studio

     I opened my Christmas pig today.  I have three large bags full of coins and will take them to the bank later.  I will have to carry them in one at a time because they are so heavy!  I am excited.

     I did finally get myself moving yesterday, but so tired.  Was able to get the last of the costumes ordered and purchased.  I also was able to get payroll done.  Did a lot of sewing that needed to be caught up and I am still behind.  Hopefully will catch up today.  We were able to get the Coda choreographed last night so we can work on that before Saturday.

     I have a conference call at 10:36 this morning.  Why 10:36?  I mean really so what if it occurs at 10:35? or 10:37?  Is that minute going to change the universe?

     I put a small roast out and am going to make a beef stew for tonight in my crock pot.  Judy will not come help me with my decorations so they will not go up until later!

Out My Window:  Hubby was raking leaves in the dark last night with a head lamp on.  He had cleaned the gutters on Saturday and the MESS!  So he is trying to get a few bags done every night.  It gets dark here now at 4 p.m. and will stay that was until about January 15th.  He looked so funny out there with his little light on his head!

Have a great and productive day!


Monday, December 3, 2012

December? Aghhhhhh!

-$225.14 personal
$67.18 studio

          Okay so it is December and I still have all my Thanksgiving crap all over the house.  I did not even spend Thanksgiving here.  Gasp, tired, go back to bed........  Judy if I get you a plane ticket will you fly out here and put up the decorations?  Because this is my list for today.

Get out of bed and face December (okay done but still in pjs.)
brush teeth (must go past bed to do this it might snag me and pull me in?)
Get out of bed......

Do you see my problem, I am stuck in an infinite loop.


Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday, Payday was last week?

-$175.16 personal
 $416.76 studio

     Hubby got paid last Wednesday on the 22nd.  Now I know Tanner blogged to me that we would get paid a day early and I also had the budget set up for a 23rd paycheck so why did I think he would not get paid until yesterday?  I guess we have been so broke and behind I have not allowed myself to write any checks and so I have not even looked at the books.  When I went to pay the final bills today here is the paycheck posted the 22nd.  But the great thing is he will get another paycheck next week.  So being off a week isn't so bad. But seriously where is my brain?

     All the bills are paid for the month and a new month tomorrow.  Ugh!  I balanced the books this morning and I have $590.00 in the shop drawer.  Scared to put it anywhere, I need to put almost that much into my overdraft account but also need to put it into the emergency fund.  Also need to have $500.00 for the house payment.  It never ends.I will wait til next week to decide.

     I have to teach again this afternoon, so I am taking the afternoon off.  There is a  lot of sewing in the shop to do but as I have an all day rehearsal tomorrow I am just going to rest.  Hubby is in the pit for Cinderella this weekend and I am going to a dance concert tomorrow night.  It will be a long day.

     Last night when I got came home from the studio, hubby had finished my manger and stable pieces.  They just have to be painted.  He will go to the theater at 6:30 and I teach until 7 so we will not even see each other.  That reminds me I had better go see if his black concert clothes  need to be pressed!

Have a great and productive day!


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thursday, If I stay home.....

-$142.16 personal
 $213.47 studio

     This week has really taught me to appreciate my teacher that comes down from the University.  Teaching every class is so tiring.  Two more days; I can do this and then on Saturday we have a 7 hour rehearsal.  Ugh! Splat!  I am thankful that tonight I will not have to clean the bank.  I can just go straight home after class.
     I am feeling better today I think.  I hate to get too hopeful, but here is my sign.  I went downstairs this morning with a normal gate and realized that I had left my cell upstairs in the bedroom.  I ran up stairs to get it.  Let me repeat myself  I RAN UPSTAIRS TO GET IT!  The doctor put me on a new medication in addition to doubling the T-biologic.  Three days and I can see a difference.   Usually I get up and take 2 Aleve and limp to the computer sit for 1/2 hour to let the meds take affect.  Well I have taken nothing for pain in 2 days.  I am a little more tired and I am not sleeping as well as I could and little sick to my stomach and jittery, but I will take it to feel better.  These symptoms should go away in about a week.

     I just had an epiphany.  If I stayed home and quit going somewhere every month I could save money!  It seems we have been on the go every month.  It is usually for a week at a time which means lost work opportunities and money needed for gas and travel.  July, the coast, August, home to mom's and visit to daughter's, Sept,stayed home, October Gettysburg, November daughters.  It costs money and I am always trying to save additional money for gas and expenses.  So I plan to try and stay closer to home the next few months, I think it will help.

     Now I can look back at all of these trips and say I would do them all over again. Family is important.  Spending time with them is expensive. But my mom is not well and Hubbies folks are also going down hill.  I will never regret the time or the money spent.  I also have only one grandchild and he grows and changes so quickly.  All this travel is centered around family. Families are forever.

     I have $499.34 in the shop right now and I can use it where ever I want.  I have been saving money for trips so much I am in a dither that I really have this for bills.  But boy do I have bills.  I would really like to put it all in the emergency fund, which is down to $15.00 right now waiting for reimbursement from the insurance company.  We will see, I am going to try to clean my desk and definitely pay the rest of November's bills today as Hubby gets paid.  I will also set up December's budget.

     Out My Window:  Cold, when did it become winter?  Snuck up on me that is for sure.

     I have sewing to do, several pairs of pants to hem, zippers to replace.  The shop was a zoo yesterday.  Phone rang constantly and I have a whole lot of new work to do!  Yeah! I am blessed with work.

     I get to open my sealed pot in 5 days!  I can hardly wait.

Have a great and productive day.


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wednesday, tired


-$142.16 personal

$213.47  studio
   Slept terrible last night and I am very tired.  I think I might be coming down with a cold.  Great just what I need going into rehearsal weeks.  Studio kids are doing pretty well at learning their numbers.  I must say I finally rec'd the tuition from my last two students for the month of November.  Gee it was only November 27th.

     Oh my I just realized that it is my youngest daughters 20th birthday.  We celebrated last week so I almost forgot.  I will have to call her at the University.  I have no more teenagers.  Nice but also kind of sad.

    Hubby knocked together a stable for the Christmas pageant at church and tonight he will fit up a manger.  It is too cute.  We will practice on Sunday and I need to pull costumes.  I know they are in the loft somewhere.

     Hubby gets paid tomorrow so I will pay the last of the bills and get cracking for the new month.  Judy is already working on budget for next year.  I really want to get at least the truck paid off next year, in fact I want it paid off by June, but I do not know how I will do that.

Out My Window:  We are definitely down 3 chickens.  We don't know if a Coyote got them or what.

     I have plenty of sewing to do so I had better get busy!

Have a great and productive day!


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tuesday, long day yesterday.....

-$142.16 personal
$213.47 studio
     My advanced ballet teacher was in rehearsal for her show up at the university and was not in last night, so I taught for 5 .5 hours.  I spent so much time on rehearsal and corrections.  Then boss from cleaning job texted me with a list of extra work for an executive walk through.  So add another 2 hours to an already too long evening.  Oh, and Hubby was in hell week rehearsal for the Civic Theater show he is playing the viola in, leaving me holding the bag as usual.  I was so irritated. My choice was to wait until he came home at 11:11 and make him come help me or do it myself starting at 8:30.  If I did insist that he help he would have refused to do any extra work and there would have been a fight.  By the way 4 weeks ago when I had that bad flu and high fevers I still had to do my work as he could not figure out how to do it, even though we have been cleaning buildings for over 20 years.  I thought about just doing the extra work and leaving him with the keys but he would never have been able to remember to lock the correct doors or reset the alarm correctly and I would have had to go back down or stay until he finished to double check all the doors and alarm system. He could not figure out why I was upset.  I was not angry just would not talk to him.  I was discouraged as I can always cover for him and do, he can never cover for me.  He really can't it is hard to live with someone so handicapped.  I am very tired.

     Anyway on a better note,  I have over $300.00 saved from that refund check and money coming into the shop yesterday.  This will help balance the bills at the end of the week, then next week we will worry about the $500.00 I will need for December's house payment.  This was a long month and I hope to catch up in December.  But I do not want to face the bills in January as I feel that I am making so little progress.  I can see I need to update my totals on my pages that will make me feel better.  Because in reality I do get at least $2000.00 a month closer to becoming debt free when I am not adding to my debt every month and that is a fine figure.

     I don't even want to think about Christmas right now I just want to get through the week. 

Out My Window:  We are down 3 chickens, don't know if they decided to go roost with someone else or what.  The back yard is a mess.

     I have a doctor's appointment at 10:10 today and then I need to sew before I go to the studio.  I have to teach 5 hours tonight.  It is just going to be a long week.  However I have passed out two notes stating that tuition and recital fees must me paid on December 1st.  We have a huge rehearsal that day so I pointed out to the parents that there was no excuse not to drop off  a check on that day!  I am getting mean!

Have a great and productive day!


Monday, November 26, 2012

Monday, had a wonderful Holiday, where is my life?

-$142.16 personal
  $213.47 studio
   I have been gone so long I am wondering where I left  my life?  I know I have a  great deal to do in  the next 3 weeks so I had better find out what is going on and get busy.

     I had such a nice time with my 3 daughters and grandson.  Spent way too much money but that is another post. My grandson is the cutest little boy and will probably be president someday!  ( okay I am serious).

     We came home last night and I have a ton of laundry to do, things that must be returned to stores, things to pick up for the studio.  I have sewing to do thank goodness I need the money.

     I did get the mail opened last night and I had a letter from the Cataract institute a few weeks ago saying I still owed $274.00 on the three surgeries.  I had not rec'd a bill but they were going to get a piece of my mind when it did arrive.  So I get a letter and a refund check for $137.00.  I will take it!  

     I need to pull my head out of the clouds and make a list for today.  I know that I need to be to the studio by 2:30.

     1. Shower and clean up!
     2. start laundry
     3. Go to Costco and return a few things and get water for studio
     4.  Return shirts to Penney's (no pocket for Hubby's hearing aids)
     5. Contact advertising tech for commercial on upcoming show.
     6. Nail down the last of the costumes. (started)
     7. Organize shop and sew
     8.  Get posters to family promise Will do on the way to studio
     9. Do a little housework
   10.  At least look at the bills?pd one CC will do the rest of the bills on Friday.
   11. call doctor for appointment.
   12. go buy stapler get notes stapled for studio

 Out My window:  We could only find three chickens last night, did they fly the coop so to speak?  Will chicken hunt today.

     I am off to complete my list.

Have a great and productive day!


Monday, November 19, 2012

Monday, getting ready for Thanksgiving!

     -$142.16 personal
       $213.47 studio

     I am busy checking things off my list so we can leave tomorrow morning for Thanksgiving at my daughters.  I cleaned out my closet today I don't know why, I guess the winter suits and summer pants and blouses were getting all hung together and it was unnerving.  Anyway I took out a whole basket full of clothes to take to the resale shop.  I will do that this afternoon when I do my errands.  I am also taking money down to the bank and cash a few checks.  I will pay the Credit card bills today so that when I get back I will only have the few bills left that hit at the end of the month.  I also hope to be able to cover all the overdraft account and get at least $500.00 back in the emergency fund before the end of the month.

     Even though this has been a stressful month it has really been informative.  I have realized that I usually spend a lot more money than I make and then play catchup.  Stupid and a hard habit to break.  I will have to have another $500.00 to help pay the house payment the 1st week in December. In addition to trying to get money in the emergency fund, buy groceries and put gas in the cars.  This is much more cash than I can produce at times and if the studio does not produce anything for me to pull from I go into the red.  So this is a problem that needs to be fixed.

     The chickens are no longer laying so we are trying to decide what to do with them.  Hubby does not want to feed them all through the winter, but I cannot face killing them as they are pets.  We will get new chicks next spring.  Chickens do not have long lives.  I feed them all peelings, and table scraps and they do scratch around the yard and garden.  But next year they have to be locked out of the garden as they do too much damage.

     I will be on the road tomorrow so if I don't get to blog again have a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving Day, God Bless all of you and please know how grateful I am to have you as part of my life.


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sunday, we almost had a baby!

     Yesterday at the studio we had about 60 of our dancers rehearsing for the Tree Lighting Performance.   One of our 3 year olds had a mother who had a baby due on the 29th.  She just did not look comfortable to me.  She told me she was craving soup.  I sent her husband in the midst if the chaos next door to the deli for some chicken soup, which she ate.  Then we all left the studio and the family did not show up in costume for the performance.  There were 10 in the class and I had only 9.  Because we were in a crowd of about 3000 people I could not figure out who was missing.  (DUH!  this is how I get when I am over whelmed)   This morning I realized who it was , I just called and they left the rehearsal right after the soup for the hospital.  Another little girl!  I am taking them a meal tomorrow!  I am a dance grandma,  hooray!

Have a peaceful and Wonderful Sabbath!


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Saturday, making progress

     -$62.12 personal
      $213.47 studio

     Hey look at those totals!  I have $700.00 in cash to put in my personal account from the shop.  I am also back in the black for the studio.  Now I have no emergency fund as I took the last $400.00 for  medicine.  I also have no money for my trip to Twin falls.  But I do have more sewing that should be picked up , and we are going to dinner at someone Else's house on Sunday.  I do have to buy bread and yogurt. 

      Now listen to how brave (obnoxious I was) Yesterday I met a mother at the studio she dropped her child off and I checked the box no tuition.  I waited in class and when she went to go home I stopped her and asked if the mom had given her a check.  No .  So I asked her to wait until her mom came into get her.  The mom does not come into the studio she stands in the hall even though it is obvious that class is over and her daughter is not out.  I went up and asked if she had sent a check  Oh I am so glad you reminded me, I would have forgot again.  Now do you believe this?  I had called her and she had promised to drop a check off Thursday.

     I also text a mother that owed me $320.00 at about 5:15 saying you were going to drop off yesterday and I e-mailed you this morning, You told me you worked late last night, so you were coming tonight and I am waiting for you.  Her excuse was she was still at work and she was out of check blanks, the same excuse she gave me two weeks ago.  I told her I was waiting and I would take cash, (I never take cash)  She showed up about 5:45 with the green backs.  Also went out into the parking lot to talk to a mother hiding in her car.  I said today is the 16th are you going to pay me today?  Well she couldn't because she had to pay her house payment.  But she would get a draw on her wages tomorrow.  What have I become?

     Now we have a big rehearsal today and I have two other families that owe a total of $285.00 and a couple of others that owe less.  So we will see.  There are still about $700.00 worth of bills due at the studio.  But I am just feeling better and more empowered.

     Big rehearsal today for the tree lighting tonight, I have to do a show order and get a C D ready.

Daughter is taking me to Twilight tonight!  We are going with a bunch of dance students, they think it is so funny that I go to these shows with them.   All of these little 12-13 old skinny dancers and me.  Such fun.  So after rehearsal we will all go get a sandwich and then costume perform and then go to the movie.  I am tired just thinking about it!

Have a great and productive day!


Friday, November 16, 2012

Friday, busy weekend ahead!

     -$762.59 personal
     -$147.38 studio

     You will all be so proud of me.  Yesterday after I wrote my post, I went to my desk (still in my pjs) and I called every single parent that had not paid.  Many answered the phone and said they would bring it in.  I also left many messages, most of those called me back.  I was polite but impassioned.  Next week is Thanksgiving break if you do not pay this now it will be the last week of the month and you will have Decembers tuition and recital fee within a few days.  I also let them know it was not just them that many many parents had done this and I had to borrow money to pay my bills.  It wasn't fair to me and it was stressful.  Quilt trip!

     Funny I was able to get a hold of a father that I know to work out of town.  I asked him if he was in for the holidays and he said yes.  I then told him I had not rec'd his 135.00 tuition check.  He seemed shocked.  His wife called back about an hour later apologized and then said she would bring the check down.  SHE DID NOT!

     Then I had another mother that has given me the excuse she is out of checks.  The grandmother usually brings down the girls.  I told the grandmother.  Mother calls back and I told her she owed $95.00 for last month, $75.00 for November, she still had not paid her registration of $20.00 and she had 2x $20.00 late charges.  So to bring her up to date I would need $230.00.  If she wanted to pay for the rest of the semester (at her request) she would need to bring me $325.00.  She was coming down last night.  I taught until 8.  She did not show. Now we have emailed these things and talked about this for 2 months.  What do you think?

     I had parents dropping kids off and going to grandparents who pay the bills to get a check.  I had one mother claiming she was pulling her little girl.  Fine but you owe me for the month and we ordered a costume  and you took up a spot in a full class that I had a waiting list.  So someone would have paid through the semester.  She is going to pay through and her child showed up last night.  Amazing.

     A letter is going out Thanksgiving week that requires parents to pay for December by the first.  Next year all tuition is due before the month or on the first.  I will no longer give them the 10 day leeway. It does no good and I can't pay my bills.  It will be a very personal letter.  We will see what happens.  All the service that I have looked into that collect for a small business are too expensive on my small margin of profit.  Which really is nonexistent.

     You can see that my overdrawn totals went down at the studio, but I have made no headway in personal.  I have about $254.00 in the shop and another $180.00 to be picked up.  I have around $150.00 worth of work left to do.  I hope to get it done today!  If I could put this all toward the personal I would but I have nothing to get to Twin Falls for Thanksgiving.  So I am discouraged.  I did not plan on shopping the Christmas sales, not sure what I will do.  But I will need some gas and spending money.

     I have been doubling my medication for my arthritis at my doctors request.  I have to pick up another load dose of 4 shots but the insurance will make me pay about $450.00 for these as they are not covered at %100.  I am feeling better so it is worth it but it will wipe out the emergency fund.  The drug insurance company will reimburse me but who knows how long that will take.  I do have other savings accounts if things get really bad but I trust they won't.

     I have a big rehearsal today, tomorrow and a big performance tomorrow night .  So a busy weekend.

     I need to get to the bank and I also have a lunch date with the tv station.  So I had better get busy.

Have a great and productive day!


Thursday, November 15, 2012


     Thanks for all the advice and support on this tuition dilemma.  Many of you have talked about credit card boxes, but you still have to have the parents come in and make them use them.  Parents who have maxed their cards or don't have the money to pay just will not come in the studio.  They avoid me.  I don't want to come off as a greedy bi^&%.  Also I have checked into services that do your billing and they take about 10%.  I am losing money now and work for free at the studio this would put me over the edge.  My husband is upset as we have been so in debt to the studio and still have about $20,000 worth of debt not counting the $35,000 I borrowed against the house.  He wants that paid off before I close the studio.  He also hates the stress it puts me under every month.  The anger and the frustration.  He said next month at this time you will be hounding and worried about tuition the same as you are now.  He is right, I am just dreading it.  So this morning I am going to call every one that is late and insist on payment by Friday as next week their are no classes this gives them another week to stall  Then I will send out another impassioned letter asking that tuition be paid on time as in December 1st.  Hubby said it is time to get personal.

     Putting the checking account balances at the top of the blog is the best and worst thing I have ever done to myself.

 It is the best in that I know how bad the situation is and I won't let myself write until I have balanced.  It just takes a few seconds.  I wrote 2 checks in each account yesterday but it sure made the totals go up.  Now I know where I stand and I can't pretend that there is money.

It is the worst in that I know how bad the situation is and I don't know how to get out of it.  I know I will figure it out.  Eventually money will come in but all this future money I had earmarked for debt, just does not exist or it is spent.  I have to be realistic and that is harder than I thought.

     I will be able to cover everything in the studio account.  I know that.  It is the personal account that is bleak right now.  I have $120.00 in the shop and $180.00 to be picked up which is odd as usually people pick up a lot faster.  I do have work that I can get done, but no way am I going to cover that mess and get to my daughters next week.  Unless I have a miracle. 

     I need to go clean up and get to work on studio business and in the shop.  I need to stop feeling sorry for myself.  I did this. Now I have to figure out a way to undo it!

Have a great and productive day!


Wednesday, November 14, 2012


    -$576.11 personal
    -171.64 studio

     Working hard here.  I am getting choreography done as much as possible before the Thanksgiving break.  This is encouraging to me as I was a little panicky with my younger kids.  I will pick up the posters for the show tomorrow and I need to meet with the TV on Friday.  So other than getting Parents to put out posters I will be done with the advertising.  Only took in about $200.00 in tuition last night.  But the kids that owe do not come on Tues. so hopefully tonight.  I always pay my rent on the 13th, but I did not pay it yesterday.  Now I am paying my bills late.  I will run a check over this afternoon, and pray that over $700.00 comes in to pay the rent.  Didn't happen yesterday however.  I can take money out of savings and put it back but why should I do this? By the way the two parents that paid last night, saw the sign I had put up and did not add the late charge.  One of the mother's said she tried to shove it under the door last weekend and could not.  I said if you had paid it last week you would not have to try and shove it under the door.  So I believe you are all right I am going to have to go an automatic withdrawal.  I hate to but I see no other way.  Now how do I do this?  I will research it.

     Sewed hard yesterday and will continue today.  Made a really good sweet potato and pork
stew in the crock pot yesterday.  Have no idea what to have for dinner tonight will have to go up and dig in the fridge.  Maybe Swedish meatballs with potatoes and vegetable.

     Well I need to go clean up and do a little sweep of the upstairs and do a little laundry.  Then I will hit the machines.  I am really grateful that Hubby only has to drive 4 days this week, which means I won't have to gas the car up until Friday.  It is like getting a $50.00 bonus.   

     Out My Window:  Leaves are every where.  You can't see the lawn and it is a big lawn!

Have a great and productive day!


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tuesday, picture getting bleaker

     -$576.11 personal
     -$171.64 studio

     The ability to pull money out of the studio for extra debt this month gets worse and worse as the days go on.  I keep thinking I will be able to clear  that personal debt and that is not going to happen.  Payroll was higher this last month by about $700.00 although November and December are shorter.  I am a little discouraged.  I am trying to find ways to cut back but I see no other way than that I make no money.  It is hard to work this hard in a business and make no money.  I do get my cell phone paid and my internet.  There are some nice freebies that come with the territory.  I am thinking of giving up the housekeeper again to save the $250.00 a month she costs.  I am seriously contemplating closing at the end of the year.  I would need to get the truck loan and the cc debt paid off to do this.  But my oldest daughter tells me not to because I would just give my time away and this way I am at least making some money.  But I do not know, I am pretty discouraged right now.

     Do you think if I went to a debit for tuition it would help?  Where I make parents give me a Credit card or a checking routing # and automatically debit  their accounts?  That way I would have all tuition in at once and I would not be trying to guess and beg and see what bill I can pay and which I can't.  Right now the rent is due today $700.00 and I have -$171.00 in the account.  But there is $1500.00 worth of tuition outstanding.  I am just sick of this and I am sure you are sick of me complaining.

     Okay on a different note.  Hubby replaced a broken light fixture in the kitchen yesterday.  He had changed a light bulb early last month and had not secured the lamp.  It crashed to the floor in  thousands of pieces.  (I left it for him to discover:)) Also the back french doors leading to the deck do not close securely.  The dog can shove through them even when they are locked.  The threads were stripped out in the lock.  We could chain the door shut but it would always be open about 1.5 inches in the morning.  If we did not make sure the chain was secure it would be wide open.  As we are now using the furnace this was too expensive.  So he replaced the back door handle with handicap handles.  Really nice and we have a key for the back door!  We have lived here 13 years and have never had a key for this door.  We also figured out that the doors had shifted and the dog could shake the doors even when locked which led to the lock becoming worn and stripped.  Well there is a safety locking mechanism that goes through the ceiling and into the floor for the one french door that is often not use.  The bottom post would not go into its hole.  So hubby drilled a new hole and the door is tight and secure.  Now we will weather strip it and it will be more resistant to heat loss than it has ever been.

     Hubby and I also went to get him a new cell phone.  Nothing fancy and his contract was up so we could get a phone free with a 2 year contract.  We do not go with a major company as we live in the rural part of the state with  many mountains and hubby works where their is little coverage.  This company was the first in Idaho to cover the logging areas with radio so they have really good reception where no one else does.  Their rates are comparable to others.  We have a family plan with 4 phones.  They are running a specials all the time because of course they are losing business to the big guys.  The special is only for customers with no contracts.  If you pay for your phone outright and have no contract your rates go down considerably.  Well D#2's contract is up at Christmas and she will go out on her own.  My contract is up in about 5 months and d#3  I don't know but it has to be within the year.  Our bill with no contracts attached to phone could drop as much as $100.00 a month.  So I paid cash for his phone it was $137.00 with a waterproof protective case.  If you don't insist on the latest and the greatest cell phone you can get a pretty good deal.  I am looking forward to the drop in rates.

     I sewed hard yesterday and have a lot to do today.  This is where I will have to get my extra money to clear my personal account.  Hope to do it by the 25th of the month.  That figure is going down!

Out My Window:  Even though we took two big truck loads of leaves to the dump on Saturday along with a cell phone:) the yard looks like it has not been raked at all.  Oh the joys of trees!  But I really do love trees.

Have a great and productive day!


Monday, November 12, 2012

Monday, Happy Veterans Day!

 -$633.19 personal
-$52.11 studio

     Hubby has today off for the holiday.  We watched the Veterans day celebrations on TV last night.  I am so grateful to live in this wonderful country, it has its problems but I am still proud to be a citizen of the United States.  My father served in Korea and Hubby was in the National Guard and traveled all over the world on survey projects.  Those were the days. He would be gone for weeks and months at a time when the kids were little.

     So much to do in the studio this week as we have the week of Thanksgiving off.  This gives families and staff time to travel.  Most people if they have to drive out west will leave on Tuesday but always Wednesday at the latest.  This also gives me a week to get the scenery pulled and the advertizing done.  We also have a large performance this Saturday.  I dread it as it is outside and cold, but it starts the holidays and has for years.   I really feel Christmas when I do the Lighting of the Christmas Park Performance.  

     We will see what kind of tuition comes in as there is still a lot outstanding.  I pray the shop is busy this week.  If I can sew hard this week and Monday and Tuesday next I should be able to get caught up in the accounts.  Just keep working, just keep working.  Thanksgiving is so early this year that we have a whole week before the end of November and I am very happy about that.  Another week to try and get the finances in order.  After all when December starts I will find myself back in the same boat.  I will need $500.00 for the house and all those automatic bills that are paid out of the checking will start over. Ugh!
I feel like I am on an ever spiraling downward cycle, which would be nice if it was downward debt!

     I hope the printer is open today as I need a letter printed.  If not I will  print enough for today and take it in tomorrow.  But I need to get that done.  Always something.

I made home made spaghetti and french bread for dinner yesterday.  We will have leftovers today.  I am also going to make a crockpot sweet potato and pork stew on Tuesday and that should last at least 2 days.  Then I will do a chicken curry and rice.  Okay menu for the week is done.

     Hubby lost his cell phone while raking leave this last weekend.  It was very old and we can renew for nothing but I do not know if they are open today!

     Well I am off to the races, see if you can pass me!


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Saturday, planned on posting yesterday and then....

- 576.07 personal
-52.11 studio

     My oh my, do you ever have a day where you feel you get nothing done?  I was up early yesterday because I had customers coming in, I also needed to get a few things done in the shop.  I had a hair appointment at 10:30 and it was long over due.  I have touched up my roots since June and the grow out underneath was about 2.5 inches.  I have to stay at least 4  hours to get my hair done.  I was just leaving salon and D#3 calls, "Mom, I have to work at Penneys at 5!"  So I take off and  drive like a bat out of He%^ to Moscow in the truck and I have to be back by 4 to open the studio.  The truck had just a little over empty reading on the gas gauge, but if I stopped and filled up I would be late.  I had not made any plans to drive to Moscow today.  We coasted down the hill and got to a gas station where I put 17.90 gallons in my 18 gallon tank!  Too close for comfort.

     I will have to sew today to make up for yesterday.  I have things that need to go out. I also need to rehearse at the studio for a performance this next week.  Luckily daughter #2 is in town and she knows the choreography. She just called and asked me to bring in a Pizza for the dancers as a treat.  This is a 4 hour extra schedule rehearsal, so I am glad of those free coupons.

     Our neighbor who just lost his wife is really struggling.  He wants Hubby to put up Christmas lights this year.  He has his up already.  They were always big on lights and decorations.  We had decided not to so we could save money, but if this is what Dale wants and it makes him feel better we will put up some lights.  I also sent hubby over to see if Dale and daughter want to go out to dinner tonight, I think they just need to get out.  So we will all go out for ribs later.  Again thankful for coupons!

     I am slowly getting bills paid and and my totals are changing a little.  Both to the negative but this should change daily, as work and tuition comes in.  I feel pretty positive as I was able to pay cash for my hair, and fill both cars with gas (Hubby drives next week, so this will keeps us going until Thursday) and I have $53.00 left for groceries or what ever we need this weekend.  The fridge is empty, like scary empty.

     I need to go clean up and get busy in the shop.

     Out My Window:  I hope it warms up so I can work in the yard a little this afternoon.

Have a great and productive day!

Thursday, November 8, 2012


    -$806.12 personal
     $ 47.60 studio

          Tuition is coming in slowly.  I do have a deposit to make for $1015.00, but there is still $2700.00 outstanding and it is the 8th.  So discouraging.  I will be sending out a lot of late notices.  Plus I feel like I can't take any money or pay my bills.  On a better note I do have $150.00 in cash so far in the shop.  If everything gets picked up I will have over $300.00.`  I also have $183.00 in restaurant meals so we can go out and get a pizza or a sandwich if we want to for a treat.

     It seems to me last November was when I sent the letter to parents about tuition.  I might have to do this again.  I guess it is up to the shop.  I had better get busy as I have a lot to do.

     Put the very meaty ham bone in the crock pot with onions, carrots, celery , will put split peas in before I leave for the studio.  Hubby was saying that he really enjoyed the ham.  It was pricey about $13.89 if I remember, but we had it with sweet potatoes on Sunday and then leftovers on Monday.  Tuesday we had toasted Ham and cheese with tomato soup.  Wednesday, I had a ham sandwich before I went to the studio and Hubby had ham and eggs toast for dinner.  Now I am cooking a big pot of pea soup which we will eat today and tomorrow or finish over the weekend.  Any way this has lasted us the entire week so it was a good purchase.

     I am really trying not to spend any money and just use what I have.  Hubby will drive next week so I will need to get the gas envelope full.

     Just trying to get by until I can see a break ahead in the finances.  I think I will be looking for a long time.

Out My Window:  The yard is covered with leaves and so is the deck.   I hope it is a little nice this weekend so I can work in the yard.  I have spent every weekend for the last month in the Kitchen.

D#3 just called and she aced another calculus test!  Yippee!
I'm off to storm the castle with a diet coke in my hand (that was for Judy).
Have a great and productive day!


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wednesday, stay positive!

-$806.12  personal
$47.60 studio
  The problem with elections is that someone always loses.  Many of my candidates on issues won and some lost.  It is always that way.  Do you think, I think we will turn into a dust bowl in the next 4 years?  No.  This is such a Red state and community there will be no Joy in Mudville tonight. I am going to stay positive.  It can't help anything to complain and stomp and bad mouth.  It is what it is.  Don't like it, have to live with it and I am going to live with it on a positive note as it is better for my health.

    I was able to get a budget done yesterday for the bills and I am very disappointed in what I believe my debt pay-off will be this month.  We will see but after I pay all the bills and take money out of the studio I have very little left for a lump sum pay-off.  What am I doing wrong? Well besides spending too much money I am just going to have to re think how I do this and do it much slower. Debt pay off will happen just not by Christmas.

     On a better note I have $500.00 for the house account!  So I will make the house payment with Hubby's check and my $500.00.  I also have another $100.00 to put somewhere.  I have not totaled the checks from last night, but I have many, many bills to pay and I am afraid to take any money for a few days.  I realize that I need to get money into my personal account and I will take it but I will wait until I have too.  This method keeps me sharp!  When I see that # at the top of the blog I know I do not have any extra!

    I do have so much in the shop right now so I plan to spend the day in there.  I go to the studio at 3:30 but only teach one hour tonight.  I will continue to pull and arrange costumes and get the Christmas show ready.

Out My Window:  Chickens are down to one egg a day now.  They do not have enough sunlight.  The next 12 weeks are pretty dark here.  I don't notice it so much until January.

     Have a great and productive day!


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tuesday, Get out and Vote!

     Hey get out and vote, have a say, appreciate this right that so many sacrificed for and so many  are still sacrificing for world wide.  We have the right to vote!  We can go into a church, public building, fair office, school gym and vote without harassment or harm.  If you don't understand this privilege you need to look at the world stage. What a blessing we have as American Citizens.  Our country is far from perfect but we do have the right to speak our mind and try to change things.  Go Vote!

     -806.12 personal
     $47.60 studio

     Well I was able to do payroll and get a $100.00 bill paid but nothing for me yet.  It will come in tonight and the rest of the week.  Several of you have commented and asked if I am truly overdrawn that much.  No!  I have not overdrawn. overdrawn an account in years.  But I do have a protection that is like a credit card that I pay back constantly.  I have this with my personal account.  My business has a savings account it will draw from at a small fee.  Also I have added in all the bills that pull automatically for the month, car insurance, life insurances, etc.  I did this because I want to know how much I will have to put in before the end of the month to reach status quot.  Remember I have a tendency to think I have more money than I really do!  It is becoming more apparent all the time.  I still am $200.00 short of the cash for the house payment, but trust that is will come.  One day at a time.

     Had a ton of work come into the shop yesterday. 23 hemming jobs.  I usually charge $10.00 a hem but 17 of the items were for a handicapped little girl with very short arms.  So I will charge by the hour,which will be a lot cheaper for her mom.  She has a big enough liability just trying to keep this little one clothed and clean.  Several changes of shirts a day.  How bless I am that I don't have this burden.  How blessed that mother is that she has this precious little child for a short time. Double edged sword.

     Feeling so much better.  Still have a very strong inflammatory response from the fevers that could last up to 6 weeks, but still so much better. Photo shoot went well, only need to redo one picture, so we are on line with that annual event.  Still need to make about 7 costumes and order a few more things.  6 geese and the Turtledove costumes will not fit as the dancers are much smaller this year.  Need to get on this.

     Well my desk is a mess and the shop is a disaster so I am going to get to work.

Go Vote!

Have a great and productive day!


Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday, November Budget, goals....

-785.41 personal
-11.40 studio

    Yes the old November budget, that is the budget right before the Christmas budget.  I actually need to sit down and figure this out.  I have to do payroll today and pray enough money comes into the studio to do so!
 I also need to figure out how I am going to pay all these bills with no money.  I do believe Hubby gets paid on the 8th and the 22nd of this month.

     I do have $287.00 put away for the house payment, so my main goal right now is the house payment which I plan to pay on Thursday.  I should be able to get another $200.00 into the shop by then to pay this bill.  As you can see the personal account is way over drawn.  I will need to try and make this up in the shop in the next two weeks before we go to D#1's for Thanksgiving.  I also need to get money back into the emergency fund and get money and gas for trip so I have a a lot to do!

#1 Goal :  Get enough aside for house payment!
#2 Goal: Get enough aside to cover personal checking without taking it out of studio.
#3 Goal: Replace what is owed in the emergency fund
#4 Goal: Get at least $400.00 saved to take to Thanksgiving for gas and groceries and D#3's birthday.

     This is a big list and a little scary.  When we stopped putting the cleaning money into our budget it was because I was going to be able to take $1000.00 a month out of the studio.  But last month that was not available.  Well it was but I was able to put nothing toward debt, or any extra so I felt guilty. Back to the old paying the bills off faster than I could!( resulting in more debt). Insane!  So I will start taking my salary on the 5th and the 20th. Regardless.  If I take this money and put it toward debt or savings that is okay, but I will take it.  I need it and it is there.  I just love to live in la la land and put huge chunks of money toward debt and then have nothing to live on. Or better yet let the checks go into the overdraft (which basically is a charge account) Have I learned nothing?

     So depending on how much comes into the studio today, I will write payroll and myself a check. Say tuned tomorrow to see if I really get enough to do all this.  It will be tight!

     Out My Window:  Fall is so beautiful.  The oranges, reds and yellows.  Love it just love it!

Have a great and productive day!


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sunday, swimming upstream

     Went to Spokane to the specialist on Friday, same old, same old.  I had a flu, but was told to double the dose of meds for the next two weeks.  I needed to load my body as he said.  Give your body a load dose.  Great that means $6000.00 worth of medication instead of $4000.00 My insurance company will love me.

     I had a nice time with my daughter, we had some laughs, ate junk food.  I picked up youngest in Moscow on my way home Friday night.  She has been sick in bed most of the weekend.  She did attempt to go to work Saturday but I knew they would send her home.  They  did!

     I have had a mouse in my pan cupboard for a while.  I have cleaned it and put out DeCON.  But to no avail.  So I tried again and this time I think he or it are gone.   I have two cats and it is not like we have never had a mouse before, but in the kitchen.  It is so unsanitary!  So Saturday morning I took everything out of the fridge and completely cleaned out the fridge, wiped down all the containers and walls.  Then I pulled everything out of the pan cupboards and also found mouse sign in the back of my linen drawer.  In fact they can climb from the drawer to the pan cupboard.  So all linens washed, everything sprayed with bleach AND WASHED!  New DeCON put out.  Hubby said he found so many dead mice out in the leaves around the house.  So I know they go outside to die, that is the purpose of this poison.

     Since the kitchen was tore up I decided to bake 5 pumpkin pies.  I made 8 crusts and froze 3 and then made three pumpkin and two squash pies.  I am going to give 2 away to neighbors to return some dishes to them.  My mom always said never return a dish empty.  Even if it is something in a new dish.

     The kitchen is still a mess, but I plan on putting a ham and sweet potatoes onto cook on low when I go to church, so as I am putting that together I will clean up the kitchen a little.  I think washing every pan I owned yesterday put me off doing the dishes.  Hubby worked in the yard yesterday, well actually he spent a good part sleeping and watching the ball game.  I was working like a mad fool upstairs and whenever I would go down to the storage he would apologize and make some excuse of why he wasn't outside.  He kept telling me how hard he was working and how much he was getting done.  Uh Huh, no comment.  I just ignore him.  I used to get all upset now I just go about my business and he realizes that he is getting nothing done.  If I fight with him (which is what he wants, then he can be lazy with justification) he just sits all day.  So I do what I want and ignore him.  Works like a charm.  He did accomplish something, I think he even did some trimming out front.  We have a lot of trimming and he has never trimmed before that is my job, but I cannot do it any more so everything is shaggy and over grown.

     I have a photo shoot tomorrow for the Holiday program as posters have to be out by next week.  I will set up the budget tomorrow for November and hopefully things will be better.  But I have to realize if I can pay all my bills, still save some money and put extra on debt I am doing fine.  I get great inspiration from  Sarah at Digging out of our Mess.  She just plugs along and makes these payments on her mountain, but she is making progress just look at her little graph.  I am making progress.  My problem is that I add to my debt and that frustrates me.

     Have a peaceful and restful Sabbath!


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thursday, November 1st, getting better

-300.20 personal
$108.12 studio
      November 1st!  Only 34 more days until I can open my sealed Christmas pot!  I am so excited.  I plan on getting all my Christmas for daughter, her husband, grandson and Hubby's folks at Thanksgiving.  Then I will ship mom's package and I will just have Hubby and the 2 girls.  Hope I have lots of cash!
Also need to set up a new budget, but as I have no money to pay bills I will wait, will do payroll today for a few teachers. Hopefully tuition will come in.......

     Well I woke up this morning late, but was not stuck to the pillow and my hair was not mated to my head.  I felt good.  It was weird as the last 3 days I have not been able to really get up.  I walked down stairs normally.  Not one foot at a time like I had a broken leg.  My throat is still sore but nothing like it was and my chest is a lot looser.  I just feel better.  So nice.  I did try to get home last night by 7 and get in the tub and go right to bed.  I was able to get all of the formals out yesterday and I have a pile of mending to do today.

     Last night we had the down town Trick or Treat.  Again 90 % of these people I have never seen in this small town and most of them should not have been allowed to breed.  Talk about Zombie Apocalypse.   They all were collecting candy in pillow cases for little tiny babies most of them had 3 small children  Like a 3 year old, a 2 year old and an infant.  Two very overweight parents and 5 pillow cases.  Now I realize that I do not have the right to judge, but this was not an isolated incident.  I mean almost every group was like this.  Scary because we are caring for these people,who are having children that will never have a chance.  I was telling my daughter about it and she said, "Mom 16% of every community is under the radar."  "But where do these people come from, what/ Why? are they allowed to have children?"  Answer, they know how to live under the radar, they collect a lot of services but they live in areas where most people won't with others like themselves, so they are not reported.  Eventually when those children become of school age someone will investigate, but usually they are just smart enough to stay under the radar of CPS.  Not smart enough to raise a child.  It is so pathetic and sad.  

     I did pay the housekeeper yesterday, and I put about $115.00 worth of candy on the studio cc, which I will pay off this month.  I have about $297.00 in the shop right now and more should come in today.  But I have to have at least a tank of gas to get to the doctor tomorrow, and I am still really short of any bills I will need to pay.

     Out My Window:  Definitely Fall, so beautiful.  Chickens are only laying about 2 eggs a day now.

   Well that sewing pile is not going to disappear so I had better get busy.

Have a great and productive day!


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Wednesday, Happy Holloween still have the crud.

     Dull headache, very sore throat, ears hurt.  Fever of 101.9 last night.  Still plugging along.  Our car is in the shop.  Hope it is not expensive.  I must get Halloween candy today and at least try to get the dresses for the Ball benefit done.  I really have done so little except curl up in a ball.  There is Trick or Treat at the studio, I also need candy for the house.  So I am going to drag my but out after I clean up and then try to get some sewing done.  Housekeeper comes today.  I hope I don't run a fever tonight.  I also just found out that the specialist wants to see me in Spokane on Friday morning.  I will drive up to daughters house on Thursday and she will take me in on Friday.  Another unplanned expense.  Hope they do not change my medication.
     Well as crappy as I feel it is hard to really do anything about the finances,  they will not go away I will just hang in until I feel better.   I was going to come up with this great plan of attack all involving me working hard, but I really think I will go back to bed for a while.......splat!


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tuesday, hit with the flu

-300.09 personal
$172.10 studio

    Daughter called from college with the flu, other daughter called from her house, she was home from her Dental office with the flu,  I have the flu.  My teacher at the studio had the flu so I had to crawl in there last night and teach, just would not let the kids get near me.
     I am a sweaty head ache mess.  You should have seen my hair this morning.  It is so curly and wiry and about shoulder length.  When I got up at 9:30 (yes that late) I scared the dog!  She started barking at me and I went into the bathroom and my hair was in a kinky Afro about 10 inches around my head.  So exhausted.
    So glad that everyone in the storm area is okay, but the damage!  I feel so sorry for those poor people in New York.  Just the transportation alone.   We seem to be pretty safe out here in the west but we do have horrible Forest fires.  Although if you build in the middle of the woods you need to be prepared for a fire and chances are if one comes you will lose your home.  If you build on the coast you need to be prepared to lose your home to floods and Hurricanes as they cannot be avoided.  But we have had tornadoes here not bad ones as we are isolated be the mountains and they break up.  We also have earth quakes and dams that could rupture.  You just never know.  But oh the devastation is so hard to see.
     I have plenty of work in the shop but no energy to do it,  Hubby just called and our car is leaking something and the engine light is on.  So Mysti I am taking a page out of your book.  I have only made $115.00 so far this week and I gave hubby $50.00 already for gas.  But $65.00 is not getting close to the $1100.00 I need.

     I am going to lay down that is how much I care right now.  I have to screw up my face to swallow.


Monday, October 29, 2012

Monday, horrible weekend!

Personal checking -300.09
Studio checking $172.10

     I received a phone call in August from a board of directors at a Children's Home in town.  They wanted the Irish dancers to perform at a dance Marathon for them October 27th.   It is a lot of work for me and for parents to get dancers ready with a one hour performance.   I have had to find alter and order more costumes.  Parents had to stay in town and leave soccer tournaments and Halloween parties and swim meets to get these kids ready.  We have worked for 2 straight months on their numbers.  I have not been easy on the younger ones as they had a lot to learn and perfect in very little time.  I also kept two of my young dancers one 11 and one 8 as their mother had to be out of town.  So I had to do hair and makeup in addition to all the other crap that goes with a major performance.

 It took me 2.5 hours to cut the music and make a couple master CD,s.  Anyway at 2:30 Saturday afternoon (two hours before we were to arrive at the venue)  I get a phone call from this drip that I had been dealing with for 6 weeks.  We are pulling the plug on the event because of lack of participation.  No one is here.....  No SH%% Sherlock, I told you two month's ago it was a dumb idea and you were spending way too much money on advertizing and you were very disorganized.  I had even called members of the board to warn them and they were leery but this girl is one of those all talk no do people.  I told her she had better be at the gates waiting as she was going to tell over 100 parents why the event was closing.

  Hubby told me to calm down and at least call the out of town students as it had been snowing all day on the prairies.  So we did and then I thought I had better call my 10 babies as they would really be upset to be all made up in costume and not be able to dance.  Then we formed a phone tree and called all 100 #'s.  Only 4 did not respond so I went up to the event and this drip meets me at the door and smiles and shakes my hand and say "You must be Kim"  I said yes and you had better be looking for a job Monday morning.  Was that too harsh?  So disappointing all that work and effort and now I am behind on Christmas choreography.

     I did not feel really good yesterday and I thought maybe it was just more mental strain, but last night I was running a high fever.  So miserable.  Judy you were right I have made myself sick.  I am on a Tylenol high right now.  Really achy flu, just miserable.  But B just called me from campus and she is also sick with this same bug.  So I know where I got it.  Joints are really affected.

     I just want to go to bed and stay there, but the shop phone has wrung all morning and customers are here every 10 minutes.  Lord knows I need the work.  Look at my checking account balance and I still need $500.00 to make the house payment and I will have to deduct the automatic insurance premiums if $250.00, so you can see that I must get at least $1100.00 to meet status quot.  That is possible but leaves nothing for gas and groceries.  So .how did this happen you ask?  Well remember last June when I said I was going to quit working at the cleaning contract.  We didn't stop but we did divert the money into college funds.  This is fine, but I had some savings and money coming in from other things and I was just not paying attention.  We really need that $1000.00 a month to keep our average bills paid every month.  I said I was going to take it out of the studio.  But I have not.  I have been paying off debt.  I just have to slow down.  I realize this now.  It took a couple of months for me to face reality.  I don't like it but it is what it is.

     Just got a call from my head Celtic teacher and she is very sick.  So I think we will all get this.  Hoorah!

Have a  great and productive day.  I am going to lie down......




Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday, starting to see the light and it is not pretty..

Studio: $18.09
Personal: $200.91 

  Okay, the reason I am posting so late today is that I could not make myself go balance the checking account.  Yes I was in avoidance mood.(mode)  I mean anything was a better way to spend my time that at my desk figuring out the balance after Hubby's pay last night.  See now bad I am?  I mean I did laundry, alphabetized the spices, had my nails done,  you know necessary  things, that would naturally keep you from an important have too task.

     What did I figure out you ask?  That I am $200.00 short of the tithing check!  Also next Thursday is the 1st of November for those of you who have been sleeping.  I will need $500.00 saved for my house payment and $243.00 for insurance premiums that will go out by the 5th.  So if I had not balanced  I would have just written the tithing check, the money for the insurance would have come out on the 5th and by the time I paid the house payment I would have been close to $900.00 into the overdraft account.  Which is why I cannot get ahead! So now that I know, what am I going to do?

     Well, I have $3.00 in my wallet and I will have hopefully about $100.00 in the shop by this evening, but I need milk, dog food, cat food, laundry soap, gas for the car.  Misc. groceries.  So that will be spent.  The fact of matter is I will not be putting any money back into my emergency fund until about mid November if then.  I have to live on my new realistic budget.

    I know, I will get there but Kim paying off debt in her head is so much faster and amazing.  Where did I put my cape?  I know if I were wearing a cape this would be easier.

     I also really sprained my ankle last night in my first hour of teaching.  Right when I rolled it I knew it wasn't going to be good.  By 7:30 it was throbbing and my shoe was very tight.  When I got home  it had already started to turn purple.  It is the top of my foot into the ankle.  Not so much the ankle as the tarsus bones above my smaller toes.  Boy does it hurt!  It was hard to sleep last night.  I am limping, but as least I don't have to teach for the next three days.  I do have a big performance tomorrow but I can limp on stage and introduce the kids.

      My prayers go out for all of you in the eye of the storm system on the coast.  Good luck, hunker down, I am so sorry to see you go through this again.

   Out My Window: Rainy, cold was going to work in the yard but foot is too sore:)

I have a ton of sewing to do and as I am officially $950.00 in the hole right now I had better get busy.
&^%$# budget.  &^%$# facing reality..... going to look for my cape.....

Have a great and productive day!


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thursday, taking advice!

     Studio account:  $18.09
     Personal account: $-72.12

     As you can see I updated the  the studio account.  Hey I did this for 2 days maybe in 3 weeks I will have a habit!  Anyway I am going to take the advice of "Onefamily oneincome".  She suggested as my income can fluctuated so much that I was running into a trap that had affected her when they were self employed.  When you are trying to pay off debt and you have a good month you put a large sum of money toward debt and then the next month nothing or you are borrowing the money back to make ends meet.  This is a very familiar scenario.

    She suggested putting the extra funds in a slush account or a savings that is just to pay off debt and then when I have accrued enough and have a leeway of a few hundred dollars I would pay off the next debt.  I realize we will pay a little more interest, but none of my debts has a high interest. The confusion, disappointment and feelings of deflation are taking their tole.  Because getting out of debt and making progress is a very emotional journey for me.  Money is emotional and when I go backwards it is tied to my emotions.  So I pay a little more interest.  Not as emotionally distressing as feeling like I am regressing.  I am going to try this.  Why should I put all my dirty linen out on this blog and not take the advice for which I am so desperately asking?  So......

     So yesterday I rec'd our cleaning check and it went into the college savings.  Balance is $807.00.  I put $1000.00 into the slush fund and should be adding about $600.00 more in the next week in late tuition. (yes can you believe that)  Hubby gets paid today and I will pay the car payment and the tithing and then I will have $200.00 extra dollars to put back into the emergency fund.  I also have $200.00 in cash here in the shop that I took in to put back in the emergency fund.   I know I will get more money in before the weekend but I will need gas and grocery money at least $150.00.  It is so easy for me to put everything in savings and then start writing checks because I feel so good about myself  and then when I pull my head out I am $850.00 into debt to the overdraft protection account!  Well not this time.

     Does anyone think I am getting any better at this?  Because I fell like I am floundering.

Out My Window:  Rainy, cool, chickens are slowing down on laying eggs because they are getting older and the days are so much shorter.  It has snowed in the woods everyday this week.

     Well off to the shower and then to the machine.  This is my longest day.  I teach from 3-7:30, but I don't have to clean tonight, hooray!

Have a great and productive day!


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wednesday, taking stock

    Studio Checking: $82.09
    Personal: -74.12

 Still in shock here, but getting better. Thanks for talking me of the ledge.  My sister told me to remember several years ago when I would write down the bills and not be able to pay all of them and then would still have to buy gas and groceries.  It was years and years of this before I actually decided I would work for a living instead of giving my time away. Just getting to a point where I could pay my bills on time and still have some left over was a miracle.

     I have paid out many many $100 and $200  expenses this month that I will not have next month.  This led to at least $1000.00 of my difference in what I thought I would have.  But I really need to go back to the days when I had no money, as I would take better care not to be so generous and frivolous.

     Last night on the way home from cleaning Hubby wants to stop for plastic lunch sacks.  He had forgotten that we needed them.  He packs a lunch it is his responsibility to remember.  He did not put them in the cart Monday night.  So now he wants to stop.  I said you have to have the cash and I am not going into the store.  You should have done this yourself earlier.  I refuse to gas his car and buy his lunch things unless it is at my convenience and I am at the store.  No special trips because he refuses to take care of himself.  (or me for that matter).  So he checks his wallet and he still has the $70.00 I gave him when he was in Gettysburg.  Giving that man money is like giving it to a vault.  I did not go into the store as I was afraid I would see something I need. 

     I also left hubby a note that one of the bedroom windows was open and I could not get it shut.  I had turned on the heat.  It also rained very hard yesterday for the first time all summer.  We have a drain pipe next to the house that has been disconnected.  This happens when someone trips over it or hits is with a mower. (I wonder who?) If I disconnect it I stop and hook it back up, but whoever had done it in early JUNE  had stepped and crushed the end so it could not be hooked back up.  I have been nagging to have this fixed now for 4 months, but we have had no rain so it is not a crisis just an eyesore and an aggravation.  I went out yesterday and saw a big pool of water next to the house this will eventually lead to flooding.  So I left a another nasty note next to the home made stew in a crockpot( thanks Judy), about how I never asked hubby to do anything I could not do myself.  If I could physically do it I would, but I can't.  It is finally fixed.:)

     I did get some major sewing done yesterday and have 2 dress fittings this morning, so I had better get busy.  Like maybe I should get dressed!

Have a great and productive day!
